The GOP strategy on sexual harassment claims

Craig denies he is gay, but plead GUILTY. Why would I apologize? I listed Republican men who are anti gay rights, yet have have gay sexual relations, except for Vitter, he likes prostitutes.

You are just wrong. Mark Foley especially has never opposed gay rights. Larry Craig has never been proven to have gay sexual relations. He never picked up anyone in a restroom. He plead guilty to disorderly conduct which has nothing to do with picking up anyone in a restroom. Tom De Lay you just got wrong completely.

You don't need to apologize. After all, none of the men you accuse know who the hell you are. You chose poorly. You need better examples.
Jillian, captain smiley face. She has all of the substance of a house plant.

Yet you still struggle with it.

Jillian is both intelligent, and articulate. The GOP strategy now is "No conviction, no wrongful act". Even with Hastert and Foley confessing!
Wow, sounds familiar. Wasn't that the line that the progressives use with Hillary? Where are the indictments? Where are the convictions?

But that doesn't apply when a woman accuses a man without so much as a photo, or an audio recording?

Due process is still valued in this country, at least by the right.

Hastert confessed(.) As did Foley, blaming his acts on alcohol, Foley came out, and is openly gay.
yes, but many haven't confessed; yet, they are guilty until proven otherwise.

I deleted DeLay, crooked but the only evidence on sex offenses is Vitter's, NOT RELIABLE. That leaves two who admit the offenses, and one convicted.
The Comrade has multiple women making allegations of sexual impropriety against them. He says they are ALL lying. He won the WH.

Roy Moore also has multiple women making similar allegations against him. He is using the Comrade's deny and lie strategy in an effort to win a Senate seat. It may work cause

The Republican Party has lost its moral barometer. The Comrade has brought Sleaze and Immorality into the "Party of God."

So did Bill Clinton. Blow your two faced bs out your backside.
The Comrade has multiple women making allegations of sexual impropriety against them. He says they are ALL lying. He won the WH.

Roy Moore also has multiple women making similar allegations against him. He is using the Comrade's deny and lie strategy in an effort to win a Senate seat. It may work cause

The Republican Party has lost its moral barometer. The Comrade has brought Sleaze and Immorality into the "Party of God."

So did Bill Clinton. Blow your two faced bs out your backside.
That does not excuse Trump. He will be held accountable.
You left wing nut bars. Even when proven there are only 2 accusers you keep saying 9. We're shredding you to death on it but you can't let the lie go. You are addicted to lying.



there are only 2 accusers

Oh, well then we'll just let it go if It's only two. :cuckoo:
Until the accusations are proved to be true, then it didn't happen.
This not a court of law, but a Court of Public Opinion. The standard of proof is much lower than beyond reasonable doubt.

The far right has pursued even a lower standard of proof.

Their standard is "we say so."
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The Comrade has multiple women making allegations of sexual impropriety against them. He says they are ALL lying. He won the WH.

Roy Moore also has multiple women making similar allegations against him. He is using the Comrade's deny and lie strategy in an effort to win a Senate seat. It may work cause

The Republican Party has lost its moral barometer. The Comrade has brought Sleaze and Immorality into the "Party of God."

So did Bill Clinton. Blow your two faced bs out your backside.

I never said Clinton wasn't immoral, but NEVER, EVER say the GOP is a party of morals again! They are sleazy liars.
yeah, it's all getting old, people are just going back to voting their politics

because rightwingnut trumptards are so protective of women. :rofl:
Funny, but the War on Women was seems to have been championed by the Democrats, Hollywood and their press.

The irony is undeniable.

isn't it funny how dems purge their bad guys. you've been defending Donald the sexual predator for a year.... and you're just fine with roy the child molester

and let's not forget faux news run for the benefit of, by and for sexual predators.

want to talk about irony, hack?

You have to be one of the dumbest people here.
You did not even graduate HS, did you?
Everyone knows you didn’t....
Down to two accusers and neither are credible. Just like Trump's accusers.
Lying bitch. Nine women, mall workers, and former police officers. Moore is the very epitome of a lying hypocrite.

That's what *she* is.

and as Ana Navarro pointed out on twitter

Matt Lauer lost his job. Charlie Rose lost his job. Mark Halperin lost his job. Glenn Thrush lost his job. Billy Bush lost his job. Harvey Weinstein lost his job. Kevin Spacey lost his job. But in politics... Conyers still in Congress. Moore still running. Trump still President.

The deplorable are disgusting
The Comrade has multiple women making allegations of sexual impropriety against them. He says they are ALL lying. He won the WH.

