The Horrifying racism of Black Liberation Theology....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
There is no question that bad things happen in this world and that our human history is full of a record of bad of those being slavery. Slavery, such as we know it is only a very small part of the whole historical picture...North American Slavery of Blacks is actually one of the smaller components of the entire slavery record with former world powers like Greece and Persia actually conquering and enslaving entire nations based not on skin color but simply on nationality.

That however does not diminish the harsh reality of the North American slave trade and we as a nation rightly bow our heads in shame when we remember it both culturally and as a historical fact...truly a dark chapter on the face of an otherwise brilliant nation.

It is to be expected of course that in the retreat from such poor behavior as a race of people that there will be an awakening and an outcry...this is all part of the healing. However there is also another reaction that is not part of the healing and that is the over-reaction that begs for revenge on a like for like basis...something that is understandable from the standpoint of human frailties but not from the standpoint of logic and reason since it is virtually impossible to do in any case.

This is a very broad subject so we need to specialize in order to present an intelligible post and we will do that by focusing solely on the new age movement that has arisen both from Black Cultural religiosity and righteous backlash against the former practices of one race against another. That movement is known by and large as Black Liberation Theology and suffers the unfortunate fate of being both righteously born even as it is insidiously twisted in both it's aims and its stated purposes as it does more to enslave it's adherents than the original bad practices of slavery did in the 1600's to 1800's of this nation.

First: BLT does more to enslave its adherents than it does to free them.
why do I say this? Because Sunday, in the BLT community is based on a false Christianity that includes skin color only brotherhood....this in turn creates a false sense of righteousness which becomes indignation, exclusivity, condescension and outright anger for the other six days of the week that these people have to deal with the real world that is not all Black. When was the last time you saw any white people at a BLT Sunday Sermon who were there as participants and not as penitents?

Second: BLT practitioners do not recognize individuals of other races...only whole races of people. Case in point right here on these boards are BLT pushers who will refer to you as whitey, whiteman, Crackah, The on and so forth. They relentlessly and fastidiously broad brush all those without similar melanin counts as racist ( self defeating much? ) in some way or another. You see racism is necessary to the structure of BLT because it is a reaction not a genuine organic action and that in and of itself makes the entire motion a net negative for its participants placing them way back in the starting blocks of modern society that has long since shed its emotional and intellectual attachments to skin color privileges....the vestiges remain only because they provide a platform of deceit from which to pontificate and to collect money.

Third: Practitioners of BLT are unable to approach the real world with any sense of directionality since they have already decided that they are alone in society and must fight aggressively for even the right to walk on the sidewalk which makes them totally unaware of the real nature of the world around them and causes them to focus all happenstance solely on their skin color. This becomes apparent when interacting with them ( here on this board for instance) only to find that you are not a person but instead a pronoun in their vision of the world and are unable to stand away from your ownership of racism as far as they are concerned. This should be alarming to any healthy mind...because it smacks of cultism not liberation and not theology. It is strongly akin to movements like AA or NA that depend on the human tendency to over-react in order to react adequately....a poor strategy to be sure but for some perhaps they only way they can survive

We could go on for pages frankly.....but for the sake of humility and the briefness of a good OP Topic let's stop there and invite discussion below.

You can read more here: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology

Or here:Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words

Yes, slavery was the fatal mistake that the Founding Fathers made.

The consequences of slavery (the Civil War, segregation, Civil Rights) have brought us to this moment.

IMHO, there is no solution.

By the end of this century, Euro Americans may be down to as low as 30% or less of the population.

This means that the problem will be tossed onto the lap of Hispanic Americans, who will eventually constitute the majority.

IMHO, there is no reason to think that this country will be any nearer to a solution.
Yes, slavery was the fatal mistake that the Founding Fathers made.

The consequences of slavery (the Civil War, segregation, Civil Rights) have brought us to this moment.

IMHO, there is no solution.

By the end of this century, Euro Americans may be down to as low as 30% or less of the population.

