The Francis of the Media and the Real Francis


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
ROME, May 15, 2015 – When it comes to Pope Francis, there are now two of these who are ever more distant from each other: the Francis of the media and the real one.

The first is exceedingly well-known and has been making the news since his first appearance on the loggia of the basilica of Saint Peter’s.

It is the narrative of the pope who revolutionizes the Church, who lays down the keys of binding and loosing, who does not condemn but only forgives, or rather who does not even judge any more, who washes the feet of the female Muslim inmate and the transexual, who abandons the palace to plunge into the peripheries, who opens the workshop on everything, on the divorced and remarried as on the Vatican’s finances, who closes the checkpoints of dogma and throws open the doors of mercy. A pope who is a friend of the world, who is already being praised for his upcoming encyclical on “sustainable development” even before seeing what will be written there.

In effect there is a great deal, in the words and actions of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, that lends itself to this narrative.

....The old curia, justly or unjustly so execrated, is still there and completely intact. Nothing has been dismantled or replaced. The new developments are all additions: more dicasteries, more offices, more expenses. The career diplomats, whom Vatican Council II was almost about to abolish, are more firmly in power than ever, even where one would expect to find “pastors”: like at the head of the synod of bishops or the congregation for the clergy. Not to mention the “inner circle” in direct contact with the pope, with no definite roles but highly influential and with deep-reaching impact in the media.

...The distance between the reality and the image propagated by the media is a constant of the recent life of the Church. Vatican Council II is a macroscopic example of this, as explained by Benedict XVI in one of his last speeches as pope:

> The War of the Two Councils: The True and the False (15.2.2013)

The Francis of the Media and the Real Francis

When it is all said and done, he is just a repetition with excellent PR
Should that really surprise anyone, this is the organization that took the harlot Mary christ figure and lifted high his mother that harlot who cheated on Joseph with the Roman soldier named Pantheras and made her that imaculate virgin image to hide her blemish. (hence called the harlot church.)

Then even though Christians admit Mary is created that sinless image by the RCC the organization still manages to pull the same stunt on them with the sinless idol Jesus without objection or common sense the whitewashed PR works on the 1/3 Deceived in the fallen imposter messiah Luciferous Jesus as they said it would all along.

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