The Gaslighting Begins After Mark Milley's Treasonous Actions Are Revealed

What's really crazy is thinking he prevented a war with China. Really crazy.

If a war with China wasn't in the offing, what are you guys so upset about.

Let's review what happened here. The Chinese looked at Trump's erratic behavior in the last few months and started panicking that he might try to launch an attack....

Milley called up his counterpart and said, "Look, guy, you have sattelites and sensors, you would know if we launched an attack".
If a war with China wasn't in the offing, what are you guys so upset about.

Let's review what happened here. The Chinese looked at Trump's erratic behavior in the last few months and started panicking that he might try to launch an attack....

Milley called up his counterpart and said, "Look, guy, you have sattelites and sensors, you would know if we launched an attack".
The general doesn't have the authority to undercut the president that way. That's the bottom line, and you know very well that any general doing that to Quid Pro would have you clutching your pearls, screeching about "TREASON".
The general doesn't have the authority to undercut the president that way. That's the bottom line, and you know very well that any general doing that to Quid Pro would have you clutching your pearls, screeching about "TREASON".

By that logic, the German officers like von Staufenburg who tried to overthrow Hitler were guilty of "Treason". Schindler was guilty of "Treason".

Let's get real here, if Trump wasn't trying to start a war with China, then Milley wasn't undercutting him. If Trump was trying to start a war with China, Milley is a NATIONAL HERO!!!!!
By that logic, the German officers like von Staufenburg who tried to overthrow Hitler were guilty of "Treason". Schindler was guilty of "Treason".

Let's get real here, if Trump wasn't trying to start a war with China, then Milley wasn't undercutting him. If Trump was trying to start a war with China, Milley is a NATIONAL HERO!!!!!
1. It's glaringly obvious that you would have a hissy fit if a general did this to Quid Pro Joe. Don't even pretend you wouldn't.
2. It's glaringly obvious that TRUMP! had no intention of starting a shooting war with China. That's stupid to even think. In fact, he was the first president since Carter to initiate no new hostilities.
3. Was Milley acting under the auspices of the State Department and thus acting as TRUMP!'s proxy? If not, then he was undercutting the president's authority to conduct foreign policy and should face consequences for doing so.
4. Was Milley acting at TRUMP!'s command to assure the Chinese military that we would notify them before we attacked them? If not, then he was undercutting the president's authority to conduct foreign policy and should face consequences for doing so.

There really is no way around this, the general (assuming what we've been hearing is all true) exceeded his authority, and the military has policies and procedures to deal with things like that. He cannot be trusted to remain in the chain of command.
1. It's glaringly obvious that you would have a hissy fit if a general did this to Quid Pro Joe. Don't even pretend you wouldn't.

It would entirely depend on the circumstances, wouldn't it? Biden isn't a crazy person who was openly trying to undermine the constitution like Trump was.

2. It's glaringly obvious that TRUMP! had no intention of starting a shooting war with China. That's stupid to even think. In fact, he was the first president since Carter to initiate no new hostilities.

Actually, what I saw in the last four years is that Trump was capable of anything. This is a guy who nearly started a war with Iran by assassinating an Iranian official. If he didn't start a war, it wasn't for a lack of trying.

3. Was Milley acting under the auspices of the State Department and thus acting as TRUMP!'s proxy? If not, then he was undercutting the president's authority to conduct foreign policy and should face consequences for doing so.

Again, our military leaders communicate with their Russian and Chinese counterparts and have for decades. There's really nothing to see here.

4. Was Milley acting at TRUMP!'s command to assure the Chinese military that we would notify them before we attacked them? If not, then he was undercutting the president's authority to conduct foreign policy and should face consequences for doing so.
Again, you guys seem terribly upset that Milley prevented Trump from starting a war... this is what a cult looks like, people.

There really is no way around this, the general (assuming what we've been hearing is all true) exceeded his authority, and the military has policies and procedures to deal with things like that. He cannot be trusted to remain in the chain of command.

Actually, what he did was just fine... The real failure is someone as unfit for office as Trump was forced this situation.
It would entirely depend on the circumstances, wouldn't it? Biden isn't a crazy person who was openly trying to undermine the constitution like Trump was.

Actually, what I saw in the last four years is that Trump was capable of anything. This is a guy who nearly started a war with Iran by assassinating an Iranian official. If he didn't start a war, it wasn't for a lack of trying.

Again, our military leaders communicate with their Russian and Chinese counterparts and have for decades. There's really nothing to see here.

Again, you guys seem terribly upset that Milley prevented Trump from starting a war... this is what a cult looks like, people.

