The Hits Keep Coming! Yet Another Video Of Hunter Biden, This Time He's Having A Mental Breakdown On A Beach

Another one has dropped tonight. He's severely distressed and losing his pants in the process, lol, as he films himself.

We want to see the contents of his laptop and who was paying The Big Guy to sell out America to the Chicoms, Ukrainians, Iranians, and Ruskies.
rUsSiaN diSiNfoRMatiOn!
Russian Collusion was True despite the fact both The FBI and DOJ knew the accusations were false, were financed by Obama, Biden and Clinton, and filed Fraudulent FISA Affidavits to spy on The President and his inner circle. The FBI and especially Robert Mueller did not go forward with a Fake Investigation based on False Allegations against a sitting President despite knowing that the accusations were completely false. Just another GOP Lie...

Hunter Biden's Laptop is a lie and is Russian Disinformation, said the same 50 Intelligence Community Experts who pushed Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane. Lies Lies Lies!

Joe Biden Extorting Ukraine is a lie. Never happened despite Joe admitting it on Video. Lies!

Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry's sons did not accept millions of dollars in bribes to funnel to their parents under the cover of being consultants in an industry they has ZERO knowledge of. Lies I tell you.

Obama and Fauci did not illegally funnel money to the CCP in Wuhan to create COVID19 and then predict in 2017 when Trump was elected that The Trump Administration would experience a COVID19 Pandemic, said Fauci who oversaw the financing and creation of COVID19. Lie!

Hillary Clinton did not Bleach Bit 30,0000 emails in direct violation of two Federal Court Orders and James Comey did not cover for her. The same guy that launched a campaign to get Trump from day one did not bend over backwards to repeatedly exonerate The Criminal Clintons. Just another GOP Lie.

Democrat ran districts in The Battle Ground States did not use Maduro Voting Machines and Algorithms and did not illegally change voting laws to facilitate rigging the 2020 Election. Lies!

The DNC did not hire Pakistani Hackers to hack into congressional records to search for blackmail material. Lies I tell you.

Obama, Biden and Clinton did not finance and supply weapons to The Muslim Brotherhood to start a coup in Egypt. More lies, right?

The Pakistani Hackers who were supporters of Bernie Sanders did not obtain the Podesta Emails to give to Seth Rich and Julian Assange in retaliation for finding out The DNC rigged the primaries against Sanders. Just more lies.

Hillary Clinton did not have an illegal secret server and Obama did not illegally repeatedly emails her on it, and Hillary Clinton never shared classified information with her friends for the purpose of cashing in on insider trading. Lies!

Hillary Clinton never took $125 Million from Putin to push through the Uranium One Deal knowing that Uranium One would be bought by Putin's Company Rosatom. Holder, Obama, McCain, Mueller, and Comey all knew what was going down. More lies.

Obama, Biden and Clinton were not using the Benghazi outpost to illegally finance and run guns to and for Al Queda in Libya, and did not assassinate Qaddafi. More Lies.

Republicans Lie. Trust Us.
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The idiots that voted for Biden and continue to defend him and his policies couldn’t care less about any of this. A check for 10 million could surface from Hunter to Joe with “ The Big Guy’s Cut from China” in the memo field and it wouldn’t matter to them. They are naive, evil and a little stupid all rolled into one.

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