This means that the problem will be tossed onto the lap of Hispanic Americans, who will eventually constitute the majority.

IMHO, there is no reason to think that this country will be any nearer to a solution.

The Latino's do not recognize black oppression and are not in the least interested in it. I have tried to make this point time and again with the BLT practitioners here on this board....they are not preparing their children for the new reality of the 2050's....where ....this nation will be actively pursuing the Latino theme and will probably forget who the hell Martin Luthier king is or was. Now is the time to come together as a nation and become Americans...but no...they are determined to ride this boat straight into hell and will create a boogeyman when there are no more white people to blame for their failures.

Yes, slavery was the fatal mistake that the Founding Fathers made.

The consequences of slavery (the Civil War, segregation, Civil Rights) have brought us to this moment.

IMHO, there is no solution.

By the end of this century, Euro Americans may be down to as low as 30% or less of the population.

This means that the problem will be tossed onto the lap of Hispanic Americans, who will eventually constitute the majority.

IMHO, there is no reason to think that this country will be any nearer to a solution.
Amazing how in China when they have bio outbreaks....they just go into towns and machine-gun everyone in the place and then bulldoze everything under. Over night a town just disappears.

But something that ended in America 150 years ago means we're an evil country.
Yes, slavery was the fatal mistake that the Founding Fathers made.

The consequences of slavery (the Civil War, segregation, Civil Rights) have brought us to this moment.

IMHO, there is no solution.

By the end of this century, Euro Americans may be down to as low as 30% or less of the population.

This means that the problem will be tossed onto the lap of Hispanic Americans, who will eventually constitute the majority.

IMHO, there is no reason to think that this country will be any nearer to a solution.
Amazing how in China when they have bio outbreaks....they just go into towns and machine-gun everyone in the place and then bulldoze everything under. Over night a town just disappears.

But something that ended in America 150 years ago means we're an evil country.
Jeremiah wright is a millionaire and lives in a gated community with other millionaires. That pretty much says everything that needs to be said.
There is no question that bad things happen in this world and that our human history is full of a record of bad of those being slavery. Slavery, such as we know it is only a very small part of the whole historical picture...North American Slavery of Blacks is actually one of the smaller components of the entire slavery record with former world powers like Greece and Persia actually conquering and enslaving entire nations based not on skin color but simply on nationality.

That however does not diminish the harsh reality of the North American slave trade and we as a nation rightly bow our heads in shame when we remember it both culturally and as a historical fact...truly a dark chapter on the face of an otherwise brilliant nation.

It is to be expected of course that in the retreat from such poor behavior as a race of people that there will be an awakening and an outcry...this is all part of the healing. However there is also another reaction that is not part of the healing and that is the over-reaction that begs for revenge on a like for like basis...something that is understandable from the standpoint of human frailties but not from the standpoint of logic and reason since it is virtually impossible to do in any case.

This is a very broad subject so we need to specialize in order to present an intelligible post and we will do that by focusing solely on the new age movement that has arisen both from Black Cultural religiosity and righteous backlash against the former practices of one race against another. That movement is known by and large as Black Liberation Theology and suffers the unfortunate fate of being both righteously born even as it is insidiously twisted in both it's aims and its stated purposes as it does more to enslave it's adherents than the original bad practices of slavery did in the 1600's to 1800's of this nation.

First: BLT does more to enslave its adherents than it does to free them.
why do I say this? Because Sunday, in the BLT community is based on a false Christianity that includes skin color only brotherhood....this in turn creates a false sense of righteousness which becomes indignation, exclusivity, condescension and outright anger for the other six days of the week that these people have to deal with the real world that is not all Black. When was the last time you saw any white people at a BLT Sunday Sermon who were there as participants and not as penitents?

