The Hamas atrocity stories are FAKE

Can you accept the truth? You’ve been lied to again. Stop accepting lies.

Go ahead dumbfuck, you believe an IslamoNazi terrorist organization who‘s charter calls for the mass murder of Jews, with a track record of wearing civilian clothing and hiding behind mosques, hospitals, and schools, and we’ll believe the only Democracy in the ME with a free press and equal rights for all its citizens.
See the Child Killer supporter is still giving us his hysterical nonsense .
Guess something went very badly at school .
Were you the bully or bullied ?
Looks like it’s computer time again for lunatic asylum inmate Sleeza who calls Hamas child killing rapist animals “freedom fighters”.
Looks like it’s computer time again for lunatic asylum inmate Sleeza who calls Hamas child killing rapist animals “freedom fighters”.
Tell us why you support the Israeli Child Killers , or , are you obliged to peddle Troll Trash by your pocket money bosses ?
Troll Loudly cannot understand that people fighting for their freedom are called Freedom Fighters .
Duuuuh .
Tell us why you support the Israeli Child Killers , or , are you obliged to peddle Troll Trash by your pocket money bosses ?
Troll Loudly cannot understand that people fighting for their freedom are called Freedom Fighters .
Duuuuh .

Arab loser says what?
Looks like it’s computer time again for lunatic asylum inmate Sleeza who calls Hamas child killing rapist animals “freedom fighters”.
Why do you support mass murdering women and children? Have you lost your mind?

Hooray for pallywood! You can't tell that's makeup?

For real?

Sheesh you're stupid...
Learn something today you old dumb fuck baby killer.

The Israeli onslaught against defenseless civilians is declared by the scowl-faced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and endorsed by Western governments, to be retaliation for a deadly attack by the militant group Hamas on October 7.

In reality, for many other observers, it is a heinous opportunistic ramping up of genocide to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the map. The Israelis have admitted that objective. The slow-motion genocide of Palestinians that has going on for decades with American and European acquiescence (under the guise of a peace process and delivering humanitarian aid) is now hideously sped up. There is no pretence now. And it is shocking how blatant and brazen it is with no objection from the Western governments. Every day the slaughter is televised as if it were normal or excusable.

For more than 60 days, the Israeli forces have been bombarding Gaza and systematically killing Palestinians in the West Bank. The death toll has surpassed 16,000 with over 40,000 casualties. Most of the victims are children and women, with many thousands missing, buried under rubble from indiscriminate Israeli air strikes.

Over 80 per cent of the 2.2 million population in Gaza has been displaced by Israeli bombardment. Nowhere is safe in the tiny coastal enclave. Hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and United Nations-run refugee camps have been attacked.

The Biden administration’s valorizing of Israel for creating so-called safe zones is a cynical and nauseating cover for mass murder. The U.S., the European Union and Western media are all complicit in this evil charade. The daily genocide by Israel without any genuine, meaningful practical objection from the Western powers and their lapdog media is an abomination. Far from objecting, the U.S. is arming Israel with bunker-bus
ter heavy bombs to destroy Gaza and all who live there. Washington politicians are cheering on the bloodbath...and dumb fucks like you.

Given the appalling war crimes and barbarous inhumanity shown by the Israeli regime, it is only right – absolutely right – that Christmas events in Bethlehem are not displaying the normal celebrations. This year, more than ever, to be a Christian means bearing witness to the slaughter of innocents and taking a stand in solidarity
Jesus Buried Under Rubble in Bethlehem - LewRockwell
Learn something today you old dumb fuck baby killer.

The Israeli onslaught against defenseless civilians is declared by the scowl-faced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and endorsed by Western governments, to be retaliation for a deadly attack by the militant group Hamas on October 7.

In reality, for many other observers, it is a heinous opportunistic ramping up of genocide to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the map. The Israelis have admitted that objective. The slow-motion genocide of Palestinians that has going on for decades with American and European acquiescence (under the guise of a peace process and delivering humanitarian aid) is now hideously sped up. There is no pretence now. And it is shocking how blatant and brazen it is with no objection from the Western governments. Every day the slaughter is televised as if it were normal or excusable.

For more than 60 days, the Israeli forces have been bombarding Gaza and systematically killing Palestinians in the West Bank. The death toll has surpassed 16,000 with over 40,000 casualties. Most of the victims are children and women, with many thousands missing, buried under rubble from indiscriminate Israeli air strikes.

Over 80 per cent of the 2.2 million population in Gaza has been displaced by Israeli bombardment. Nowhere is safe in the tiny coastal enclave. Hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and United Nations-run refugee camps have been attacked.

The Biden administration’s valorizing of Israel for creating so-called safe zones is a cynical and nauseating cover for mass murder. The U.S., the European Union and Western media are all complicit in this evil charade. The daily genocide by Israel without any genuine, meaningful practical objection from the Western powers and their lapdog media is an abomination. Far from objecting, the U.S. is arming Israel with bunker-bus
ter heavy bombs to destroy Gaza and all who live there. Washington politicians are cheering on the bloodbath...and dumb fucks like you.

Given the appalling war crimes and barbarous inhumanity shown by the Israeli regime, it is only right – absolutely right – that Christmas events in Bethlehem are not displaying the normal celebrations. This year, more than ever, to be a Christian means bearing witness to the slaughter of innocents and taking a stand in solidarity
Jesus Buried Under Rubble in Bethlehem - LewRoTouched!

I just learned you're so fucking stupid you can't tell makeup from the real deal.

