The Gatekeepers


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
I just saw this documentary last night. Incredibly interesting. Has anyone else seen it? If so, what do you think?
Those involved with Shin Bet (all Israelis), including ex-chiefs, discuss what that organization did and what their thoughts are about Israel's current situation.
ohhh ohhh that one which was oscar nominated right?didnt see it yet.

Honestly speaking, these two movies dont have the best reputation here. But I will gladly watch it given the chance
ohhh ohhh that one which was oscar nominated right?didnt see it yet.

Honestly speaking, these two movies dont have the best reputation here. But I will gladly watch it given the chance

You should be able to see on ARTE/Internet, but it's in French or German.
ohhh ohhh that one which was oscar nominated right?didnt see it yet.

Honestly speaking, these two movies dont have the best reputation here. But I will gladly watch it given the chance

You should be able to see on ARTE/Internet, but it's in French or German.

A lot of their voices are in Hebrew, if that helps.
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The leaders of this Israeli intelligence service point out how damaging that nation's policies have been to their country's position and future.
there4eyeM, et al,

Exactly! Both sides have exhibited bad judgment and poor leadership. Both sides have dirty hands. Neither side can claim to be in the "right."

As the documentary says: "There is no black or white, just varying shades of gray." (Something to that effect.)

The leaders of this Israeli intelligence service point out how damaging that nation's policies have been to their country's position and future.

The main point is, from an Israeli POV, the last 45 years of Occupation have not worked. No one is benefiting from the Israeli strategy. The Einstein quote on Insanity applies.

The very said thing is that no one will listen and take action.

Most Respectfully,
It pretty much is a situation where everyone is wrong and most of the time the wrong things have been done.

This soul-searching from Israeli top officials is wonderfully revealing and human.
Sounds interesting - I'll check it out.

I did enjoy the book 'Vengeance' upon which the Spielbrg movie about the Munich hostage crisis was based, and this sounds a bit similar.

I admire the Shin Bet guys for their dedication and skills, but I am sure many of them also realise that the policies of oppression have not always been good for Israel at home or abroad.
Sounds interesting - I'll check it out.

I did enjoy the book 'Vengeance' upon which the Spielbrg movie about the Munich hostage crisis was based, and this sounds a bit similar.

I admire the Shin Bet guys for their dedication and skills, but I am sure many of them also realise that the policies of oppression have not always been good for Israel at home or abroad.

Wait till you see 'The Gatekeepers'.

It isn't propaganda.
I heard Gatekeepers being talked about on NPR, and they interviewed some of the people involved - sounds fascinating - I'm going to rent it when it comes out in dvd :)
Sounds interesting - I'll check it out.

I did enjoy the book 'Vengeance' upon which the Spielbrg movie about the Munich hostage crisis was based, and this sounds a bit similar.

I admire the Shin Bet guys for their dedication and skills, but I am sure many of them also realise that the policies of oppression have not always been good for Israel at home or abroad.

The best Israeli-Palestinian documentary I've ever seen (Not that I've seen much) is, of course, "Precious life".

More than a 2 hour movie, but boy, was it worth it. It was screened on Israeli channel 10 I believe a year back, very late, but I watched it anyway, for the entire 2 hours I was like "waaaah!":eek:

Very thought-triggering.

[ame=]Precious Life - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Second one, which, I sadly cannot remember its name, told the story of 4 Israeli children and 4 Palestinian children. one of the Israeli boys lost his best friend in a terror attack, the other was a small girl simply like telling a fairy-tale, and the other 2 were twins whose brother was badly injured in an IDF mission. in the Palestinian side, it told a story of a west bank girl, and a Palestinian boy whose friend was shot by an IDF sodier when he threw stones.

Each of them told their own story, through the pain and anger of losing someone, and at the end they all met and talked and played together.

For the life of me, I cannot remember that documentary's name! but it was a very good one!
I thought the Gatekeepers hooked up with the Keymaster of Gozor


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