The Gold and Silver Thread

Don't be surprised if there is a pullback over the next few days. Support for gold is around $1365, and $27-$27.25 for silver.
Silver hit a multi-decade high today. Gold was close.
China, which is the world's largest gold producer, announced that it has imported 200 tons of gold this year, five times the amount last year.

News Headlines

Total gold production is about 2000 tons per year. Total supply, which includes scrap, is about 3000 tons.
lol funny how theres gonna be a gold mining show on discovery now lol

im in the US army, with the 10th mountain division, as a froward observer.
Welcome, I hope your spotting skills are better than your spelling:razz:
China, which is the world's largest gold producer, announced that it has imported 200 tons of gold this year, five times the amount last year.

News Headlines

Total gold production is about 2000 tons per year. Total supply, which includes scrap, is about 3000 tons.
Toro I thought there was more than 1.5 year's supply being held by speculators, did you do a typo?
China, which is the world's largest gold producer, announced that it has imported 200 tons of gold this year, five times the amount last year.

News Headlines

Total gold production is about 2000 tons per year. Total supply, which includes scrap, is about 3000 tons.
Toro I thought there was more than 1.5 year's supply being held by speculators, did you do a typo?

No typo. Not sure what the total held amount is by speculators.
China, which is the world's largest gold producer, announced that it has imported 200 tons of gold this year, five times the amount last year.

News Headlines

Total gold production is about 2000 tons per year. Total supply, which includes scrap, is about 3000 tons.
Toro I thought there was more than 1.5 year's supply being held by speculators, did you do a typo?

No typo. Not sure what the total held amount is by speculators.
That is a very tight supply with the potential for huge moves on the upside.
Here is even more good fodder for gold & silver.

Senate to vote on Democratic tax cut plans
...neither Democratic proposal was likely to get the 60 votes needed to advance.

Democrats said that wasn't the point. "This is going to be a winning argument, not just for this week, but for the next two years," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., looking ahead to 2012.

Political maneuvering aside, the events were seen as a prelude to completing negotiations on a compromise that could avert a Jan. 1 tax increase at all levels.

President Barack Obama has already signaled he is prepared to sign a compromise along those lines, and the White House has been negotiating privately with Republicans on a broader bill that would include Democratic priorities as well.

Among them are an extension of jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed and extension of additional expiring tax breaks for lower- and middle-income workers even if they don't make enough to owe the IRS money. College students would also benefit under the White House's proposals, as would companies that hire the unemployed.

Also part of the discussions is a possible increase in the federal debt limit, which allows the government to continue to borrow to meet its financial obligations...
The Telegraph: EU rescue costs start to threaten Germany itself
Credit default swaps (CDS) measuring risk on German, French and Dutch bonds have surged over recent days, rising significantly above the levels of non-EMU states in Scandinavia.

"Germany cannot keep paying for bail-outs without going bankrupt itself," said Professor Wilhelm Hankel, of Frankfurt University. "This is frightening people. You cannot find a bank safe deposit box in Germany because every single one has already been taken and stuffed with gold and silver. It is like an underground Switzerland within our borders. People have terrible memories of 1948 and 1923 when they lost their savings."
The Telegraph: EU rescue costs start to threaten Germany itself
Credit default swaps (CDS) measuring risk on German, French and Dutch bonds have surged over recent days, rising significantly above the levels of non-EMU states in Scandinavia.

"Germany cannot keep paying for bail-outs without going bankrupt itself," said Professor Wilhelm Hankel, of Frankfurt University. "This is frightening people. You cannot find a bank safe deposit box in Germany because every single one has already been taken and stuffed with gold and silver. It is like an underground Switzerland within our borders. People have terrible memories of 1948 and 1923 when they lost their savings."


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