The Gay Transportation Secretary Causing Massive Flight Delays - Again


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Hundreds of thousands of US airline customers were stranded this week as severe weather grounded planes and led to canceled flights. But storms were only one factor behind the travel nightmare. Staffing shortages, at both US airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration’s air traffic control operations, took a bad situation and made it worse. The situation at US airports was only slightly better Wednesday. As of 2:44 pm ET, FlightAware tracking service reported there were nearly 850 flights canceled and another 3,500 delays. Although that’s better than the 2,200 canceled flights in each of the last two days, or the more than 16,000 delayed flights between Monday and Tuesday, it’s hardly a smooth-running operation.

Despite $54 billion of taxpayer funds funneled into airlines to keep them alive during the pandemic, most airlines greatly reduced staff during the first year of the pandemic when air travel, and fares, plunged. They were not allowed to involuntarily layoff staff but they did offer buyouts and early retirement packages. Many also permanently grounded older, less efficient aircraft. Rehiring staff has taken longer than planned. United CEO Scott Kirby placed blame for weekend delays and cancellations on the shortage of Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers. In the memo, Kirby was careful to say the current FAA leadership did not create the current staffing problems, but that they need to deal with them. “To be fair, it’s not the fault of the current FAA leadership,” he wrote, but added “they are responsible for solving the problem they inherited.”

This is what happens when you let unqualified fags hold positions of power - they cause all kinds of issues....and as the Fox guest said, why didn't Butt-boy fix the damage his administration caused in Philly?? This has only added to the transportation problems; and yes I know the road was repaired just over a week and a half later, but it still feels better to believe Butt-boy did nothing to fix it anyway. Did these people remember that a tanker exploded and caused the bridge to collapse? This happened on Butt-boy's watch, why didn't he prevent it? Why didn't he force the major airlines to hire more people quicker? In fact, what kind of moron would reduce their staff when there was going to be such a high consumer demand for travel, because of how horrible the economy is doing right now?

And not only are damaged roads, bad weather, and staff shortages causing all of these delays and cancellations; but the wildfires out of Canada were adding to the flight delays...why didn't Butt-boy do anything to prevent this from happening? This is what happens when you have affirmative action hires in positions they aren't qualified for..makes you wonder, this guy claims to be a Rhodes scholar, how do we know him being gay wasn't what got him accepted to a Rhodes scholarship?? Has anyone ever seen his grades? This is ridiculous.
Is Butt-boy out on maternity leave again?
Did he have another butt-baby?

Fun fact: Buttigieg is Ukrainian for butt plug
I mean, the bridge collapse did get fixed in record time...but how do we know buttboy didn't cause the collapse in the first place?

Are they claiming a simple tanker accident caused a bridge to collapse? How do we know Butt-Boy didn't plant explosives to bring down the bridge?
OP is apparently very wise with hindsight . But so are you and me ?

"Hundreds of thousands of US airline customers were stranded this week as severe weather grounded planes and led to canceled flights. But storms were only one factor behind the travel nightmare. Staffing shortages, at both US airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration’s air traffic control operations, took a bad situation and made it worse. The situation at US airports was only slightly better Wednesday. As of 2:44 pm ET, FlightAware tracking service reported there were nearly 850 flights canceled and another 3,500 delays. Although that’s better than the 2,200 canceled flights in each of the last two days, or the more than 16,000 delayed flights between Monday and Tuesday, it’s hardly a smooth-running operation.

Despite $54 billion of taxpayer funds funneled into airlines to keep them alive during the pandemic, most airlines greatly reduced staff during the first year of the pandemic when air travel, and fares, plunged. They were not allowed to involuntarily layoff staff but they did offer buyouts and early retirement packages. Many also permanently grounded older, less efficient aircraft. Rehiring staff has taken longer than planned. United CEO Scott Kirby placed blame for weekend delays and cancellations on the shortage of Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers. In the memo, Kirby was careful to say the current FAA leadership did not create the current staffing problems, but that they need to deal with them. “To be fair, it’s not the fault of the current FAA leadership,” he wrote, but added “they are responsible for solving the problem they inherited.”

This is what happens when you let unqualified fags hold positions of power - they cause all kinds of issues....and as the Fox guest said, why didn't Butt-boy fix the damage his administration caused in Philly?? This has only added to the transportation problems; and yes I know the road was repaired just over a week and a half later, but it still feels better to believe Butt-boy did nothing to fix it anyway. Did these people remember that a tanker exploded and caused the bridge to collapse? This happened on Butt-boy's watch, why didn't he prevent it? Why didn't he force the major airlines to hire more people quicker? In fact, what kind of moron would reduce their staff when there was going to be such a high consumer demand for travel, because of how horrible the economy is doing right now?

And not only are damaged roads, bad weather, and staff shortages causing all of these delays and cancellations; but the wildfires out of Canada were adding to the flight delays...why didn't Butt-boy do anything to prevent this from happening? This is what happens when you have affirmative action hires in positions they aren't qualified for..makes you wonder, this guy claims to be a Rhodes scholar, how do we know him being gay wasn't what got him accepted to a Rhodes scholarship?? Has anyone ever seen his grades? This is ridiculous.

Boy, are you one sick sob! Where did you acquire your prejudice and hatred? Inbred or taught?
The title of the thread is not germane. It would have been more accurate if it said "The incompetent Transportation Secretary Causing Massive Flight Delays - Again." Of course this is what you get when you make political appointments based on anything other than competence.
I made it back okay, no problems at all. Yeah, the weather was a little wierd in Philly. They had a tornado warning while I was there. In Levittown, which is just south of the NJ border by Trenton.

I have jet lag. But sigh, gotta go work.

You'd be amazed what we can do now. We have stuff that even Sony and Universal don't have.

If you're a musician, you probably know this equation: you get 6/10 of a penny for a listen on Spotify or a view on YouTube. So, you need 160,000 views a month, to make minimum wage.

And, Facebook ads will end up costing you about 50 cents a click when you're just starting out, which means you need to spend 80 grand to make 1. Which is pay to play.

We have the answer, and it's working, right now, in the field. Even as we speak.

Here's another good one - you can pay a press release service for a one-off, they'll charge you about 100 bucks and they guarantee to get it to 4000 people and they give you ways of tracking it n stuff

Well hello? 4000 people? I can see more people than that just looking out my front door! What a joke. Universal uses MailChimp (yes they do!), they pay 50 grand a month for multiple artists. If you do the math that's around 500 artists give or take, but they do this EVERY month, right? That's 600 grand a year, that's more than half a million bucks just for email.

Guess what? We can do 4 million emails per day per web site, for free. Not kidding. Serialize every one of them and track who comes back and what they do when they get here.

We're bringing this to individual artists, to empower them, and help them make money. Do you realize, there were more than a million new artists on Spotify last year, and less than 10,000 of them are making a living? We're going to change all that.
Oh the understaffed excuses again
Understaffing is not an issue anywhere. And if it is then it's the employers fault.
What makes you think that Mayor Petey is actually a homo, Biff?

My guess is that buggery is just his gimmick, which enabled him to leverage his actual record of being a subpar small town socialist mayor into national prominence and a cabinet position.

Chasten is just a buddy of his who is in on the scam, and the reality is they are just fellows who like busty blondes who don't mind telling people they are homo in order to make money.

The children that they supposedly adopted, are just midget actors that they hire to keep up appearances.
I think we can all agree that the gayness needs to be taken out of flying.

On a similar tack there is an ad for Virgin Airlines on over here where the pilot is a WOMAN and there is a BLOKE doing the womans job serving drinks and stuff.

No wonder it is no longer safe to fly.

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