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The Future Past...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
It has become blatantly obvious that the Right Wing Zionist Neo-Cons were totally wrong about the Arab Spring they favored and Fathered. Their regime change philosophies to help Israel have made Israel more vulnerable as ever…

Case in point: Every country in the ME that has been liberated from their Dictators, are now ruled by Islamists…Syria and Jordan will go the same route…So will the Gulf States…

If Israel does not make peace before the dust settles, the War of attrition will go into high speed.

By Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli tanks fired into Syria on Tuesday after shots were fired at troops in the occupied Golan Heights, a military spokeswoman said, in a further spillover of the Syrian civil war.

Israeli troops return fire into Syria

"Shots were fired at an IDF (Israel Defence Forces) patrol on the border. No injuries or damage was caused. In response, IDF forces returned precise fire at the source and reported a direct hit," the spokeswoman said.

The U.N. Security Council voiced concern last week about the increasing spillover into the Golan Heights of the civil war being fought between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebels trying to topple him.

Earlier on Tuesday a mortar shell fired during fighting between Syrian forces and rebels landed in the Israeli-controlled territory of the Golan Heights, military sources said.

It was unclear whether the gunfire or the shell were deliberately aimed at Israeli forces and the spokeswoman said it was not known whether they were fired by Assad's forces or the rebels.

The shell landed in an open area near an Israeli settlement and caused no injuries, a military source said.

Shells have fallen several times inside Israeli-controlled territory and some incidents have drawn Israeli return fire.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in a 1967 war and annexed the strategic plateau in 1981 in a move that has not won international recognition. U.N. peacekeepers monitor the ceasefire line.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calls for regime change in Iraq during Clinton years
The goal of regime change in Iraq remained the consistent position of PNAC throughout the 1997-2000 Iraq disarmament crisis.[6][7]
Richard Perle, who later became a core member of PNAC, was involved in similar activities to those pursued by PNAC after its formal organization. For instance, in 1996 Perle composed a report that proposed regime changes in order to restructure power in the Middle East. The report was titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm and called for removing Saddam Hussein from power, as well as other ideas to bring change to the region. The report was delivered to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[8] Two years later, in 1998, Perle and other core members of the PNAC - Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams, and John Bolton - "were among the signatories of a letter to President Clinton calling for the removal of Hussein."[8] Clinton did seek regime change in Iraq, and this position was sanctioned by the United Nations. These UN sanctions were considered ineffective by the neoconservative forces driving the PNAC.
The PNAC core members followed up these early efforts with a letter to Republican members of the U.S. Congress Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott,[9] urging Congress to act. The PNAC also supported the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (H.R.4655), which President Clinton had signed into law.[10]
So you're trying to say the Arab countries are going to attack and conquer Israel ???

So you're trying to say the Arab countries are going to attack and conquer Israel ???


Who knows, from past history, my guess is small wars and incidents to keep up the pressure, like a slow boil.

Wars of attrition are like the Cold War between America and Russia, Toast…However in the end the result is the same, Economic collapse, because the cost of vigilance keeps rising as a percentage of the GNP, and with the combined Economies of Israel’s adversaries will be much greater than Israel’s if it already isn’t.
"Israel more vulnerable as ever…"

"Case in point: Every country in the ME that has been liberated from their Dictators, are now ruled by Islamists……"



well, i don't know how else to express myself, and process this....
There's a few flaws with that 'theory', Phil - not the least of which is the pathetic track record of Islamist regimes in growing their economies.

In fat, the likelihood is that the GNP's of the nations surrounding Israel will *shrink* as they emphasize religious zeal over other education, etc. And of course by locking women out of management positions and the work force in general, they will severely restrict their potential to do anything but breed lots of jihadi cannon fodder.
AIDS due to the HIV virus was first described in
1981----by the end of that decade----the INEVITABLE
PREDICTION was that by the year 2000----the population
of New York City would be WIPED OUT
So you're trying to say the Arab countries are going to attack and conquer Israel ???


Who knows, from past history, my guess is small wars and incidents to keep up the pressure, like a slow boil.

Wars of attrition are like the Cold War between America and Russia, Toast…However in the end the result is the same, Economic collapse, because the cost of vigilance keeps rising as a percentage of the GNP, and with the combined Economies of Israel’s adversaries will be much greater than Israel’s if it already isn’t.

Did you forget the part where Israels economy is booming, even with Arab sanctions lol
I knew this was another Israel will be destroyed thread
So you're trying to say the Arab countries are going to attack and conquer Israel ???


