The Hamas Charter

I already explained the effective control question on my previous response to you. "Shooting at fishermen" with weapons smuggled on their boats is justifiable. And yes, without "restriction in the West Bank" Palestinian terrorists would have easy access to killing more Israeli's.
Wrong! Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters. Or the WB.
Obviously, the problem sending humanitarian aid to Gaza is we are sending the wrong kind of vessels. I say, let's send a vessel the Israelis can't board! Like the USS Missouri. Let's send her to Gaza with a big as sign on the side of the ship that says, "BOARD THIS MOTHER-FUCKERS!"
I have no dog in this hunt. This conflict does not affect my daily life in any way. I am a white, Irish Catholic. Why the fuck would I lie?
You deny that when Israel left Gaza in 2005 the Rockets 🚀 increased IMMEDIATELY. Your Denial is a lie
Wrong! Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters. Or the WB.
Can you consider documented facts for a change?
Countries own the waters that stretch out 12 miles from the shoreline. Anything that happens in this region is subject to the laws of that state. So, it has the right to allow or deny passage through it or flights over it, extract natural resources that may be in this zone, and even build.
Again, they did not leave. When Gazans can fish or farm without getting shot at, when ships can sail into Gaza without being stopped and border, then, and only then, will you have a valid argument. Until then, YOU ARE FOS!
YOU ARE FOS ! 👍🇮🇱✡️
Countries own the waters that stretch out 12 miles from the shoreline. Anything that happens in this region is subject to the laws of that state. So, it has the right to allow or deny passage through it or flights over it, extract natural resources that may be in this zone, and even build.
Not in Gazan territorial waters.
Obviously, the problem sending humanitarian aid to Gaza is we are sending the wrong kind of vessels. I say, let's send a vessel the Israelis can't board! Like the USS Missouri. Let's send her to Gaza with a big as sign on the side of the ship that says, "BOARD THIS MOTHER-FUCKERS!"

Why would we want to help the terrorists of Hamas?
I haven't accused Israel of everything. Just what they are responsible for.

But you argue Israel is responsible for the conflict,
including the 6-day war, because it's a position,
yet logically you admit to agreeing with me.
I have no dog in this hunt. This conflict does not affect my daily life in any way. I am a white, Irish Catholic. Why the fuck would I lie?

Yet you're here,
asking us about your own motives,
to blame Israel for the conflict contradicting any logic.

Who told you it's about your opinion and your skin color??
I didn't say anything about the Rockets. Why do you keep seeing things I'm not saying? Are you too pussy to handle the truth?
I can; you can’t. Repeat; Rocket attacks increased IMMEDIATELY after Israel withdrew in 2005 . Are you too pussy to handle the truth ?
RE: The HAMAS Charter
SUBTOPIC: To the Question: Right of Self-Defense
⁜→ Billo_really, et al,

This is just another case of misinformation (and intentional deception).

The territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.​
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.​

Israel did not withdraw from Gaza. It maintains "effective control" over 80% of the area and that's not leaving.

Israel does not have a presence in Gaza → an Israeli force of any kind in Gaza to establish any authority.

The blockade is not leaving.

I have given this information several times before. One of several reasons that the Blockade is maintained is to actively further the suppression of unlawful acts.

The Blockade is NOT part of a larger military occupation. It is part of the internationally accepted law enforcement action.


I would suggest that if you are going to make these sweeping statements, be prepared to argue points in evidence to further your position.


2005 Protocol to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation

  • Criminalizes the use of a ship as a device to further an act of terrorism;
  • Criminalizes the transport on board a ship various materials knowing that they are intended to be used to cause, or in a threat to cause, death or serious injury or damage to further an act of terrorism;
  • Criminalizes the transporting on board a ship of persons who have committed an act of terrorism; and
  • Introduces procedures for governing the boarding of a ship believed to have committed an offence under the Convention.
A/RES/60/288 and The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

◈ To consider becoming parties without delay to the existing international conventions and protocols against terrorism, and implementing them, and to make every effort to reach an agreement on and conclude a comprehensive convention on international terrorism;
◈ To implement all General Assembly resolutions on measures to eliminate international terrorism and relevant General Assembly resolutions on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism;
◈ To implement all Security Council resolutions related to international terrorism and to cooperate fully with the counter-terrorism subsidiary bodies of the Security Council in the fulfilment of their tasks, recognizing that many States continue to require assistance in implementing these resolutions;
◈ To recognize that international cooperation and any measures that we undertake to prevent and combat terrorism must comply with our obligations under international law, including the Charter of the United Nations and relevant international conventions and protocols, in particular human rights law, refugee law and international humanitarian law.


Most Respectfully,
I greatly admire the Palestinian people and their unwavering resolve to recover and occupy their stolen home's and land. ... :thup:

How about the Native Americans, should they be given the Americas back? What do you do about those people who are 1/8th Native American then?
Also, once you've given Palestine back to a bunch of people who can't even do what's right for their own people, will you then go and give Palestine back to the Jews because... well, Jews were there long before Islam even existed.
Then, once you've given it back to the Jews, you can give it back to the fucking ROMANS.
But you argue Israel is responsible for the conflict,
including the 6-day war, because it's a position,
yet logically you admit to agreeing with me.
Of coarse they are. They attacked Egypt and have maintained an occupation since the '67 war. I have yet to see an Israeli supporter who will take responsibility for anything Israel does.

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