The horrid result of the alleged Russian "meddling"

Crooked Hillary deserves to take her lumps, but that doesn't absolve the fucking Russians any more than a gang-banger who takes a shot at another gang-banger but hits your car shouldn't be let off the hook because he was shooting at another gang-banger.

The fucking Russians attempted to sway our election. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with that.

No they didn't. Get a grip Nancy.
The Nancy who needs to get a grip on reality is the person who denies the fucking Russians hacked the DNC and revealed their findings through Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

The 4 Most Damaging Emails From the DNC WikiLeaks Dump

Trump’s top intelligence officials accept conclusion that Russia hacked election
WASHINGTON — Several top Trump administration intelligence officials told a Senate panel Thursday they accept the conclusion of a report earlier this year that says Russia undertook data thefts and hacking during the 2016 election — a finding President Donald Trump has questioned.

At a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats submitted a statement concluding that Russia “has assumed a more aggressive cyber posture” in recent years.

“This aggressiveness was evident in Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. election and we assess that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized the 2016 U.S. election-focused data thefts and disclosures, based on the scope and sensitivity of the targets,” Coats wrote in his statement.

Coats, a former senator from Indiana, was nominated as director of national intelligence in January by the incoming president.

Sen. Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Community, asked the intelligence community leaders if they accepted a January report from the Obama administration that Russia had attempted to interfere in the presidential election through a campaign of disinformation, data thefts and leaks. The report also concluded that the effort was aimed at boosting Trump and damaging his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

In response to his question, the heads of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Security Agency all simply said “yes.”

An expanded version of this report appears at
blah, blah, blah..... and yet the FBI didn't look at the DNC server. don't you think that would be important if this was all supposed to have happened? they didn't. that was enough for me. nope no hack.
Crooked Hillary deserves to take her lumps, but that doesn't absolve the fucking Russians any more than a gang-banger who takes a shot at another gang-banger but hits your car shouldn't be let off the hook because he was shooting at another gang-banger.

The fucking Russians attempted to sway our election. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with that.

No they didn't. Get a grip Nancy.
The Nancy who needs to get a grip on reality is the person who denies the fucking Russians hacked the DNC and revealed their findings through Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

The 4 Most Damaging Emails From the DNC WikiLeaks Dump

Trump’s top intelligence officials accept conclusion that Russia hacked election
WASHINGTON — Several top Trump administration intelligence officials told a Senate panel Thursday they accept the conclusion of a report earlier this year that says Russia undertook data thefts and hacking during the 2016 election — a finding President Donald Trump has questioned.

At a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats submitted a statement concluding that Russia “has assumed a more aggressive cyber posture” in recent years.

“This aggressiveness was evident in Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. election and we assess that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized the 2016 U.S. election-focused data thefts and disclosures, based on the scope and sensitivity of the targets,” Coats wrote in his statement.

Coats, a former senator from Indiana, was nominated as director of national intelligence in January by the incoming president.

Sen. Mark Warner, a Virginia Democrat and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Community, asked the intelligence community leaders if they accepted a January report from the Obama administration that Russia had attempted to interfere in the presidential election through a campaign of disinformation, data thefts and leaks. The report also concluded that the effort was aimed at boosting Trump and damaging his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

In response to his question, the heads of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and National Security Agency all simply said “yes.”

An expanded version of this report appears at
hey just a quick question, do you think the Billie Bush Trump conversation on the bus was influential in changing votes?
The Nancy who needs to get a grip on reality is the person who denies the fucking Russians hacked the DNC and revealed their findings through Wikileaks.

So, you are upset that the AMERICAN PEOPLE got the TRUTH?

Thanks, Mr. American Hero....

If you want to troll you need a mentor, someone who might be able to convince you that even trolls need to have some credibility. You have none. You will get the regular fools, members of the echo chamber to give you high fives, but no educated or discriminating reader will ever believe anything you post.
The Nancy who needs to get a grip on reality is the person who denies the fucking Russians hacked the DNC and revealed their findings through Wikileaks.

So, you are upset that the AMERICAN PEOPLE got the TRUTH?

Thanks, Mr. American Hero....

If you want to troll you need a mentor, someone who might be able to convince you that even trolls need to have some credibility. You have none. You will get the regular fools, members of the echo chamber to give you high fives, but no educated or discriminating reader will ever believe anything you post.
sort of like us about you eh?
The Nancy who needs to get a grip on reality is the person who denies the fucking Russians hacked the DNC and revealed their findings through Wikileaks.

So, you are upset that the AMERICAN PEOPLE got the TRUTH?

Thanks, Mr. American Hero....

If you want to troll you need a mentor, someone who might be able to convince you that even trolls need to have some credibility. You have none. You will get the regular fools, members of the echo chamber to give you high fives, but no educated or discriminating reader will ever believe anything you post.

sort of like us about you eh?

No, I'm educated and have good judgment, you are a fool who echoes meme's and echoes fake news as facts. But you know that, if you were honest.
Crooked Hillary deserves to take her lumps, but that doesn't absolve the fucking Russians any more than a gang-banger who takes a shot at another gang-banger but hits your car shouldn't be let off the hook because he was shooting at another gang-banger.

The fucking Russians attempted to sway our election. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with that.
they did?
Yes, just as our intelligence agencies reported. Did you miss it?
...It's been my stance since fking day one. show me the evidence. NOW!!!!!
Intel report says Putin ordered campaign to influence US election
The report said:

“We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)
No, I'm educated and have good judgment, you are a fool who echoes meme's and echoes fake news as facts. But you know that, if you were honest.
Wow, so many logical fallacies I don't know where to begin. How about if I just give you a list and see if you are honest enough to use your proclaimed education and good judgment to tell everyone what fallacies you've used?

List of fallacies - Wikipedia
Hacking is still a crime

WHO did the hacking?


"The Russians" says the living breathing validation of the theory of Joseph Goebbels...

You cannot even prove the Russians did the hacking....


It is PROVEN that CNN cheated with the Hillary campaign, and that doesn't bother your completely hypocritical rear one bit, and you aren't calling for prosecution either.

Is hacking a crime? Yes or no?
prove who got hacked?

Is hacking still a crime? Yes or no?

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