The healthcare industry is taking people for a ride.

You need to quote legitimate studies before you make the broad statement that "each person" (everyone in the U.S.?) "spends $2,550 (every year?) on "health care corruption or waste". How is it the responsibility of the health care system to make sure "each person" takes advantage of "prevention opportunities"? How do you determine "unnecessary services"? It sounds like a very dangerous game to play when you second guess "services" that are given to patients to be "unnecessary". Are "unnecessary services" determined by the age of the patient or the alleged hopelessness of the disease or injury? Wouldn't you want every freaking "service" available in the medical profession if you were sick or injured?
Last edited:
ACA is a D level guarantor because of opposition from the Right.

When Dems take over, they will slam through single payer with a 2/3ds vote required to repeal it.

Single payer is not realistic any time in the near future.
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Really? So how is it that all this money goes out for administration costs and corruption when Commie Care laws force insurance companies to use at least 80% of their premiums on paying claims?
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Really? So how is it that all this money goes out for administration costs and corruption when Commie Care laws force insurance companies to use at least 80% of their premiums on paying claims?

I don't understand your point here. You've asked a question and yet I don't see what the reason for your question is.
You need to quote legitimate studies before you make the broad statement that "each person" (everyone in the U.S.?) "spends $2,550 (every year?) on "health care corruption or waste". How is it the responsibility of the health care system to make sure "each person" takes advantage of "prevention opportunities"? How do you determine "unnecessary services"? It sounds like a very dangerous game to play when you second guess "services" that are given to patients to be "unnecessary". Are "unnecessary services" determined by the age of the patient or the alleged hopelessness of the disease or injury? Wouldn't you want every freaking "service" available in the medical profession if you were sick or injured?

Unnecessary would be things that are not required to make the service run. The UK does not have health insurance (except for private care) and so is unnecessary. Corruption includes doctors on the take, over prices pharmaceuticals. I did show a chart which showed all the unnecessary expenses, you may go back and take a look if you like.
This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.
.....and you can thank government interference in the health care marketplace for that one, get government out of health care and let competition force providers to compete based on price/quality and you'll have a system that puts customers first instead of the asinine pay for play system that we have today.

No, it's nothing to do with getting govt out. Like I said, the British pay 1/3rd what the US pay, and that is govt run.
Where the heck do you get your statistics?

First off Great Britain has 1/5th our population and it's nowhere near as geographically diverse as ours is
Secondly the British healthcare system is a model of inefficiency with respect to wait times and available treatment options (just ask all the Brits that come to the U.S. for health care every year why they chose to come here).
Third the British get to enjoy much lower drug prices due to our idiotic drug approval system here in the U.S. putting the lions share of the R&D costs on American Businesses and American taxpayers (we indirectly subsidize their drug prices)
Fourth British institutions are NOT the same as American Institutions, they have a different legal and social order than we do so it's NOT an apples to apples comparison
Fifth the British Citizens that are actually paying for the NHS pay almost $7000K per year to fund it

What the heck are you government worshipers thinking? Haven't you noticed the imbroglio that we're in with our current health care systems that are government run (see: Medicare, Medicaid and the VA)? What is it about free market competition that you folks are so deathly afraid of ?

Lastly please point out where in the U.S. Constitution that the federal government is empowered to take over and run an entire industry sector.
This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.
.....and you can thank government interference in the health care marketplace for that one, get government out of health care and let competition force providers to compete based on price/quality and you'll have a system that puts customers first instead of the asinine pay for play system that we have today.

No, it's nothing to do with getting govt out. Like I said, the British pay 1/3rd what the US pay, and that is govt run.
Where the heck do you get your statistics?

First off Great Britain has 1/5th our population and it's nowhere near as geographically diverse as ours is
Secondly the British healthcare system is a model of inefficiency with respect to wait times and available treatment options (just ask all the Brits that come to the U.S. for health care every year why they chose to come here).
Third the British get to enjoy much lower drug prices due to our idiotic drug approval system here in the U.S. putting the lions share of the R&D costs on American Businesses and American taxpayers (we indirectly subsidize their drug prices)
Fourth British institutions are NOT the same as American Institutions, they have a different legal and social order than we do so it's NOT an apples to apples comparison
Fifth the British Citizens that are actually paying for the NHS pay almost $7000K per year to fund it

What the heck are you government worshipers thinking? Haven't you noticed the imbroglio that we're in with our current health care systems that are government run (see: Medicare, Medicaid and the VA)? What is it about free market competition that you folks are so deathly afraid of ?

Lastly please point out where in the U.S. Constitution that the federal government is empowered to take over and run an entire industry sector.

First off, what does size and diversity have to do with healthcare costs?

The British healthcare system isn't inefficient, seeing as it manages to treat a LARGER percentage of people, has very good rates of dealing with serious diseases, and costs 1/3 what the US pays. Yes, there are problems, the BIGGEST problem with the British system is the right wing Tory Party in government that is cutting costs, saying it costs too much while paying MORE for things that were nationalized but now decided to privatize them with an aim of privatizing the whole system. They did it before and the left got back in power because of it and got things rolling again and the Tories are back and up to the same old nonsense.