Second: BLT practitioners do not recognize individuals of other races...only whole races of people. Case in point right here on these boards are BLT pushers who will refer to you as whitey, whiteman, Crackah, The on and so forth. They relentlessly and fastidiously broad brush all those without similar melanin counts as racist ( self defeating much? ) in some way or another. You see racism is necessary to the structure of BLT because it is a reaction not a genuine organic action and that in and of itself makes the entire motion a net negative for its participants placing them way back in the starting blocks of modern society that has long since shed its emotional and intellectual attachments to skin color privileges....the vestiges remain only because they provide a platform of deceit from which to pontificate and to collect money.

Third: Practitioners of BLT are unable to approach the real world with any sense of directionality since they have already decided that they are alone in society and must fight aggressively for even the right to walk on the sidewalk which makes them totally unaware of the real nature of the world around them and causes them to focus all happenstance solely on their skin color. This becomes apparent when interacting with them ( here on this board for instance) only to find that you are not a person but instead a pronoun in their vision of the world and are unable to stand away from your ownership of racism as far as they are concerned. This should be alarming to any healthy mind...because it smacks of cultism not liberation and not theology. It is strongly akin to movements like AA or NA that depend on the human tendency to over-react in order to react adequately....a poor strategy to be sure but for some perhaps they only way they can survive

We could go on for pages frankly.....but for the sake of humility and the briefness of a good OP Topic let's stop there and invite discussion below.

You can read more here: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology

Or here:Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words

The standard white racist reaction to anything that opposes white supremacy. All this is bullshit.

Whites have been the one who made race an issue. Whites are the ones who segregated churches. So again this article is a load of crap written by a black man that white racists want to use in order to absolve themselves from the mess they created.
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There is no question that bad things happen in this world and that our human history is full of a record of bad of those being slavery. Slavery, such as we know it is only a very small part of the whole historical picture...North American Slavery of Blacks is actually one of the smaller components of the entire slavery record with former world powers like Greece and Persia actually conquering and enslaving entire nations based not on skin color but simply on nationality.

That however does not diminish the harsh reality of the North American slave trade and we as a nation rightly bow our heads in shame when we remember it both culturally and as a historical fact...truly a dark chapter on the face of an otherwise brilliant nation.

It is to be expected of course that in the retreat from such poor behavior as a race of people that there will be an awakening and an outcry...this is all part of the healing. However there is also another reaction that is not part of the healing and that is the over-reaction that begs for revenge on a like for like basis...something that is understandable from the standpoint of human frailties but not from the standpoint of logic and reason since it is virtually impossible to do in any case.

This is a very broad subject so we need to specialize in order to present an intelligible post and we will do that by focusing solely on the new age movement that has arisen both from Black Cultural religiosity and righteous backlash against the former practices of one race against another. That movement is known by and large as Black Liberation Theology and suffers the unfortunate fate of being both righteously born even as it is insidiously twisted in both it's aims and its stated purposes as it does more to enslave it's adherents than the original bad practices of slavery did in the 1600's to 1800's of this nation.

First: BLT does more to enslave its adherents than it does to free them.
why do I say this? Because Sunday, in the BLT community is based on a false Christianity that includes skin color only brotherhood....this in turn creates a false sense of righteousness which becomes indignation, exclusivity, condescension and outright anger for the other six days of the week that these people have to deal with the real world that is not all Black. When was the last time you saw any white people at a BLT Sunday Sermon who were there as participants and not as penitents?

Second: BLT practitioners do not recognize individuals of other races...only whole races of people. Case in point right here on these boards are BLT pushers who will refer to you as whitey, whiteman, Crackah, The on and so forth. They relentlessly and fastidiously broad brush all those without similar melanin counts as racist ( self defeating much? ) in some way or another. You see racism is necessary to the structure of BLT because it is a reaction not a genuine organic action and that in and of itself makes the entire motion a net negative for its participants placing them way back in the starting blocks of modern society that has long since shed its emotional and intellectual attachments to skin color privileges....the vestiges remain only because they provide a platform of deceit from which to pontificate and to collect money.

