The healthcare industry is taking people for a ride.

It is going to get a thousand times worse as government won't have the power to stop the bastards.
Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.
Did I mention the ACA? No, I did not. I think it isn't the right way to go, it's not a dismal failure, I mean, jeez, anything that the Democrats do is labelled that automatically.

It isn't affordable, nor is normal healthcare, seeing how much you end up playing in corruption. 7% of all you spend goes on admin for insurance for god's sake, and then 1/4 goes on waste and corruption. Great.

Yes, it's a failure. I get to subsidize the leeches. My premiums have gone up and my deductibles are now as high as the national debt. I dropped healthcare, created an exemption to screw the govt out of the penalty, and created a health savings account.

It's funny how you're complaining about it costing too much when it cost way too much BEFORE, yet you're not complaining about that. I showed that on average people spend $2,550 on waste and corruption that is totally unnecessary and you're not complaining about this. Why is that?

Why is it that I was paying 8000 less a year before this travesty came along? I'll tell you. I am now subsidizing leeches and deadbeats...or was before I canned it.

Every time the amount people paying increases to massive proportions. If you are currently paying "8000" (8000 what? Toe nails?) a year more, no doubt you were paying way to much beforehand anyway.

I can't answer your question as you didn't prove any facts, or evidence that you're doing this.

Also, I didn't start talking about Obamacare, and I'm not pro-Obamacare at all. So why you're trying to attack me with Obamacare, I have no idea. I'm talking (you did read what I write, right?) about nationalized healthcare, in other words, doing away with private healthcare which has been shown to increase costs.

Im not attacking you. I simply stated what has happened with my insurance due to obamacare. Im not refuting your waste claim. That was happening before obamacare. Asking govt to fix something, anything is laughable. Everytime they fix something, it becomes broke beyond repair and the same people start screaming again for govt to fix what they have already broken. I refuse to engage in that backwards ideology. I have more important things to do.

Why are you talking about Obamacare? Did I talk about Obamacare? Did I say it was the way forward? No, I did not.

Here's the problem. You elect politicians who can't do their job, and then complain when they can't do their job.

Here's a clue. ELECT PEOPLE WHO WILL DO A GOOD JOB instead of these assholes who do nothing but fight each other. The problem is you look around this board and you see so many mindless people who play along with the partisan game that you know nothing is going to change, you know the rich are always going to be screwing the poor on this and many other things, because they control the minds of too many people.
Back to the next point.

Any investigation into why healthcare costs too much will simply be attacked mercilessly, and people will be told why it's a waste of time and money, and the rich will get their way again.

Govt gives healthcare red tape simply because healthcare NEEDS red tape. Things NEED to be done properly, it's about people's health, not about profit. This is why private healthcare is always going to be a problem, too expensive and possibly too difficult. In the UK they talk about the same stuff, too much red tape, too high costs, too much administration, it all sounds good to get rid of such stuff, but often the red tape is the tape that forces doctors and nurses to wash their hands. In the UK in the early 2000s there was an MRSA outbreak. It happened because the Conservative govt had cut back so much on health spending that people no longer bothered to do what they should have been doing and people died because of it. The red tape came back and with it came the efficiency of the health care system.

Healthcare insurance increases the more people have to pay out. But why pay out? Why go through a whole system of "I pay you, you pay them, they then treat me"? Why not, the govt gives them money, I turn up and they treat me, doesn't matter what I have?

For one, red tape only creates more expense. It's not needed.

Two, government is deciding on how much they will pay for their patients which is a huge part of the problem. Look......if you want Medicare, fine with me. But you have to increase employee and employers contributions to the system so they have the money to pay for their patients. Simple as that. If you don't, we have what we have today which is passing the costs to other entities. Those other entities then become unaffordable, and then we have this cluster F that we have today.
Back to the next point.

Any investigation into why healthcare costs too much will simply be attacked mercilessly, and people will be told why it's a waste of time and money, and the rich will get their way again.

Govt gives healthcare red tape simply because healthcare NEEDS red tape. Things NEED to be done properly, it's about people's health, not about profit. This is why private healthcare is always going to be a problem, too expensive and possibly too difficult. In the UK they talk about the same stuff, too much red tape, too high costs, too much administration, it all sounds good to get rid of such stuff, but often the red tape is the tape that forces doctors and nurses to wash their hands. In the UK in the early 2000s there was an MRSA outbreak. It happened because the Conservative govt had cut back so much on health spending that people no longer bothered to do what they should have been doing and people died because of it. The red tape came back and with it came the efficiency of the health care system.

Healthcare insurance increases the more people have to pay out. But why pay out? Why go through a whole system of "I pay you, you pay them, they then treat me"? Why not, the govt gives them money, I turn up and they treat me, doesn't matter what I have?

For one, red tape only creates more expense. It's not needed.

Two, government is deciding on how much they will pay for their patients which is a huge part of the problem. Look......if you want Medicare, fine with me. But you have to increase employee and employers contributions to the system so they have the money to pay for their patients. Simple as that. If you don't, we have what we have today which is passing the costs to other entities. Those other entities then become unaffordable, and then we have this cluster F that we have today.

That depends on whether it is needed or not. It depends on whether you think a certain amount of administration is needed. Like I said, 7% of healthcare costs go on the insurance companies, which are totally unnecessary burdens on the system. That's a LOT of money. This isn't anything to do with govt red tape.

What happens now is a ridiculous system. Govt's should not be paying private companies to treat patients at all. The govt should make their own hospitals and people can decide if they want to buy health insurance or go through the govt system. Look, the UK system costs less than half the US system, it costs the US federal govt MORE per person for the US system than the UK system costs.

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