The hockey stick revisited.

Really? You think the push for alternative energy technology is being driven by people who will profit from its implementation? If so, do you have any evidence to support that idea? That might be evidence similar to that showing the oil industry having spent hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people like you that AGW is still the subject of widespread debate and that its mitigation (an existential threat to the fossil fuel industry) will cost more than we can afford.
You means Tesla is a non-profit organization? First you pretended that the IPCC wasn't trying to squelch debate and now you are arguing that no company will benefit from government mandates and policies. How do you sleep at night?

A glacial cycle which wipes out significant portions of North America, Asia and Europe displacing 250 million people will cost more than we can afford.
Weather patterns are more consistent the longer the period examined.
You also have the problem of bringing massive PV and wind systems online. Already there are problems siting these systems. It will only get worse as energy needs increase. This will likely lead to rethinking those plans.
PV and wind systems have been growing at an overwhelming pace, far outstripping new installations of any fossil fuel technology. And to what siting problems do you refer?
PV and wind systems have been growing at an overwhelming pace, far outstripping new installations of any fossil fuel technology. And to what siting problems do you refer?'re not a serious person dude

Tell us...when you combine solar and wind, what % of the grid are they providing for electricity generation? :bye1:

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Talking with you is STILL and complete and utter waste of time.

Because I bring the real to every argument...bluntly I might add.

All I know is....11 years in here and none of the climate crusaders can ever answer a few simple questions. They are routinely ignored. So....of course you can't have a conversation....because the alarmists always shut down any dialogue when confronted with actual facts!

I point it out with humor....and they get pissed!! :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Out clevered....I get it.
Eleven years in here and you still haven't figured out how to formulate a meaningful question or analyze facts in order to produce a valid conclusion. The one thing you have shown us all over and over and over again is that you have absolutely no interest in finding the truth about anything.
I love the truth. Here's one of them...

The oxygen isotope curve - which is the accepted proxy for temperature - shows that the climate of our planet fluctuated less with warmer temperatures than with colder temperatures. Which makes sense since the temperature before the transition to the ice ages is about 2C warmer than today and the threshold for extensive continental glaciation is about 2C cooler than today. The climate of the planet is driven by what happens in the northern hemisphere because of its threshold for extensive continental glaciation and that effect on albedo. The southern pole has a continent parked over it and is always covered in ice. It has a much hotter threshold for extensive continental glaciation than the northern hemisphere does about 4C warmer than today's temperatures.

transition to icehouse.png
I love the truth. Here's one of them...

The oxygen isotope curve - which is the accepted proxy for temperature - shows that the climate of our planet fluctuated less with warmer temperatures than with colder temperatures. Which makes sense since the temperature before the transition to the ice ages is about 2C warmer than today and the threshold for extensive continental glaciation is about 2C cooler than today. The climate of the planet is driven by what happens in the northern hemisphere because of its threshold for extensive continental glaciation and that effect on albedo. The southern pole has a continent parked over it and is always covered in ice. It has a much hotter threshold for extensive continental glaciation than the northern hemisphere does about 4C warmer than today's temperatures.

transition to icehouse.png
A couple points
O18 levels are one of a few temperature proxies in ice cores.

"...the climate of our planet fluctuated less with warmer temperatures than with colder temperatures." is nonsense. Try throwing in some actual temperature ranges and some actual standard deviations. "Warmer" and "colder" are basically meaningless.

The southern pole has not always had a continent parked over it. That's why tropical fossils may be found there.
A couple points
O18 levels are one of a few temperature proxies in ice cores.

"...the climate of our planet fluctuated less with warmer temperatures than with colder temperatures." is nonsense. Try throwing in some actual temperature ranges and some actual standard deviations. "Warmer" and "colder" are basically meaningless.

The southern pole has not always had a continent parked over it. That's why tropical fossils may be found there.
You can see with your own eyes on the oxygen isotope curve - that everyone accepts - the temperature threshold of each polar region for extensive continental glaciation. 2C cooler than today for the northern hemisphere and 4C warmer than today for the southern hemisphere. You can also see with your own eyes on the oxygen isotope curve - that everyone accepts - that if the planet were 2C warmer that orbital forcing would not trigger northern hemisphere glaciation.

A couple points
O18 levels are one of a few temperature proxies in ice cores.

"...the climate of our planet fluctuated less with warmer temperatures than with colder temperatures." is nonsense. Try throwing in some actual temperature ranges and some actual standard deviations. "Warmer" and "colder" are basically meaningless.

The southern pole has not always had a continent parked over it. That's why tropical fossils may be found there.
Ding Dong's last two posts were of course REPEAT TROLL Graphics proving nothing.
One can see he's just a high frequency posting addict who likes to 'run' this section (or others) not really replying but gratuitously harassing/last-wording others putting up 10 posts in 5 or 6 threads in 10 minutes with his same material used daily/weekly.
He needs treatment.

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Ding Dong's last two posts were of course REPEAT TROLL Graphics proving nothing.
One can see he's just a high frequency posting addict who likes to 'run' this section (or others) not really replying but gratuitously harassing/last-wording others putting up 10 posts in 5 or 6 threads in 10 minutes with his same material used daily/weekly.
He needs treatment.

Climate fluctuations and thresholds for extensive continental glaciation with respect to orbital forcing aren't nothing.
And even though the southern pole has ALMOST always had a continent parked on top of it but hasn't always had extensive continental glaciation even with orbital forcing. So it's obvious that there is a temperature that exists that is the threshold for extensive southern hemisphere glaciation and it can be seen in the oxygen isotope curve.
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