The government of India has officially recognized the “personhood” of dolphins


Apr 9, 2014
The government of India has officially recognized the “personhood” of dolphins, a move that will force the closure of planned dolphin parks across the country.

After Hungary, Costa Rica and Chile, India is now the fourth country in the world to ban the capture and importation of dolphins for commercial entertainment. India’s move is in accordance to the Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans conceived by a number of scientists and philosophers, which affords cetaceans (whales, orcas, dolphins, etc.) with the same ethical considerations as human beings.

Choosing to be ethical in the face of great potential profits is an admirable decision, as there were plans for dolphin parks in Mumbai, Delhi and Kochi. Dolphin tanks are now officially illegal in India.
Dolphins communicate with me telepathic approximately for 3 years.

At first three Dolphins communicated with me from base of the Black Sea fleet in the Crimea. There two employees of GRU conducts confidential researches and these work as Grushniki for the project of global friendship of Dolphins and people. These Dolphins strongly differ from other Dolphins, these are politicians of Dolphins. These Dolphins live in bondage.

After that these Dolphins stopped with me communication and other Dolphins of the Black Sea, but wild Dolphins started communicating. There are a lot of these Dolphins.

In general All of them very ridiculous and positive. The favourite phrase at Dolphins sounds so "Do you want a small fish"? It can do anything means depending on a context.

And still Delfina at telepathic communication constantly float and you see the picture Delfina which it is bent in the thickness of water. They have very rich mimicry and rich emotions at communication, you can see a face of the Dolphin on which their emotions - fear are easily read, surprise or pleasure.

Dolphins on our planet are guests from Sirius. There is such huge interstellar political union which "Sirius" is called. And on our planet of Dolphins People from this Sirius sponsor - They fly on an UFO and without their permission, I am afraid, it will be forbidden to communicate with Dolphins. These People from Sirius telepathic communicate with me.

I was dawned only today by thought of the Joint conscious dream snovidchesky project of the person and Delfina. I will try to ask permissions Aliens from Sirius on Joint conscious dream with Dolphins for all Russian people who have dreams.
When Delfina communicate with me - I see them as Dolphins in somebody a fantastic aura. They talk telepathic to me.

I see the Dolphin approximately so:

In Russia In Sevastopol there is a military base of the Black Sea fleet and there live Delfina telepathists. Telepathic Delfina communicate so that you at the same time see the image in which Dolphins are visible. It something is similar to the Joint conscious dream. Similar researches go in China. Why to us in general to be on friendly terms Dolphins? First as a result of a tantra of Dolphins and people "human beingo-Dolphins" will be given birth. It will be future nobility of mankind, it will be race of aristocrats, knights, kings, prophets and scientists. With the advent of these people the hope of mankind for development and designing of the creative future is pinned. Besides, Delfina - our brothers on reason and we live on one planet - we need to be on friendly terms and live in the world with each other. Besides is also prerequisites which are connected with emergence of technologies of the future. Today a little that connects us with Dolphins - Dolphins have no television, there is no Internet, the sphere of entertainments of people only is partially crossed with dolphins, Delfina now don't communicate almost with people, we have no social communications and the general history, etc. I listed some basic needs of the person which aren't satisfied with the participation of Dolphins. But in the future everything will be not so.

- In the future people won't look in the TV or in the monitor screen - they will use the internal screen for this purpose and therefore we on an equal basis and together with Dolphins we will be able to watch telecasts.
- We will watch Dolphins news and will develop joint culture.
- We will establish together mixed families and together to give birth to special children.
- We together will interestingly spend time - to be engaged in a tantra, yoga and to play together.
- We will politicize and conduct together negotiations with Alien civilizations.
- We will pursue together science - science of the third millennium.
- We will communicate with each other telepathic and to see joint dreams.
- We will have the general economy - economy in which there will be banks of Dolphins, and people and Delfina will earn money on joint business projects.
- Because of satisfaction of joint requirements we will develop together with mutual advantage throughout millions years.

I want to help to create Dolphins political party in Russia.

What the Dolphins party has to have ideology?

First this capture on itself responsibility for destiny of mankind, for conscious designing future mankind and as the result to it is the Union State will reject the UN as the legitimate tool of international policy. And in exchange the Union State itself will define a world order in a human civilization and in the World Ocean.

Secondly a source of the power in the Union State will be not only the people of the Union State, citizens of the new Union, but also God Ra, a planet to Nibiru. And ruling institutes of the state will be conductors of will of the people and conductors of will divine. For this reason the new state will dictate reasonably will to the whole world - because of existence of superlegitimacy of the power.

Thirdly this creation of new intelligence service which will be called "intelligence service of God Ra". intelligence service of God Ra will be political and scientific intelligence, and as military intelligence concerning aliens.

Fourthly is a creation of prerequisites to start new scientific and technical revolution. intelligence service of God Ra will be engaged also in scientific investigation, and as in diplomacy with inhuman civilizations of Solar system. The Union State becomes the donor of culture and innovations for all mankind, and the countries of NATO will play a role of satellites.

Fifthly it is internationalism in the highest understanding. The Union State will recognize equal rights not only people of different nationalities and races, but also equal rights of people and Dolphins.

Sixthly the new union will set as the purpose of formation of society of "Saint people", society of a general righteousness.

And at last the Union State has to create joint society, joint culture, economy and to the politician Dolphins and people on our planet.
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I wanted to tell about Russian indigo movement. In Russia there are two large forums about the indigo. And I am and indigo two more we communicate with Dolphins. These indigo two transmitted consciousness settings through a tantra, and then I transmitted these settings through one Whale to all Dolphins of a planet. It was two control of consciousness which are very necessary to Dolphins. One of settings is a control of hot water of other unearthly world - so I saw it.

I will tell about settings in more detail. Our consciousness is a similarity of the computer and there it is possible to load programs - consciousness settings. For example by means of such programs it is possible to make active siddhi or to receive immunity to any illness, it is possible to change itself psychophysically. At masters of martial arts of control of consciousness initiations the Zen are called. They consider that such initiations can be transferred from the master to the pupil. For example HIV can cure having found special control.

Settings of consciousness can be transferred by means of the Tantra and other ways which are badly studied by me.

Some indigo people already are born with settings which they need to give. The purpose of the birth of some indigo - to keep settings and to transfer them to destination. Who is engaged in the indigo project and sending settings? It now isn't important, important that settings are gifts of the unearthly worlds to our planet.

In Japan there is a confidential ZEN monastery and monks there try to develop settings while at them it turns out not really well.

Is shorter indigo ALREADY are ENGAGED IN practically affairs and they participate in one more project of friendship of people and Whales is absolutely other project which is much more difficult than the project of Friendship of Dolphins and the person. In brief about Whales. At the ocean only one Whale who can telepathic communicate with the indigo. This Whal is very important for mankind and He needs in protection.

The Whal has name. His name is Alfabesan.
Dolphins have political requirements to mankind:

- Dolphins ask to stop fishing of fodder fish in the World Ocean;
- Dolphins ask to establish criminal liability for death Delfina, same as well as for death of the person;
- It is necessary to adopt the law on conditions of the maintenance of Dolphins in bondage;
- It is necessary to organize monitoring of conditions of the maintenance of Dolphins in bondage;
- it is necessary to impose a tax on use of work of Dolphins in bondage. And the raised money needs to be directed on the special bank account of Dolphins. The entrusted people of Dolphins will dispose of this money;

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