Okay, which Brits go to the US for healthcare treatment then? I'd like to ask them, so you go post your evidence on that one.

Yes, the Brits (with a nationalized system) enjoy lower drug costs than the private waste and profit system in the US. The very system that is all about profit and screwing money out of people is the very one with drug companies making profit and screwing money out of people. Coincidence? No, it's not. Without a private rules system, the US wouldn't be paying over the odds and taking way too many drugs at the same times.

You say the US system is different. Yeah, one has a private healthcare system the other doesn't (as much), what's that for an argument? It seems you're reverting to the argument of "well this is how we do things, therefore it's different, therefore we can't compare it", WTF?

No, British citizens are paying around $4,000 actually. They pay around 8% of GDP, take the GDP, divide it by 65 million people and see what you get.

I'm not a govt loving person. I'm not a socialist, I don't like socialism. However what I've seen, and I've been around a looooooot, is that the American people are getting so fucking screwed, and yet people like you seem to applaud this fact. Then when things get slightly more expensive because of something like Obamacare you start screaming and shouting that it costs too much, yet never gave the slightest fuck when people were pay, on average $2,550 to line people's pockets for no good reason.
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.

We will never have national healthcare for one reason: liability.

In the private market, lawyers can sue until the cows come home. But remember that trial lawyers contribute heavily to the Democrat party come election time so they can stay in business. In spite of what they say, Democrats would never dream of eliminating private healthcare because people would not be able to sue the government healthcare personnel.
Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.

We will never have national healthcare for one reason: liability.

In the private market, lawyers can sue until the cows come home. But remember that trial lawyers contribute heavily to the Democrat party come election time so they can stay in business. In spite of what they say, Democrats would never dream of eliminating private healthcare because people would not be able to sue the government healthcare personnel.

Yeah, basically the same old story, there is too much interest, too much profit etc to be made out of screwing over the people. So the special interests will always buy the politicians and the politicians will always be on the take. And you wonder why the US is on the way down? When corruption becomes legitimate and accepted and even encouraged, you're in for a fall.


Here's Trump criticizing Hillary for being close to Goldman Sachs, and it's still on his website.
Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.

We will never have national healthcare for one reason: liability.

In the private market, lawyers can sue until the cows come home. But remember that trial lawyers contribute heavily to the Democrat party come election time so they can stay in business. In spite of what they say, Democrats would never dream of eliminating private healthcare because people would not be able to sue the government healthcare personnel.

Yeah, basically the same old story, there is too much interest, too much profit etc to be made out of screwing over the people. So the special interests will always buy the politicians and the politicians will always be on the take. And you wonder why the US is on the way down? When corruption becomes legitimate and accepted and even encouraged, you're in for a fall.


Here's Trump criticizing Hillary for being close to Goldman Sachs, and it's still on his website.

I don't think the US is on it's way down, but when it comes to healthcare, certainly.

I think what needs to happen is to investigate why healthcare costs so much in the first place--find a way to lower the cost--and then decide how to pay for it.

If Trump should conduct such an investigation, what we will find is that it's government that is responsible for much of our increases these last few decades. Why do I believe this? Because I worked in the medical field for a decade.

Government gives healthcare so much red tape it's almost impossible to make a profit. We used to have bi-weekly meetings just to discuss the new government regulations on not only government patients, but private insured patients as well. It was a nightmare.

Insurance costs increase by how much they have to payout. But did you ever notice that government insurance never increases?

So here's the scenario: A Medicare or Medicaid patient goes to the hospital for major surgery. The cost for that surgery is 150K. Government will only give the provider 100K, and they eat the rest. To recoup such losses, they increase their prices on private pay or private insured patients, and of course, premiums increase for everybody.

When you do this year after year, decade after decade, of course it comes to the point where healthcare is unaffordable for everybody like it is today. But it's not the providers or private insurance that's at fault, it's the government.
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.

Remind us again of all these thousands of Englishmen living to 120 years old..
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.

Ya know in the past 30 years I think I must have paid a total of $30 bucks on health care

My great cold of 1966: $6.00 for some cold medicine

I think I bought only like three bottles of asprin in the past 30 years : $8.00 bucks

And various bandaids In the past 30 years : around sixteen bucks

Total $30.00
It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.

We will never have national healthcare for one reason: liability.

In the private market, lawyers can sue until the cows come home. But remember that trial lawyers contribute heavily to the Democrat party come election time so they can stay in business. In spite of what they say, Democrats would never dream of eliminating private healthcare because people would not be able to sue the government healthcare personnel.

Yeah, basically the same old story, there is too much interest, too much profit etc to be made out of screwing over the people. So the special interests will always buy the politicians and the politicians will always be on the take. And you wonder why the US is on the way down? When corruption becomes legitimate and accepted and even encouraged, you're in for a fall.


Here's Trump criticizing Hillary for being close to Goldman Sachs, and it's still on his website.

I don't think the US is on it's way down, but when it comes to healthcare, certainly.

I think what needs to happen is to investigate why healthcare costs so much in the first place--find a way to lower the cost--and then decide how to pay for it.