Actually, what he did was just fine... The real failure is someone as unfit for office as Trump was forced this situation.
1. No, it would not depend on the circumstances. You would be livid if a general undercut Quid Pro like that.
2. There is no way TRUMP! was anywhere close to a shooting war with China. Orange Man Bad proves absolutely nothing, and we saw for four years that he didn't start any new hostilities, something no president since Carter has done.
3. Our military leaders have no authority to assure a foreign power behind the president's back that we will notify them before attacking. That is ludicrous to believe.
4. Milley didn't prevent anything because there was nothing to prevent. He cannot be trusted in the chain of command.
5. Quid Pro is unfit for office, that's becoming abundantly clear. TRUMP! forced no situation at all, as he was nowhere near attacking China. That would be something a democrat would be dumb enough to do.
You are just kind of repeating yourself, so I'm not going to waste a lot of time... but this one.

3. Our military leaders have no authority to assure a foreign power behind the president's back that we will notify them before attacking. That is ludicrous to believe.

Actually, it's not what Milley said, what Milley said was that we wouldn't be able to launch a sneak attack without the Chinese knowing, and he was right. Calm down, we aren't going to attack you, let's not get into a shooting war because some pilot has an itchy trigger finger. This is actually a good thing.

If you had told me in December that Trump would instigate an armed assault on the capitol, I probably would have called you crazy.

But that's exactly what he did, isn't it?
You are just kind of repeating yourself, so I'm not going to waste a lot of time... but this one.

Actually, it's not what Milley said, what Milley said was that we wouldn't be able to launch a sneak attack without the Chinese knowing, and he was right. Calm down, we aren't going to attack you, let's not get into a shooting war because some pilot has an itchy trigger finger. This is actually a good thing.

If you had told me in December that Trump would instigate an armed assault on the capitol, I probably would have called you crazy.

But that's exactly what he did, isn't it?
No, a mob of Trump supporters just happened to storm the capitol while Trump was screaming about stolen elections and marching down on the Capitol...

Okay, live in your fantasy, world, buddy.
The fact that they started the riot while he was still talking kind of destroys the whole narrative, but hey, Orange Man Bad, right? Just be sure to let us know when someone is charged with insurrection or sedition. You know, something like that.
The fact that they started the riot while he was still talking kind of destroys the whole narrative, but hey, Orange Man Bad, right? Just be sure to let us know when someone is charged with insurrection or sedition. You know, something like that.

No, it really doesn't. But you guys keep living in your fantasy world where Trump's actions on January 6th were okay... and Milley was a bad man for stopping World War III.
Milley doesn't understand what America is. He belongs in jail, not in politics. This country would have never existed if we depended on assholes like Milley in the Revolutionary War.
Milley doesn't understand what America is. He belongs in jail, not in politics. This country would have never existed if we depended on assholes like Milley in the Revolutionary War.

In the Revolutionary War, opposing Generals communicated with each other all the time...

I would hope this is something we would do in peacetime to actually avoid a war.

Again, this is the level of Bleach-Drinking Crazy of the Trump Cult. They are disappointed that Milley prevented Trump from Staring World War III with China.
In the Revolutionary War, opposing Generals communicated with each other all the time...

I would hope this is something we would do in peacetime to actually avoid a war.

Again, this is the level of Bleach-Drinking Crazy of the Trump Cult. They are disappointed that Milley prevented Trump from Staring World War III with China.
You become just another spin monkey and lose all credibility when you say "Bleach drinking crazies".
No, it really doesn't. But you guys keep living in your fantasy world where Trump's actions on January 6th were okay... and Milley was a bad man for stopping World War III.
Keep pretending Milley stopped something.
If Trump wasn't going to start something, then there was nothing wrong with what Milley did.
He wasn't authorized to conduct foreign policy without the president's knowledge or permission. Remember when your ilk got all upset that Rudy G contacted a foreign leader?

And, since TRUMP! had no intention of starting a shooting war with China, Milley was WAAAAY out of line to do what he's accused of doing.
He wasn't authorized to conduct foreign policy without the president's knowledge or permission. Remember when your ilk got all upset that Rudy G contacted a foreign leader?

And, since TRUMP! had no intention of starting a shooting war with China, Milley was WAAAAY out of line to do what he's accused of doing.

Rudy wasn't in charge of anything. Milley was in charge of the armed forces talking to a guy who was in charge of someone else's armed forces.

If Trump had no intention of starting a war with China, then Milley assuring the Chinese that we weren't going to attack them doesn't seem that far out of line.

Of course, Trump really looked like he was getting ready to attempt a coup, firing top officials, inciting riots, so the Chinese maybe had a legitimate reason to be concerned.

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