The hardest job for the next president may be fixing Trump’s mess


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The next president will face the reality of the Trump presidency. Now I am tired of debating dumb, delusional Trump supporters who would actually support Trump if they saw him commit murder. The next president after Trump no matter when is going to have a huge mess to clean up. The mess will be easier to clean in 2020 than later. If Trump gets a second term, the damage might be unrepairable.

We are not winning during Trump and it's time the excuses stopped being made.

The hardest job for the next president may be fixing Trump’s mess
By Eugene Robinson

September 16

I want to hear the Democratic presidential candidates explain, convincingly, how they’re going to beat Donald Trump. Then I want to hear how they propose to repair the devastating damage Trump has done to all three branches of government — and to our trust in our institutions.

First, Trump has to be sent packing. I shudder to think of what four more years of this chaos and decay would do to the nation. Trump is so unpopular, and has so neglected making any attempt to broaden his base, that the agenda of the eventual Democratic nominee is clear: motivate loyal Democratic constituencies to turn out in large numbers; win back at least some of the Rust Belt voters who chose Barack Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016; and invite independents and anti-Trump Republicans along for the ride.

None of these tasks is mutually exclusive, and none involves rocket science. With just a couple of exceptions, I can see any of the Democrats onstage last Thursday getting the job done. But then would come the hard part.

Perhaps the most straightforward and least complicated undertaking, since it would be entirely within the next president’s purview, is rebuilding the executive branch from the corrupted ruin Trump will leave behind.

One of the most underreported stories about the Trump administration is its basic incompetence. Perhaps Trump’s biggest con of all was convincing his supporters that he was some sort of business wizard with a genius for management. In truth, the Trump Organization was a mom-and-pop family business that he repeatedly micromanaged to the brink of collapse. He is doing exactly the same with the government of the United States.
Eugene Robinson. LMFAO!

He is a well known DNC subversive.
We will be stuck with trump again because all the dems running are goddamn loons and Americans are too stupid to vote outside the duopoly.
As usual, IM2 is in the looking glass, an alternate reality where lies are truth and truth is a lie. It is Trump fixing Obama's mess here in the real world.
The damage you see is nothing compared to the damage you have ignored when Obama was President...

Funny how the left now worries about our image on the world stage after eight years of the droning President ( Obama ) attacking countries we were never at war with...

Funny how the left cares about the illegal migrant when Obama deported three million of them breaking up families daily...

Funny how the left care about the environment when Obama EPA polluted a river because of their contractor mistake...

Funny how the left cares about trade while Obama allow countries like China to rape us for his eight years in office...

So as you write about cleaning up Trumo mess what it translate to is you want to go back to when China sold you poisonous crap and illegals lived in fear because the government might rip their family apart while a President uses drones on countries we are not at war with...

I hate Trump truthfully and no doubt about it but I am not some partisan whore to pretend the President's before him ( Clinton, Bush and Obama ) were any better...
Obama with be called by future historians the 'black Jimmy Carter".

Ineffective and clueless, his administration and leadership style will rank at the very bottom of every category.

Obama's failures will be required study by political science professors at major universities.

And citizens who survived the 8 years he occupied the White House, will be referred to as the "greatest generation". ...:cool:
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The next president will face the reality of the Trump presidency. Now I am tired of debating dumb, delusional Trump supporters who would actually support Trump if they saw him commit murder. The next president after Trump no matter when is going to have a huge mess to clean up. The mess will be easier to clean in 2020 than later. If Trump gets a second term, the damage might be unrepairable.

We are not winning during Trump and it's time the excuses stopped being made.

The hardest job for the next president may be fixing Trump’s mess
By Eugene Robinson

September 16

I want to hear the Democratic presidential candidates explain, convincingly, how they’re going to beat Donald Trump. Then I want to hear how they propose to repair the devastating damage Trump has done to all three branches of government — and to our trust in our institutions.

First, Trump has to be sent packing. I shudder to think of what four more years of this chaos and decay would do to the nation. Trump is so unpopular, and has so neglected making any attempt to broaden his base, that the agenda of the eventual Democratic nominee is clear: motivate loyal Democratic constituencies to turn out in large numbers; win back at least some of the Rust Belt voters who chose Barack Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016; and invite independents and anti-Trump Republicans along for the ride.

None of these tasks is mutually exclusive, and none involves rocket science. With just a couple of exceptions, I can see any of the Democrats onstage last Thursday getting the job done. But then would come the hard part.

Perhaps the most straightforward and least complicated undertaking, since it would be entirely within the next president’s purview, is rebuilding the executive branch from the corrupted ruin Trump will leave behind.

