The Hamas atrocity stories are FAKE


Know who isn't a globalist? Putin.

I don't like what he's doing in Ukraine, though. :nono:
Here is where the Fake Hamas atrocity stories come from

Founded by a serial rapist known as the ā€œHaredi Jeffrey Epstein,ā€ Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to ā€œmass rapeā€ to a fetus cut from its mother.​

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities.​

Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash.​

Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal.​

During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israelā€™s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: ā€œA young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,ā€ Blinken intoned. ā€œThe fatherā€™s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The motherā€™s breast cut off, the girlā€™s foot amputated, the boyā€™s fingers cut off before they were executed.ā€

The Secretary of State concluded, ā€œThat is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.ā€

Though Blinken did not state the source of his disturbing claim ā€“ and was not prompted to do so by any senator ā€“ it matched testimony delivered by Yossi Landau, the head of operations for the southern Israel region of a religious ā€œdisaster victim identificationā€ organization called ZAKA. Indeed, Landau has rehashed various forms of the story Blinken referenced since October 12, detailing how Hamas militants viciously mutilated and killed a 6 and 8 year-old child and their parents in Kibbutz Beeri before dining in their home.

Despite the presence of multiple potential witnesses inside Beeri before ZAKA arrived to collect dead bodies, independent testimony corroborating Landauā€™s claim has yet to surface. Further, there are no recorded deaths of siblings around the age of 6 to 8 in Beeri on October 7. Any record of a young child killed in the manner Landau described is similarly nonexistent, as are photos of the murdered family he described. In fact, the only siblings anywhere close to this age range who died in the community on that dayā€”12-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetrzroniā€”were killed by Israeli tank shelling.

Landauā€™s story ā€“ and by extension, Blinkenā€™s testimony before the Senate ā€“ therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for Israelā€™s rampage in the Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landauā€™s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.

Though Israeli officials played a central role in Tel Avivā€™s misinformation campaign surrounding the events of October 7ā€” falsely claiming, for instance, that the bodies of dead Jewish babies were found dangling from a laundry line in one kibbutzā€”the most inflammatory allegations have emerged from a collection of ultra-Orthodox volunteer organizations such as ZAKA. Though ZAKA specializes ā€œin body collection and disposal,ā€ the group has no coronary credentials and is staffed by droves of poorly trained volunteers.

From ā€œconfirmingā€ the fraudulent story of beheaded babies found in a kibbutz to blatantly inventing others about Hamas fighters cutting fetuses out of pregnant womenā€™s bodies, severing a little girlā€™s arm, and baking a baby in an oven, ZAKA and rival groups have demonstrated a remarkable gift for seeding the media with depraved tales of alleged Hamas brutality. In doing so, they have armed Western leaders like Blinken and President Joe Biden with the narrative they would weaponize in order to block ceasefire proposals and rearm a military that has killed over 15,000 civilians in Gaza in less than two months.


Follow -Up material available soon .

Taken from the Grayzone
The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican Gomorrah, Goliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions
We all know Hamas are gentile people, practically flower children, so the allegations were ludicrous since their inception.
We all know Hamas are gentile people, practically flower children, so the allegations were ludicrous since their inception.
Poor Racist Cloudy has thanked you for your post confirming the sources of the Israeli Child Killer Lies and misinformation .
Why you simply repeated my OP is beyond me but we at least got to see how dim witted Cloudy is .

More good news that the Houthis and Hezbollah are escalating action against the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers .

Must be awful for onlooking Jews .
Poor Racist Cloudy has thanked you for your post confirming the sources of the Israeli Child Killer Lies and misinformation .
Why you simply repeated my OP is beyond me but we at least got to see how dim witted Cloudy is .

More good news that the Houthis and Hezbollah are escalating action against the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers .

Must be awful for onlooking Jews .
You must like dead Muslims if you're happy about escalation. Get a grip sister, it's not the Jews who are going to be dropping like flies.
You must like dead Muslims if you're happy about escalation. Get a grip sister, it's not the Jews who are going to be dropping like flies.
It is you who mentioned dead Muslims . Not me .

