The General Pacific Island Thread


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
As many people here surmised from reading my posts/threads, one of my greatest interests/passions in life has always been Pacific Island paradises. Starting with Hawaii in 1995, I've been to Hawaii, Tahiti and the Cook Islands many, many times over the past 23 years. I appreciate them on multiple levels: scientifically in different ways (geologically, biologically, etc.), culturally in their flaring Maori celebrations, and the visceral/emotional/sensory aspect of actually being there and soaking up the gentle, rhythmic vibe of the place and the flaring-colored scenery pouring into my brain. It's sort of my running joke that I'm secretly a Polynesian inside a white man's physical body - Polynesian locals, who are built like a refrigerator with arms and legs, always get a massive belly laugh and love it when I tell them that.

So if you have any experience or interesting insights into Pacific paradises, I'm all ears. Or in the case of the Internet, all eyes, to be exact. I suppose the purpose of this thread is to share any interesting curiosities about Pacific islands one has to offer.
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