Third: Practitioners of BLT are unable to approach the real world with any sense of directionality since they have already decided that they are alone in society and must fight aggressively for even the right to walk on the sidewalk which makes them totally unaware of the real nature of the world around them and causes them to focus all happenstance solely on their skin color. This becomes apparent when interacting with them ( here on this board for instance) only to find that you are not a person but instead a pronoun in their vision of the world and are unable to stand away from your ownership of racism as far as they are concerned. This should be alarming to any healthy mind...because it smacks of cultism not liberation and not theology. It is strongly akin to movements like AA or NA that depend on the human tendency to over-react in order to react adequately....a poor strategy to be sure but for some perhaps they only way they can survive

We could go on for pages frankly.....but for the sake of humility and the briefness of a good OP Topic let's stop there and invite discussion below.

You can read more here: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology

Or here:Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words

The standard white racist reaction to anything that opposes white supremacy. All this is bullshit.

The standard white racist reaction

And there you have it!... Article/determiner..adjective...... PRONOUN >>> PROUNOUN>>>> verb/noun
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There is no question that bad things happen in this world and that our human history is full of a record of bad of those being slavery. Slavery, such as we know it is only a very small part of the whole historical picture...North American Slavery of Blacks is actually one of the smaller components of the entire slavery record with former world powers like Greece and Persia actually conquering and enslaving entire nations based not on skin color but simply on nationality.

That however does not diminish the harsh reality of the North American slave trade and we as a nation rightly bow our heads in shame when we remember it both culturally and as a historical fact...truly a dark chapter on the face of an otherwise brilliant nation.

It is to be expected of course that in the retreat from such poor behavior as a race of people that there will be an awakening and an outcry...this is all part of the healing. However there is also another reaction that is not part of the healing and that is the over-reaction that begs for revenge on a like for like basis...something that is understandable from the standpoint of human frailties but not from the standpoint of logic and reason since it is virtually impossible to do in any case.

This is a very broad subject so we need to specialize in order to present an intelligible post and we will do that by focusing solely on the new age movement that has arisen both from Black Cultural religiosity and righteous backlash against the former practices of one race against another. That movement is known by and large as Black Liberation Theology and suffers the unfortunate fate of being both righteously born even as it is insidiously twisted in both it's aims and its stated purposes as it does more to enslave it's adherents than the original bad practices of slavery did in the 1600's to 1800's of this nation.

First: BLT does more to enslave its adherents than it does to free them.
why do I say this? Because Sunday, in the BLT community is based on a false Christianity that includes skin color only brotherhood....this in turn creates a false sense of righteousness which becomes indignation, exclusivity, condescension and outright anger for the other six days of the week that these people have to deal with the real world that is not all Black. When was the last time you saw any white people at a BLT Sunday Sermon who were there as participants and not as penitents?

Second: BLT practitioners do not recognize individuals of other races...only whole races of people. Case in point right here on these boards are BLT pushers who will refer to you as whitey, whiteman, Crackah, The on and so forth. They relentlessly and fastidiously broad brush all those without similar melanin counts as racist ( self defeating much? ) in some way or another. You see racism is necessary to the structure of BLT because it is a reaction not a genuine organic action and that in and of itself makes the entire motion a net negative for its participants placing them way back in the starting blocks of modern society that has long since shed its emotional and intellectual attachments to skin color privileges....the vestiges remain only because they provide a platform of deceit from which to pontificate and to collect money.

Third: Practitioners of BLT are unable to approach the real world with any sense of directionality since they have already decided that they are alone in society and must fight aggressively for even the right to walk on the sidewalk which makes them totally unaware of the real nature of the world around them and causes them to focus all happenstance solely on their skin color. This becomes apparent when interacting with them ( here on this board for instance) only to find that you are not a person but instead a pronoun in their vision of the world and are unable to stand away from your ownership of racism as far as they are concerned. This should be alarming to any healthy mind...because it smacks of cultism not liberation and not theology. It is strongly akin to movements like AA or NA that depend on the human tendency to over-react in order to react adequately....a poor strategy to be sure but for some perhaps they only way they can survive

We could go on for pages frankly.....but for the sake of humility and the briefness of a good OP Topic let's stop there and invite discussion below.

