Obama ran on and did ‘Change’ America…Biden ran on and is ‘Changing The American’ with the open border.

Name an opposition party candidate that didn't campaign on change from the horrible policies of the other party.

Benedict Donald and his Party own the problems at the border after rejecting Lankford's bill before it was even published.


You aren’t a true American. You whine about the concept of what is written on the Statue of Liberty. You pick and choose what you like and what you ignore. What’s worse is that you have contributed nothing to society.
hahaha…right….because all “true Americans” must believe some 34 year old Jewish activist / poet wrote our forever immigration policy.

You pick and choose what you like and what you ignore.
WTF does that even mean…more context please.

What’s worse is that you have contributed nothing to society.
You don’t know shit about me…all the non-contributors I know are constantly begging for free shit like you do.
Typical leftist bullshit…”I’m worthless as fuck so you must be as well.”
You pathetic degenerates can’t dare to believe that people are or can be successful without Father Governments tit.
They’re being processed at a higher level than under the former fuckup.
The difference is, Trump had the cockroaches being processed in Cockroachville Mehico while your Crypt Keeper throws them over the top of those poor struggling negroes you proclaim to cherish.
There is nothing racist in the House bill
Just in all the comments by its supporters. It's a joke. The Senate bill is good compromise and law. Trump stopping it is BS and causing disaster in Ukraine. Poor America and world... embarrassing
The difference is, Trump had the cockroaches being processed in Cockroachville Mehico while your Crypt Keeper throws them over the top of those poor struggling negroes you proclaim to cherish.
View attachment 905639
Dude, your whiteness is fading.

Made you should move north and stay out of the sun.

BTW your graph is off point.
They’re being processed at a higher level than under the former fuckup.

Breaking Down the 2023 Immigration Court Data
January 31, 2024
"One surprise for me was the low grant rate for asylum cases in Immigration Court. The overall approval rate for court cases in FY 2023 was only 14.40%, which is slightly better than FY 2022, when courts granted a paltry 14.18% of asylum cases. In fact, grant rates have been falling since FY 2011 (when 31.35% of asylum cases were approved), but the last two years have had the lowest asylum grant rates since at least 2008, lower even than during the Trump years, when grant rates ranged from 19.13% to a generous 20.69%. The low approval rates might be explained by the fact that these numbers include detained cases, which are more likely to be denied (due to criminal convictions or the one-year filing bar) and cases for people who arrive at the border, who can often not demonstrate a nexus to a protected ground. Also, of course, it is difficult for people in detention and at the border to gather evidence or find a lawyer."

My highlight above.
hahaha…right….because all “true Americans” must believe some 34 year old Jewish activist / poet wrote our forever immigration policy.

WTF does that even mean…more context please.

You don’t know shit about me…all the non-contributors I know are constantly begging for free shit like you do.
Typical leftist bullshit…”I’m worthless as fuck so you must be as well.”
You pathetic degenerates can’t dare to believe that people are or can be successful without Father Governments tit.
I gotta tell you it’s pretty pathetic and moronic you think the statute of liberty and what it stands for isn’t American lol how stupid are you exactly?

The biggest problem with you is that you think you’re better than all the people you hate. It’s such laughable sense of self worth. Only republicans could be that stupid. Even if you want to pretend the white race is superior, you would have to be a sad dimwitted narcissist with a complete lack of self awareness to think you are superior by extension by simply being white. There are countless blacks/jews/mexicans better than YOU.
Just in all the comments by its supporters. It's a joke. The Senate bill is good compromise and law. Trump stopping it is BS and causing disaster in Ukraine. Poor America and world... embarrassing
I havent seen any racist comments written into the House bill

Can you give me an example?

The House bill that should be made law is not responsible for what some random poster on this forum may write
I havent seen any racist comments written into the House bill

Can you give me an example?

The House bill that should be made law is not responsible for what some random poster on this forum may write
I said its supporters...Maga supporters don't do compromise or reality. Trump is nuts too
hahaha…right….because all “true Americans” must believe some 34 year old Jewish activist / poet wrote our forever immigration policy.

WTF does that even mean…more context please.

You don’t know shit about me…all the non-contributors I know are constantly begging for free shit like you do.
Typical leftist bullshit…”I’m worthless as fuck so you must be as well.”
You pathetic degenerates can’t dare to believe that people are or can be successful without Father Governments tit.
Yes the worst inequality ever is caused by laziness lol, dupe. Not giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and unfairness....

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