Who knows, from past history, my guess is small wars and incidents to keep up the pressure, like a slow boil.

Wars of attrition are like the Cold War between America and Russia, Toast…However in the end the result is the same, Economic collapse, because the cost of vigilance keeps rising as a percentage of the GNP, and with the combined Economies of Israel’s adversaries will be much greater than Israel’s if it already isn’t.

Did you forget the part where Israels economy is booming, even with Arab sanctions lol
I knew this was another Israel will be destroyed thread

Toast, you are shortsighted. The history of the ME has been waiting out all invaders and keeping up the pressure while not engaging the enemy directly…Hamas’ game is a good example along with Hezbollah’s…The UN has approved a Palestinian State to the pre-67 borders. If peace is not made, Sanctions by the UN will follow, and again, When you count Islam’s GNP to Israel’s I think you are incorrect…and though an other poster claims that the surrounding Israel’s neighbor’s speculations of the GNP going downwards, which is doubtful, the percentage of that GNP will increase because the Dictators won’t be pocketing it. Besides Israel’s greatest threats don’t abut her, and the Oil States great wealth will too be controlled by Islamists.

Eight or nine years ago, I posted an essay you probably have read, called Israel’s War, in which I postulated: That If they kill Saddam and bin Laden they will create Sunni Martyrs and their followers will grow…

I may be right?
Last edited:
Wow you really are a clueless douche bag. No wonder you pick a profession that you suck at.

First, Arab dictators were in power in '48, '52, '67, '76, '82 and '04 when Arab armies attacked with the goal of killing every Jew they could. Second, the Arab Spring installed Islamist dictators. They are no different. Third, Jews didn't orchestrate or cheer on the Arab Spring. Murbarak wasn't a good friend to the Jews, but he was the best the Jews could hope for. Lastly, the good thing about the Arab Spring is they are not making these countries more prosperous and stronger, they are making them poorer and weaker!

God speed to AAAASSSSSad. He will be victorious on the bodies of 1 mil dead muslims!

It has become blatantly obvious that the Right Wing Zionist Neo-Cons were totally wrong about the Arab Spring they favored and Fathered. Their regime change philosophies to help Israel have made Israel more vulnerable as ever…

Case in point: Every country in the ME that has been liberated from their Dictators, are now ruled by Islamists…Syria and Jordan will go the same route…So will the Gulf States…

If Israel does not make peace before the dust settles, the War of attrition will go into high speed.

By Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli tanks fired into Syria on Tuesday after shots were fired at troops in the occupied Golan Heights, a military spokeswoman said, in a further spillover of the Syrian civil war.

Israeli troops return fire into Syria

"Shots were fired at an IDF (Israel Defence Forces) patrol on the border. No injuries or damage was caused. In response, IDF forces returned precise fire at the source and reported a direct hit," the spokeswoman said.

The U.N. Security Council voiced concern last week about the increasing spillover into the Golan Heights of the civil war being fought between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebels trying to topple him.

Earlier on Tuesday a mortar shell fired during fighting between Syrian forces and rebels landed in the Israeli-controlled territory of the Golan Heights, military sources said.

It was unclear whether the gunfire or the shell were deliberately aimed at Israeli forces and the spokeswoman said it was not known whether they were fired by Assad's forces or the rebels.

The shell landed in an open area near an Israeli settlement and caused no injuries, a military source said.

Shells have fallen several times inside Israeli-controlled territory and some incidents have drawn Israeli return fire.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in a 1967 war and annexed the strategic plateau in 1981 in a move that has not won international recognition. U.N. peacekeepers monitor the ceasefire line.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calls for regime change in Iraq during Clinton years
The goal of regime change in Iraq remained the consistent position of PNAC throughout the 1997-2000 Iraq disarmament crisis.[6][7]
Richard Perle, who later became a core member of PNAC, was involved in similar activities to those pursued by PNAC after its formal organization. For instance, in 1996 Perle composed a report that proposed regime changes in order to restructure power in the Middle East. The report was titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm and called for removing Saddam Hussein from power, as well as other ideas to bring change to the region. The report was delivered to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[8] Two years later, in 1998, Perle and other core members of the PNAC - Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams, and John Bolton - "were among the signatories of a letter to President Clinton calling for the removal of Hussein."[8] Clinton did seek regime change in Iraq, and this position was sanctioned by the United Nations. These UN sanctions were considered ineffective by the neoconservative forces driving the PNAC.
The PNAC core members followed up these early efforts with a letter to Republican members of the U.S. Congress Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott,[9] urging Congress to act. The PNAC also supported the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (H.R.4655), which President Clinton had signed into law.[10]
"Case in point: Every country in the ME that has been liberated from their Dictators, are now ruled by Islamists……"

"Lastly, the good thing about the Arab Spring is they are not making these countries more prosperous and stronger, they are making them poorer and weaker!" (i.e., the islamists - rebels).

i'm sorry....i'm just under the ASSumption that:


and him...

were......."islamist-dictators" (regardless of how they... "dictated").

sorry, i'll go quietly.....