No one doubted that initially the Freedom Fighters would have to absorb heavy losses, though once you get near to facts , they have performed far better than amost anybody expected

And who talked about being happy if escalation occurred ? Not me . You .

But if that does occur , the Israeli Child Killers will suffer most , imho , and probably the greater the escalation the greater Israeli losses will be .

And yes I would delight in the Ethnic Cleansers getting more than a taste of their own medicine .
It is you who mentioned dead Muslims . Not me .

No one doubted that initially the Freedom Fighters would have to absorb heavy losses, though once you get near to facts , they have performed far better than amost anybody expected

And who talked about being happy if escalation occurred ? Not me . You .

But if that does occur , the Israeli Child Killers will suffer most , imho , and probably the greater the escalation the greater Israeli losses will be .

And yes I would delight in the Ethnic Cleansers getting more than a taste of their own medicine .
I did indeed mention dead Muslims whom you see as expendable for the lives of Jews even at a ratio of at least 20:1. Your hate for Jews has made you devalue the lives of Palestinians. You are already getting what you wish.
More good news that the Houthis and Hezbollah are escalating action against the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers .
I'll tell you how it ends. Jesus shows up and throws Israel's enemies into a big lake of fire where they are refined and cleansed of their evil and stupidity.
Know who isn't a globalist? Putin.

I don't like what he's doing in Ukraine, though. :nono:
If only! :auiqs.jpg:

Russia's friendliest bank will help BRICS implement the "climate agenda"​

Exciting news from COP28!​

Putin mourns death of "extraordinary and wise" Henry Kissinger​

"I will undoubtedly retain the fondest memory of him" Putin wrote in a message expressing his condolences to Kissinger's wife​

Russia Hails the New World Order - #NewWorldNextWeek​

If only! :auiqs.jpg:

Russia's friendliest bank will help BRICS implement the "climate agenda"​

Exciting news from COP28!​

Putin mourns death of "extraordinary and wise" Henry Kissinger​

"I will undoubtedly retain the fondest memory of him" Putin wrote in a message expressing his condolences to Kissinger's wife​

Russia Hails the New World Order - #NewWorldNextWeek​

It would appear at first sniff the fundamental dif betwixt globalism & NWO is simply who holds the purse strings Mr B

It would appear at first sniff the fundamental dif betwixt globalism & NWO is simply who holds the purse strings Mr B


"Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve

God money's not looking for the cure
God money's not concerned about the sick among the pure
God money, let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised
God money's not one to choose

No, you can't take it, no, you can't take it
No, you can't take that away from me
No, you can't take it, no, you can't take it

No, you can't take that away from me"
I did indeed mention dead Muslims whom you see as expendable for the lives of Jews even at a ratio of at least 20:1. Your hate for Jews has made you devalue the lives of Palestinians. You are already getting what you wish.
You soppy lad .
I do not privately care a fig for Jews or Moslems other than the small numbers I have contact with in real life .
But seeing a clear False Flag being played out and all of you arguing about details is hilarious .
The Hamas elite , the extreme end of the Israeli Nutty Yahoos and the Shadow USless Government are all one and the same thing -- top Deep State operatives/ factions .

Its always the same strategy for Deep State . Split the idiots down the middle , deflect from the truth and back both sides .

A few of you might realise this at some future point when it becomes academic .
Do you mean to mumble or is your mouth just naturally full of shit? Again, youā€™re the one supporting IslamoNazi subhuman terrorist animals. Theyā€™re still holding women and kids hostage, and probably raping the women and mutilating the other hostages. Try watching some of the clips of Oct. 7 these are the monsters youā€™re in love with, moron. Oh waitā€¦theyā€™re all fake, right?
Youā€™re on the wrong side of history. Of course, youā€™ll deny it later.