Roy Moore also has multiple women making similar allegations against him. He is using the Comrade's deny and lie strategy in an effort to win a Senate seat. It may work cause

The Republican Party has lost its moral barometer. The Comrade has brought Sleaze and Immorality into the "Party of God."
yeah, it's all getting old, people are just going back to voting their politics

because rightwingnut trumptards are so protective of women. :rofl:
Funny, but the War on Women was seems to have been championed by the Democrats, Hollywood and their press.

The irony is undeniable.

isn't it funny how dems purge their bad guys. you've been defending Donald the sexual predator for a year.... and you're just fine with roy the child molester

and let's not forget faux news run for the benefit of, by and for sexual predators.

want to talk about irony, hack?

to the morons who think the above is funny....

Matt Lauer lost his job. Charlie Rose lost his job. Mark Halperin lost his job. Glenn Thrush lost his job. Billy Bush lost his job. Harvey Weinstein lost his job. Kevin Spacey lost his job. But in politics... Conyers still in Congress. Moore still running. Trump still President. .... Ana Navarro
The Comrade has multiple women making allegations of sexual impropriety against them. He says they are ALL lying. He won the WH.

Roy Moore also has multiple women making similar allegations against him. He is using the Comrade's deny and lie strategy in an effort to win a Senate seat. It may work cause

The Republican Party has lost its moral barometer. The Comrade has brought Sleaze and Immorality into the "Party of God."
yeah, it's all getting old, people are just going back to voting their politics

because rightwingnut trumptards are so protective of women. :rofl:
Funny, but the War on Women was seems to have been championed by the Democrats, Hollywood and their press.

The irony is undeniable.

isn't it funny how dems purge their bad guys. you've been defending Donald the sexual predator for a year.... and you're just fine with roy the child molester

and let's not forget faux news run for the benefit of, by and for sexual predators.

want to talk about irony, hack?

to the morons who think the above is funny....

Matt Lauer lost his job. Charlie Rose lost his job. Mark Halperin lost his job. Glenn Thrush lost his job. Billy Bush lost his job. Harvey Weinstein lost his job. Kevin Spacey lost his job. But in politics... Conyers still in Congress. Moore still running. Trump still President. .... Ana Navarro

The piece of excrement president we have, commonly known as the Comrade thinks he is home free with all the women accusing him. We will see. The man is mentally midget with dreams of being the King. He is an embarrassment to the world.
The Comrade has multiple women making allegations of sexual impropriety against them. He says they are ALL lying. He won the WH.

Roy Moore also has multiple women making similar allegations against him. He is using the Comrade's deny and lie strategy in an effort to win a Senate seat. It may work cause

The Republican Party has lost its moral barometer. The Comrade has brought Sleaze and Immorality into the "Party of God."
yeah, it's all getting old, people are just going back to voting their politics

because rightwingnut trumptards are so protective of women. :rofl:
Funny, but the War on Women was seems to have been championed by the Democrats, Hollywood and their press.

The irony is undeniable.

The real irony is that one trumpets the war on women meme while the other proclaims itself the party of morality. Who can rise above the sleaze?
Until the accusations are proved to be true, then it didn't happen.

Is that what they taught you in the HR portion of your masters program?

Not clear about the Human Resources reference, but, it is your assertion that if someone alleges one did a thing, they did it?
The assertion is that you have a duty to objectively and rigidly investigate it.

How are you going to investigate something that allegedly happened 4 decades ago?
Until the accusations are proved to be true, then it didn't happen.

Is that what they taught you in the HR portion of your masters program?

Not clear about the Human Resources reference, but, it is your assertion that if someone alleges one did a thing, they did it?
The assertion is that you have a duty to objectively and rigidly investigate it.

How are you going to investigate something that allegedly happened 4 decades ago?
Until the accusations are proved to be true, then it didn't happen.

Is that what they taught you in the HR portion of your masters program?

Not clear about the Human Resources reference, but, it is your assertion that if someone alleges one did a thing, they did it?
The assertion is that you have a duty to objectively and rigidly investigate it.

How are you going to investigate something that allegedly happened 4 decades ago?
Until the accusations are proved to be true, then it didn't happen.

Is that what they taught you in the HR portion of your masters program?

Not clear about the Human Resources reference, but, it is your assertion that if someone alleges one did a thing, they did it?
The assertion is that you have a duty to objectively and rigidly investigate it.

How are you going to investigate something that allegedly happened 4 decades ago?

You can disprove claims by showing that the supporting evidence of a crime or attempted crime was manufactured, which it provably was. That it was manufactured due to a personal grudge by a third party also helps, which is also the case.

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