Wow you really are a clueless douche bag. No wonder you pick a profession that you suck at.

First, Arab dictators were in power in '48, '52, '67, '76, '82 and '04 when Arab armies attacked with the goal of killing every Jew they could. Second, the Arab Spring installed Islamist dictators. They are no different. Third, Jews didn't orchestrate or cheer on the Arab Spring. Murbarak wasn't a good friend to the Jews, but he was the best the Jews could hope for. Lastly, the good thing about the Arab Spring is they are not making these countries more prosperous and stronger, they are making them poorer and weaker!

God speed to AAAASSSSSad. He will be victorious on the bodies of 1 mil dead muslims!

It has become blatantly obvious that the Right Wing Zionist Neo-Cons were totally wrong about the Arab Spring they favored and Fathered. Their regime change philosophies to help Israel have made Israel more vulnerable as ever…

Case in point: Every country in the ME that has been liberated from their Dictators, are now ruled by Islamists…Syria and Jordan will go the same route…So will the Gulf States…

If Israel does not make peace before the dust settles, the War of attrition will go into high speed.

By Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli tanks fired into Syria on Tuesday after shots were fired at troops in the occupied Golan Heights, a military spokeswoman said, in a further spillover of the Syrian civil war.

Israeli troops return fire into Syria

"Shots were fired at an IDF (Israel Defence Forces) patrol on the border. No injuries or damage was caused. In response, IDF forces returned precise fire at the source and reported a direct hit," the spokeswoman said.

The U.N. Security Council voiced concern last week about the increasing spillover into the Golan Heights of the civil war being fought between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebels trying to topple him.

Earlier on Tuesday a mortar shell fired during fighting between Syrian forces and rebels landed in the Israeli-controlled territory of the Golan Heights, military sources said.

It was unclear whether the gunfire or the shell were deliberately aimed at Israeli forces and the spokeswoman said it was not known whether they were fired by Assad's forces or the rebels.

The shell landed in an open area near an Israeli settlement and caused no injuries, a military source said.

Shells have fallen several times inside Israeli-controlled territory and some incidents have drawn Israeli return fire.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in a 1967 war and annexed the strategic plateau in 1981 in a move that has not won international recognition. U.N. peacekeepers monitor the ceasefire line.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calls for regime change in Iraq during Clinton years
The goal of regime change in Iraq remained the consistent position of PNAC throughout the 1997-2000 Iraq disarmament crisis.[6][7]
Richard Perle, who later became a core member of PNAC, was involved in similar activities to those pursued by PNAC after its formal organization. For instance, in 1996 Perle composed a report that proposed regime changes in order to restructure power in the Middle East. The report was titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm and called for removing Saddam Hussein from power, as well as other ideas to bring change to the region. The report was delivered to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[8] Two years later, in 1998, Perle and other core members of the PNAC - Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams, and John Bolton - "were among the signatories of a letter to President Clinton calling for the removal of Hussein."[8] Clinton did seek regime change in Iraq, and this position was sanctioned by the United Nations. These UN sanctions were considered ineffective by the neoconservative forces driving the PNAC.
The PNAC core members followed up these early efforts with a letter to Republican members of the U.S. Congress Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott,[9] urging Congress to act. The PNAC also supported the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (H.R.4655), which President Clinton had signed into law.[10]

You know what's funnier than a pro - Palestinian??

a pro Palestinian who has no clue what he's talking about
There's a few flaws with that 'theory', Phil - not the least of which is the pathetic track record of Islamist regimes in growing their economies.

In fat, the likelihood is that the GNP's of the nations surrounding Israel will *shrink* as they emphasize religious zeal over other education, etc. And of course by locking women out of management positions and the work force in general, they will severely restrict their potential to do anything but breed lots of jihadi cannon fodder.
Islamist parasitic regimes are like a cancer on their host countries and their populations, if not the world.
Wow you really are a clueless douche bag. No wonder you pick a profession that you suck at.