One of the most underreported stories about the Trump administration is its basic incompetence. Perhaps Trump’s biggest con of all was convincing his supporters that he was some sort of business wizard with a genius for management. In truth, the Trump Organization was a mom-and-pop family business that he repeatedly micromanaged to the brink of collapse. He is doing exactly the same with the government of the United States.

LMFAO Yeah. Guess he will have to "fix" the economy which is doing great. UE which is the lowest its been in 50 years and oh yeah. Lets "fix" jobs all across the country.

You are another whiny little lefty loon ass.
The OP has words, but no content?!
There are no items listed to correct, just replace Trump's executive branch appointees, which happens for every admin.
After the Obama admin coup attempts by deep state operatives it's laughable to say that Trump's admin is "corrupt"
Trump will win in 2020 and he will replace RBG (86) with Amy Coney Barrett, as well as other judges.
Hopefully Trump will also get to replace justices Thomas (71) and Breyer (81)
2020 will be decisive one way or the other, probably for Trump and the GOP...
The next president will face the reality of the Trump presidency. Now I am tired of debating dumb, delusional Trump supporters who would actually support Trump if they saw him commit murder. The next president after Trump no matter when is going to have a huge mess to clean up. The mess will be easier to clean in 2020 than later. If Trump gets a second term, the damage might be unrepairable.

We are not winning during Trump and it's time the excuses stopped being made.

The hardest job for the next president may be fixing Trump’s mess
By Eugene Robinson

September 16

I want to hear the Democratic presidential candidates explain, convincingly, how they’re going to beat Donald Trump. Then I want to hear how they propose to repair the devastating damage Trump has done to all three branches of government — and to our trust in our institutions.

First, Trump has to be sent packing. I shudder to think of what four more years of this chaos and decay would do to the nation. Trump is so unpopular, and has so neglected making any attempt to broaden his base, that the agenda of the eventual Democratic nominee is clear: motivate loyal Democratic constituencies to turn out in large numbers; win back at least some of the Rust Belt voters who chose Barack Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016; and invite independents and anti-Trump Republicans along for the ride.

None of these tasks is mutually exclusive, and none involves rocket science. With just a couple of exceptions, I can see any of the Democrats onstage last Thursday getting the job done. But then would come the hard part.

Perhaps the most straightforward and least complicated undertaking, since it would be entirely within the next president’s purview, is rebuilding the executive branch from the corrupted ruin Trump will leave behind.

One of the most underreported stories about the Trump administration is its basic incompetence. Perhaps Trump’s biggest con of all was convincing his supporters that he was some sort of business wizard with a genius for management. In truth, the Trump Organization was a mom-and-pop family business that he repeatedly micromanaged to the brink of collapse. He is doing exactly the same with the government of the United States.

I am so thankful that most Americans are still smarter than you and people that think like you. The left keeps dumbing people down in hopes of getting one of their Socialists elected.
The next president will face the reality of the Trump presidency. Now I am tired of debating dumb, delusional Trump supporters who would actually support Trump if they saw him commit murder. The next president after Trump no matter when is going to have a huge mess to clean up. The mess will be easier to clean in 2020 than later. If Trump gets a second term, the damage might be unrepairable.

We are not winning during Trump and it's time the excuses stopped being made.

The hardest job for the next president may be fixing Trump’s mess
By Eugene Robinson

September 16

I want to hear the Democratic presidential candidates explain, convincingly, how they’re going to beat Donald Trump. Then I want to hear how they propose to repair the devastating damage Trump has done to all three branches of government — and to our trust in our institutions.

First, Trump has to be sent packing. I shudder to think of what four more years of this chaos and decay would do to the nation. Trump is so unpopular, and has so neglected making any attempt to broaden his base, that the agenda of the eventual Democratic nominee is clear: motivate loyal Democratic constituencies to turn out in large numbers; win back at least some of the Rust Belt voters who chose Barack Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016; and invite independents and anti-Trump Republicans along for the ride.

None of these tasks is mutually exclusive, and none involves rocket science. With just a couple of exceptions, I can see any of the Democrats onstage last Thursday getting the job done. But then would come the hard part.

Perhaps the most straightforward and least complicated undertaking, since it would be entirely within the next president’s purview, is rebuilding the executive branch from the corrupted ruin Trump will leave behind.

One of the most underreported stories about the Trump administration is its basic incompetence. Perhaps Trump’s biggest con of all was convincing his supporters that he was some sort of business wizard with a genius for management. In truth, the Trump Organization was a mom-and-pop family business that he repeatedly micromanaged to the brink of collapse. He is doing exactly the same with the government of the United States.

The hardest job for the next president may be fixing Trump’s mess

Don't worry, in 2025, Mike Pence will be up to the task.

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