We can only hope this horrendous war crime stops now and the perpetrators face justice.
Do you mean to mumble or is your mouth just naturally full of shit? Again, youā€™re the one supporting IslamoNazi subhuman terrorist animals. Theyā€™re still holding women and kids hostage, and probably raping the women and mutilating the other hostages. Try watching some of the clips of Oct. 7 these are the monsters youā€™re in love with, moron. Oh waitā€¦theyā€™re all fake, right?
Donā€™t be an immoral inhuman dumb ass for life like Westy and Adam Smithā€™s Parrot.

Learn from your mistakes.

QUESTION: How many Israeli civilians did Hamas kill on Oct. 7?

1. The official death toll was revised down from 1400 to 1200.

2. Media sources have listed several hundred of the casualties as Israeli military.

3. Reports indicate that some of the dead were killed by IDF fire.

CONCLUSION: A rough estimate is that Hamas killed 300-600 Israeli civilians.

Each of those deaths is a horrific tragedy. Each should be vigorously condemned. Civilians must never be targeted.

But there is no moral universe in which leveling #Gaza, targeting schools and hospitals, and murdering thousands upon thousands of Palestinian children is an appropriate response.

The hideous truth is that Israel and the US are using the 10/7 attack as an excuse to carry out the genocidal intent expressed by a number of Israeli officials. They want to obliterate Palestinians. Period.

In the end, this is not about Hamas releasing hostages or surrendering. It's about the continuation of Israel's decades-long expulsion of the #Palestinian people from their homeland
You soppy lad .
I do not privately care a fig for Jews or Moslems other than the small numbers I have contact with in real life .
But seeing a clear False Flag being played out and all of you arguing about details is hilarious .
The Hamas elite , the extreme end of the Israeli Nutty Yahoos and the Shadow USless Government are all one and the same thing -- top Deep State operatives/ factions .

Its always the same strategy for Deep State . Split the idiots down the middle , deflect from the truth and back both sides .

A few of you might realise this at some future point when it becomes academic .
Theyā€™ll realize years from now, but only after the establishment lets it leak out. Then theyā€™ll deny they supported the genocide of the Palestinian people and the Deep State.
It is you who mentioned dead Muslims . Not me .

No one doubted that initially the Freedom Fighters would have to absorb heavy losses, though once you get near to facts , they have performed far better than amost anybody expected

And who talked about being happy if escalation occurred ? Not me . You .

But if that does occur , the Israeli Child Killers will suffer most , imho , and probably the greater the escalation the greater Israeli losses will be .

And yes I would delight in the Ethnic Cleansers getting more than a taste of their own medicine .

they have performed far better than amost anybody expected

Yup. Hamas blowed up real good.
I wonder if this terrorist ass kisser knows what womenā€™s rights are like for Palestinians.
You are no different than a Nazi prison guard. You will do as youā€™re told by the establishment. If that means murdering women and children, youā€™ll do it.

Your mind is not your own. The programing of your mind is complete.
Arab loser says what?
This from someone completely brainwashed by the criminal establishment.

Your mind is not your own.

You support a holocaust of Palestinians. If you were German in the 1930s, youā€™d support the holocaust of the Jews.

Whatever the authority figure tells you, you'll do.

Poor Racist Cloudy has thanked you for your post confirming the sources of the Israeli Child Killer Lies and misinformation .
Why you simply repeated my OP is beyond me but we at least got to see how dim witted Cloudy is .

More good news that the Houthis and Hezbollah are escalating action against the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers .

Must be awful for onlooking Jews .
What Are you babbling now, Fatima. Iran and Hezbollah have backed out and told Hamas theyā€™re in their own. Thatā€™s because theyā€™re scared and know what Israel is capable of, and donā€™t want to give them an excuse. The Houthis are nobodyā€™s and will be taken care of very quickly once Hamas is eliminated and that will be very soon, as the terrorist cowards are now surrendering in droves.

Like I said, Arabs are surrender monkeys, just look at recent history, they canā€™t fight, theyā€™ve tried over and over to destroy tiny Israel and each time they ended up getting on their knees and surrendering. Unfortunately like you they have a very low learning curve so they keep getting their asses kicked.

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