First, Arab dictators were in power in '48, '52, '67, '76, '82 and '04 when Arab armies attacked with the goal of killing every Jew they could. Second, the Arab Spring installed Islamist dictators. They are no different. Third, Jews didn't orchestrate or cheer on the Arab Spring. Murbarak wasn't a good friend to the Jews, but he was the best the Jews could hope for. Lastly, the good thing about the Arab Spring is they are not making these countries more prosperous and stronger, they are making them poorer and weaker!

God speed to AAAASSSSSad. He will be victorious on the bodies of 1 mil dead muslims!

It has become blatantly obvious that the Right Wing Zionist Neo-Cons were totally wrong about the Arab Spring they favored and Fathered. Their regime change philosophies to help Israel have made Israel more vulnerable as ever…

Case in point: Every country in the ME that has been liberated from their Dictators, are now ruled by Islamists…Syria and Jordan will go the same route…So will the Gulf States…

If Israel does not make peace before the dust settles, the War of attrition will go into high speed.

By Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli tanks fired into Syria on Tuesday after shots were fired at troops in the occupied Golan Heights, a military spokeswoman said, in a further spillover of the Syrian civil war.

Israeli troops return fire into Syria

"Shots were fired at an IDF (Israel Defence Forces) patrol on the border. No injuries or damage was caused. In response, IDF forces returned precise fire at the source and reported a direct hit," the spokeswoman said.

The U.N. Security Council voiced concern last week about the increasing spillover into the Golan Heights of the civil war being fought between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebels trying to topple him.

Earlier on Tuesday a mortar shell fired during fighting between Syrian forces and rebels landed in the Israeli-controlled territory of the Golan Heights, military sources said.

It was unclear whether the gunfire or the shell were deliberately aimed at Israeli forces and the spokeswoman said it was not known whether they were fired by Assad's forces or the rebels.

The shell landed in an open area near an Israeli settlement and caused no injuries, a military source said.

Shells have fallen several times inside Israeli-controlled territory and some incidents have drawn Israeli return fire.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in a 1967 war and annexed the strategic plateau in 1981 in a move that has not won international recognition. U.N. peacekeepers monitor the ceasefire line.

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calls for regime change in Iraq during Clinton years
The goal of regime change in Iraq remained the consistent position of PNAC throughout the 1997-2000 Iraq disarmament crisis.[6][7]
Richard Perle, who later became a core member of PNAC, was involved in similar activities to those pursued by PNAC after its formal organization. For instance, in 1996 Perle composed a report that proposed regime changes in order to restructure power in the Middle East. The report was titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm and called for removing Saddam Hussein from power, as well as other ideas to bring change to the region. The report was delivered to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[8] Two years later, in 1998, Perle and other core members of the PNAC - Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams, and John Bolton - "were among the signatories of a letter to President Clinton calling for the removal of Hussein."[8] Clinton did seek regime change in Iraq, and this position was sanctioned by the United Nations. These UN sanctions were considered ineffective by the neoconservative forces driving the PNAC.
The PNAC core members followed up these early efforts with a letter to Republican members of the U.S. Congress Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott,[9] urging Congress to act. The PNAC also supported the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (H.R.4655), which President Clinton had signed into law.[10]

You know what's funnier than a pro - Palestinian??

a pro Palestinian who has no clue what he's talking about
I thought a "pro Palestinian" and "has no clue what he's talking about", were redundant.
There's a few flaws with that 'theory', Phil - not the least of which is the pathetic track record of Islamist regimes in growing their economies.

In fat, the likelihood is that the GNP's of the nations surrounding Israel will *shrink* as they emphasize religious zeal over other education, etc. And of course by locking women out of management positions and the work force in general, they will severely restrict their potential to do anything but breed lots of jihadi cannon fodder.
Islamist parasitic regimes are like a cancer on their host countries and their populations, if not the world.
That's an accurate and true statement,Roudy. Here is the breakdown of the damage Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Peaceful religion? In a pigs eye.

From Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components. Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.


There's a few flaws with that 'theory', Phil - not the least of which is the pathetic track record of Islamist regimes in growing their economies.

In fat, the likelihood is that the GNP's of the nations surrounding Israel will *shrink* as they emphasize religious zeal over other education, etc. And of course by locking women out of management positions and the work force in general, they will severely restrict their potential to do anything but breed lots of jihadi cannon fodder.
Islamist parasitic regimes are like a cancer on their host countries and their populations, if not the world.
That's an accurate and true statement,Roudy. Here is the breakdown of the damage Islam is doing to the rest of the world. Peaceful religion? In a pigs eye.

From Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components. Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.


BIK just proved to the world that he could never grasp math. Sorry, Bob.

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