The Hamas Charter

You think you can tell someone else what to do on their own property? Come over to my house and try to pull that shit on me, then see what happens next.
So according to YOUR Logic if someone collects weapons on their property for the sole purpose of using it on you; you’re supposed to take it?
Come to my neighborhood, buy the house next door and try to pull that shit on me, we will see what happens next
It has to do with the hypocrisy Israel has towards IHL. You obey it when it serves your purpose, but don't when it doesn't.
As usual, you don’t make sense What else is new? Was Israel smuggling weapons? Thread , please. There won’t be 🚀✡️🙏
So according to YOUR Logic if someone collects weapons on their property for the sole purpose of using it on you; you’re supposed to take it?
Come to my neighborhood, buy the house next door and try to pull that shit on me, we will see what happens next
As long as I am obeying the law, whatever I do on my property, is NONE OF YOUR GOD-DAMN BUSINESS!
The Hamas charter promising to kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees gives you a little chub, now doesn't it?
I don't believe that is what their Charter says anymore. And if that is still their intentions, it's just crazy talk. No one in the ME can back that up. And the last one that tried, got their ass kicked in less than a week.
I have. Several times. Maybe you should do your due dillegence on a topic, before you start debating it. If you actually think it is okay to board a ship in international waters, then you obviously are ignorant of the subject matter.
Is that similar to the “ research “ you did when you stated Israel wouldn’t let the UN “ peacekeepers “ in? 😝
As usual, you don’t make sense What else is new? Was Israel smuggling weapons? Thread , please. There won’t be 🚀✡️🙏
I'm making sense you can't handle. To you, Israel is a sacred cow you can't criticize. I say fuck that shit, there is a ton of stuff to criticize Israel over. Like how you want to have your cake and eat it to. Like how you point to IHL to justify attacking Egypt, but give a big FU to IHL when it comes to Gazan fishermen.
I'm making sense you can't handle. To you, Israel is a sacred cow you can't criticize. I say fuck that shit, there is a ton of stuff to criticize Israel over. Like how you want to have your cake and eat it to. Like how you point to IHL to justify attacking Egypt, but give a big FU to IHL when it comes to Gazan fishermen.
You’re correct. Especially when they fire at Israelis. I’m making sense you can’t handle ; You see nothing wrong with what Egypt did and in addition sending the UN “ peacekeepers “ away. Israel was just supposed to “ take it “

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