If Trump should conduct such an investigation, what we will find is that it's government that is responsible for much of our increases these last few decades. Why do I believe this? Because I worked in the medical field for a decade.

Government gives healthcare so much red tape it's almost impossible to make a profit. We used to have bi-weekly meetings just to discuss the new government regulations on not only government patients, but private insured patients as well. It was a nightmare.

Insurance costs increase by how much they have to payout. But did you ever notice that government insurance never increases?

So here's the scenario: A Medicare or Medicaid patient goes to the hospital for major surgery. The cost for that surgery is 150K. Government will only give the provider 100K, and they eat the rest. To recoup such losses, they increase their prices on private pay or private insured patients, and of course, premiums increase for everybody.

When you do this year after year, decade after decade, of course it comes to the point where healthcare is unaffordable for everybody like it is today. But it's not the providers or private insurance that's at fault, it's the government.

Ever heard the expression "history repeats itself"? What happened to the Romans? The British? The Spanish? Every great empire has come and it has gone.

Let's look at Rome:

8 Reasons Why Rome Fell - History Lists

1) military loses. The US couldn't beat the Vietnamese, Iraq was a doddle, until it came to reconstruction which has led to ISIS and the rise in Islamic extremism. The US isn't winning this war in the slightest.

2) Economic troubles and over reliance on slavery. Okay, slavery's gone, but economic worries? Well the US is failing to adapt to the modern world when it comes to education, when it comes to getting and keeping high tech jobs, it seems that many people believe low paid manufacturing jobs are the way forwards. China is rising and it will soon have a high educated workforce that works like slaves and will be taking over many of those jobs in the near future.

3) The rise of the eastern Empire. China. Do I need to say more?

4) Over expansion and military overspending. The US spends too much on wars, the last two major wars made the US suffer. Trump wants to INCREASE military spending.

5) Government corruption and political instability. I mean, this is right there in the US. Corruption is endemic and legitimized and seems to be getting worse and worse. Political instability, well, potentially, with the partisan politics on the rise more and more.

6) The arrival of the Huns. Kind of like ISIS.

7) Christianity and the loss of traditional values. Are there any values left in the US?

8) Weakening of Legions. I don't know about this one.

But you've got history repeating itself.

Back to the next point.

Any investigation into why healthcare costs too much will simply be attacked mercilessly, and people will be told why it's a waste of time and money, and the rich will get their way again.

Govt gives healthcare red tape simply because healthcare NEEDS red tape. Things NEED to be done properly, it's about people's health, not about profit. This is why private healthcare is always going to be a problem, too expensive and possibly too difficult. In the UK they talk about the same stuff, too much red tape, too high costs, too much administration, it all sounds good to get rid of such stuff, but often the red tape is the tape that forces doctors and nurses to wash their hands. In the UK in the early 2000s there was an MRSA outbreak. It happened because the Conservative govt had cut back so much on health spending that people no longer bothered to do what they should have been doing and people died because of it. The red tape came back and with it came the efficiency of the health care system.

Healthcare insurance increases the more people have to pay out. But why pay out? Why go through a whole system of "I pay you, you pay them, they then treat me"? Why not, the govt gives them money, I turn up and they treat me, doesn't matter what I have?
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.
So the ACA is a dismal failure, is that what you wish us to believe?

Wasn't AFFORDABLE it's main goal which you have just blown apart?

Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.

Im not attacking you. I simply stated what has happened with my insurance due to obamacare. Im not refuting your waste claim. That was happening before obamacare. Asking govt to fix something, anything is laughable. Everytime they fix something, it becomes broke beyond repair and the same people start screaming again for govt to fix what they have already broken. I refuse to engage in that backwards ideology. I have more important things to do.
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.

Remind us again of all these thousands of Englishmen living to 120 years old..

What the hell does living to 120 have anything to do with this? Humans aren't designed to live to 120.

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia

UK life expectancy is HIGHER than the US.

UK 81.2
US 79.3

Oh, great US healthcare system, yeah?
Here are some facts about the US healthcare industry:

1) Each person spends, on average, $2,550 a year on healthcare corruption or waste (that's from $10,466 a year average spending on healthcare). That's $765 billion is wasted a year on unnecessary spending.
2) In the UK each person spends, on average, $3,720 a year on healthcare.They don't have to pay for health insurance companies
3) Administrative costs of healthcare insurance companies are 7% of healthcare spending (or $733 a year on average per person)
4) Health companies spent $258 million a year giving to political candidates and $510 million a year on lobbying.
5) The US rarely has the best results for healthcare, such as death rates from cancer and so on.

This is the ridiculous nature of a system which is designed to make people rich, rather than designed to make people better.

Here is some evidence to back this up.



4) Health | OpenSecrets

The US is at 130 deaths per 100,000 for cancer, compared to Spain 127, New Zealand 120, Italy 124.

Ya know in the past 30 years I think I must have paid a total of $30 bucks on health care

My great cold of 1966: $6.00 for some cold medicine

I think I bought only like three bottles of asprin in the past 30 years : $8.00 bucks

And various bandaids In the past 30 years : around sixteen bucks

Total $30.00

Good for you. What does this little anecdote have to do with anything?

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