Fuck you're dense.
I just learned you're so fucking stupid you can't tell makeup from the real deal.

Fuck you're dense.
Killing babies is wrong. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but I guess you’re an old dumb fuck.
Killing babies is wrong. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but I guess you’re an old dumb fuck.
Killing and raping innocent women at a music festival is wrong. I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I guess you are a teenage psychopath and it's the only way you can get laid.
You should ask yourself that question. You are the one defending Hamas subhuman animals. How about they release the hostages, for starters.
You’ll deny you supported genocide. Hypocrite. Caitlin knows you’re a dumb ass warmongering baby killer.

One of the most braindead responses I get from Israel apologists all the time is "Just tell Hamas to surrender and this whole war ends." Like that's a thing. Like Hamas are hanging on my every word and they'll be like "Hang on you guys, one more white westerner just said we should surrender! Let's wrap it up, fellas."

Like even if you accept the pants-on-head moronic notion that these horrors are 100% the fault of Hamas and 0% the fault of everything Israel has done both since October 7 and prior to October 7, and even if you ignore international law which says Palestinians have a right to defend themselves against hostile occupiers while Israel has no right to launch an attack to "defend" itself against people it is occupying, this argument STILL makes no sense. Hamas, unlike Israel, has no political responsiveness to the demands of the west. They have no reason to listen to anything we say.

Westerners putting political pressure on our own governments to stop facilitating this nightmare absolutely does have an effect, and we're seeing more and more signs that both Israel and its western allies are getting very nervous about the mounting international pressure from the public. Pretending the same is true of Hamas, who has no motive whatsoever to heed western governments and their electorates, is just evading reality to advance an agenda.

And Israel apologists know this. They're just throwing up every distraction and red herring they can think of to try and drag opposition to Israel's mass atrocities off course. "Tell Hamas to surrender" just means "Stop criticizing Israel's actions. Look over there, not over here. Shut up. Be silent. Go away." -Caitlin Johnstone
You’ll deny you supported genocide. Hypocrite. Caitlin knows you’re a dumb ass warmongering baby killer.

One of the most braindead responses I get from Israel apologists all the time is "Just tell Hamas to surrender and this whole war ends." Like that's a thing. Like Hamas are hanging on my every word and they'll be like "Hang on you guys, one more white westerner just said we should surrender! Let's wrap it up, fellas."

Like even if you accept the pants-on-head moronic notion that these horrors are 100% the fault of Hamas and 0% the fault of everything Israel has done both since October 7 and prior to October 7, and even if you ignore international law which says Palestinians have a right to defend themselves against hostile occupiers while Israel has no right to launch an attack to "defend" itself against people it is occupying, this argument STILL makes no sense. Hamas, unlike Israel, has no political responsiveness to the demands of the west. They have no reason to listen to anything we say.

Westerners putting political pressure on our own governments to stop facilitating this nightmare absolutely does have an effect, and we're seeing more and more signs that both Israel and its western allies are getting very nervous about the mounting international pressure from the public. Pretending the same is true of Hamas, who has no motive whatsoever to heed western governments and their electorates, is just evading reality to advance an agenda.

And Israel apologists know this. They're just throwing up every distraction and red herring they can think of to try and drag opposition to Israel's mass atrocities off course. "Tell Hamas to surrender" just means "Stop criticizing Israel's actions. Look over there, not over here. Shut up. Be silent. Go away." -Caitlin Johnstone

What genocide, you feckless clod.
even if you ignore international law which says Palestinians have a right to defend themselves against hostile occupiers while Israel has no right to launch an attack to "defend" itself against people it is occupying,

If international law says those things, it's even dumber than you are.

How's that Canadian ex of yours?
You’ll deny you supported genocide. Hypocrite. Caitlin knows you’re a dumb ass warmongering baby killer.

One of the most braindead responses I get from Israel apologists all the time is "Just tell Hamas to surrender and this whole war ends." Like that's a thing. Like Hamas are hanging on my every word and they'll be like "Hang on you guys, one more white westerner just said we should surrender! Let's wrap it up, fellas."

Like even if you accept the pants-on-head moronic notion that these horrors are 100% the fault of Hamas and 0% the fault of everything Israel has done both since October 7 and prior to October 7, and even if you ignore international law which says Palestinians have a right to defend themselves against hostile occupiers while Israel has no right to launch an attack to "defend" itself against people it is occupying, this argument STILL makes no sense. Hamas, unlike Israel, has no political responsiveness to the demands of the west. They have no reason to listen to anything we say.

Westerners putting political pressure on our own governments to stop facilitating this nightmare absolutely does have an effect, and we're seeing more and more signs that both Israel and its western allies are getting very nervous about the mounting international pressure from the public. Pretending the same is true of Hamas, who has no motive whatsoever to heed western governments and their electorates, is just evading reality to advance an agenda.

And Israel apologists know this. They're just throwing up every distraction and red herring they can think of to try and drag opposition to Israel's mass atrocities off course. "Tell Hamas to surrender" just means "Stop criticizing Israel's actions. Look over there, not over here. Shut up. Be silent. Go away." -Caitlin Johnstone
Do you mean to mumble or is your mouth just naturally full of shit? Again, you’re the one supporting IslamoNazi subhuman terrorist animals. They’re still holding women and kids hostage, and probably raping the women and mutilating the other hostages. Try watching some of the clips of Oct. 7 these are the monsters you’re in love with, moron. Oh wait…they’re all fake, right?

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