Michael Cohen Gets Destroyed During Cross Examination, Leaving Anderson Cooper Stunned

Cohen is a fixer. His whole reason to be retained is to do things that CAN'T be traced back to his client. His lack of ethics, even for an attorney, is shown by the fact that he recorded his privileged conversations with his client.
Exactly. And anyone who employs a fixer is no different ethically. When crooks deal with crooks, they keep records. That is being smart among these sort of people.
Due to circumstances beyond Clap’s control, I am not permitted to engage that piece of shit anymore on this thread. And there’s no purpose served (candidly) in ever engaging with the little putz. So, he goes to the phantom zone, as of now.

NOW to return to the actual thread topic:

It’s gratifying that even liberal media propagandists have had to acknowledge that Cohen undermined Bragg’s make-believe “case” and that the convicted perjurer lost all vestiges of credibility in the cross exam. Makes my heart feel good.
Exactly. And anyone who employs a fixer is no different ethically. When crooks deal with crooks, they keep records. That is being smart among these sort of people.
The rich use fixers all the time. That's how they game the system. People get paid off, threatened, or possibly assaulted to shut them up.
They "refreshed his memory" because they literally had no evidence that Trump even knew about the payment to the porn actress.
I can see the prosecutors saying this:

"You sure you never talked to Trump specifically about the payments? Remember that call to his bodyguard? Maybe you remember also, talking to Trump? If you can remember that, that will be a big help in sending Trump to Prison, like you’ve been hoping for. Especially if what you remember him saying is very incriminating.”
The Judge can't let this case go to the jury... he will forever be known as a corrupt judge if he does...
Unfortunately, this judge can’t not send it to the jury. It would cost too much because he would lose all that money. Democrat politicians are funneling through his daughter.
The use of the term “Trump’s ‘fixer’” emanates primarily from liberal media propagandists.

But to the extent that Cohen took on a persona as a “fixer,” that doesn’t (in itself) implicate any criminality.

If (as a wild example) some rich guy was being blackmailed by a celebrity ho, the celebrity rich guy could ask his so-called fixer to make the bullshit “go away.” This isn’t a request to commit a crime. Instead, the fixer might arrange a nice quiet NDA. Even pay for it. All legal.

Even if the purpose was to keep the rich guys family from being subjected to the ho’s lies. Or even if the rich guy was running for office.

If the alleged “fixer” scumbag later lies his ass off about all to Congress and courts, that’s entirely on him.
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Trust fund baby? Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth thanks to Daddy. Couple that with the fact that he was born with larceny running thru his veins, we now have a corrupt lowlife conman on trial.

Anyone who thinks that Trump wasn't in on this plot & approved it is an imbecile.

What do you think is the strongest evidence on all the trials?

A. Square footage

B. Property assessments

C. Business records

D. RICO charges
Anyone with a brain knows what Spanky Trump did. Which leaves you out, halftard.

Braggs case isn’t looking good for you but I believe the DEI Fanni case will finally satisfy your TDS. It’s a slam dunk!
As I said a few months back, when Alvin Bragg calls Michael Cohen to testify, he will be suborning perjury.

And Cohen hasn't disappointed. Cohen has committed multiple acts of perjury in his testimony to date.

If Alvin Bragg has a drop of decency, he will, on his own Motion, ask the court to drop all charges against Trump. The pollution of the trial is complete with Michael Cohen's perjury.

It was another bad day for the case against Donald Trump after the former president’s legal team absolutely destroyed Michael Cohen. But don’t take my word for it. Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, was so effective at boxing Cohen in on his lies that he left CNN’s Anderson Cooper absolutely stunned.​
"But the last 20 minutes of court today right before the lunch break, it was incredible,” he admitted. "Elie Honig on my program last night had talked about, on a cross-examination, lawyers want to kind of put the witness in a — build a box around the witness and then slam it shut. That's what Todd Blanche did to Michael Cohen."
"I mean, the story that Todd Blanche just methodically went through, this sequence of events of this phone conversation that alleged — that Michael Cohen had testified to previously, that he had had this consequential phone conversation with Donald Trump, it was a 90-second phone conversation, I believe, was October 24 was the day it was testified to in — around 8:00 p.m. or so at night," he added.
Cooper explained how Blanche meticulously dismantled Cohen's previous testimony about a pivotal phone conversation with Trump. Blanche methodically scrutinized text message transcripts, revealing that harassing prank calls from a 14-year-old prompted Cohen's call to Trump, which was not solely about the Stormy Daniels affair.
This revelation, Cooper noted, undermines Cohen's credibility, as he had previously asserted that Trump approved the Stormy Daniels payment during that call. Cohen's narrative has shifted, casting doubt on his testimony implicating Trump in the affair.
"I think it's devastating,” Cooper added later. "I mean, for Michael Cohen's credibility on this, I mean, on this one particular topic."
He added, "Yes, I think, if I was a juror in this case, watching that, I would think this guy's making this up as he's going along or he's making this particular story up."

But Fatass Pig Bragg does NOT have any decency. He is a Whore for the DNC. Backed by Soros.
As I said a few months back, when Alvin Bragg calls Michael Cohen to testify, he will be suborning perjury.

And Cohen hasn't disappointed. Cohen has committed multiple acts of perjury in his testimony to date.

If Alvin Bragg has a drop of decency, he will, on his own Motion, ask the court to drop all charges against Trump. The pollution of the trial is complete with Michael Cohen's perjury.

It was another bad day for the case against Donald Trump after the former president’s legal team absolutely destroyed Michael Cohen. But don’t take my word for it. Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, was so effective at boxing Cohen in on his lies that he left CNN’s Anderson Cooper absolutely stunned.​
"But the last 20 minutes of court today right before the lunch break, it was incredible,” he admitted. "Elie Honig on my program last night had talked about, on a cross-examination, lawyers want to kind of put the witness in a — build a box around the witness and then slam it shut. That's what Todd Blanche did to Michael Cohen."
"I mean, the story that Todd Blanche just methodically went through, this sequence of events of this phone conversation that alleged — that Michael Cohen had testified to previously, that he had had this consequential phone conversation with Donald Trump, it was a 90-second phone conversation, I believe, was October 24 was the day it was testified to in — around 8:00 p.m. or so at night," he added.
Cooper explained how Blanche meticulously dismantled Cohen's previous testimony about a pivotal phone conversation with Trump. Blanche methodically scrutinized text message transcripts, revealing that harassing prank calls from a 14-year-old prompted Cohen's call to Trump, which was not solely about the Stormy Daniels affair.
This revelation, Cooper noted, undermines Cohen's credibility, as he had previously asserted that Trump approved the Stormy Daniels payment during that call. Cohen's narrative has shifted, casting doubt on his testimony implicating Trump in the affair.
"I think it's devastating,” Cooper added later. "I mean, for Michael Cohen's credibility on this, I mean, on this one particular topic."
He added, "Yes, I think, if I was a juror in this case, watching that, I would think this guy's making this up as he's going along or he's making this particular story up."

I know they kicked the shit out of him today....lol.
Has Bragg no shame?
Has Merchan no shame?

So, let's do a round of the 'Shame Sweepstakes':
  • Cheating with a sex-worker in a hotsheet hotel while the third and newest wife .. is home nursing his newborn son.
  • Cheating more on that same third wife with a Playboy model.
  • Cheating on his second wife with that now third wife.
  • Cheating with that second wife against his first wife.
  • Sexually assaulting and defaming the victim.

Shame it all gets so complicated.
So, let's do a round of the 'Shame Sweepstakes':
  • Cheating with a sex-worker in a hotsheet hotel while the third and newest wife .. is home nursing his newborn son.
  • Cheating more on that same third wife with a Playboy model.
  • Cheating on his second wife with that now third wife.
  • Cheating with that second wife against his first wife.
  • Sexually assaulting and defaming the victim.

Shame it all gets so complicated.
Your faux-outrage is hilarious.

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