You can read more here: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology

Or here:Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words

The standard white racist reaction to anything that opposes white supremacy. All this is bullshit.

The standard white racist reaction
This OP/thread is just that. And don't lie about whites not seeing race when race is a construct created by whites.
There is no question that bad things happen in this world and that our human history is full of a record of bad of those being slavery. Slavery, such as we know it is only a very small part of the whole historical picture...North American Slavery of Blacks is actually one of the smaller components of the entire slavery record with former world powers like Greece and Persia actually conquering and enslaving entire nations based not on skin color but simply on nationality.

That however does not diminish the harsh reality of the North American slave trade and we as a nation rightly bow our heads in shame when we remember it both culturally and as a historical fact...truly a dark chapter on the face of an otherwise brilliant nation.

It is to be expected of course that in the retreat from such poor behavior as a race of people that there will be an awakening and an outcry...this is all part of the healing. However there is also another reaction that is not part of the healing and that is the over-reaction that begs for revenge on a like for like basis...something that is understandable from the standpoint of human frailties but not from the standpoint of logic and reason since it is virtually impossible to do in any case.

This is a very broad subject so we need to specialize in order to present an intelligible post and we will do that by focusing solely on the new age movement that has arisen both from Black Cultural religiosity and righteous backlash against the former practices of one race against another. That movement is known by and large as Black Liberation Theology and suffers the unfortunate fate of being both righteously born even as it is insidiously twisted in both it's aims and its stated purposes as it does more to enslave it's adherents than the original bad practices of slavery did in the 1600's to 1800's of this nation.

First: BLT does more to enslave its adherents than it does to free them.
why do I say this? Because Sunday, in the BLT community is based on a false Christianity that includes skin color only brotherhood....this in turn creates a false sense of righteousness which becomes indignation, exclusivity, condescension and outright anger for the other six days of the week that these people have to deal with the real world that is not all Black. When was the last time you saw any white people at a BLT Sunday Sermon who were there as participants and not as penitents?

Second: BLT practitioners do not recognize individuals of other races...only whole races of people. Case in point right here on these boards are BLT pushers who will refer to you as whitey, whiteman, Crackah, The on and so forth. They relentlessly and fastidiously broad brush all those without similar melanin counts as racist ( self defeating much? ) in some way or another. You see racism is necessary to the structure of BLT because it is a reaction not a genuine organic action and that in and of itself makes the entire motion a net negative for its participants placing them way back in the starting blocks of modern society that has long since shed its emotional and intellectual attachments to skin color privileges....the vestiges remain only because they provide a platform of deceit from which to pontificate and to collect money.

Third: Practitioners of BLT are unable to approach the real world with any sense of directionality since they have already decided that they are alone in society and must fight aggressively for even the right to walk on the sidewalk which makes them totally unaware of the real nature of the world around them and causes them to focus all happenstance solely on their skin color. This becomes apparent when interacting with them ( here on this board for instance) only to find that you are not a person but instead a pronoun in their vision of the world and are unable to stand away from your ownership of racism as far as they are concerned. This should be alarming to any healthy mind...because it smacks of cultism not liberation and not theology. It is strongly akin to movements like AA or NA that depend on the human tendency to over-react in order to react adequately....a poor strategy to be sure but for some perhaps they only way they can survive

We could go on for pages frankly.....but for the sake of humility and the briefness of a good OP Topic let's stop there and invite discussion below.

You can read more here: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology

Or here:Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words

The standard white racist reaction to anything that opposes white supremacy. All this is bullshit.

The standard white racist reaction
This OP/thread is just that. And don't lie about whites not seeing race when race is a construct created by whites.

More pronouns....race..race...race....blah..blah...blah....RACE RACE...pronouns...pronouns....

First of all I don't even believe that you are a black man....
Secondly you are definitely following the pattern I layed out in the top post. Did you even read it? Probably not.

Yes, slavery was the fatal mistake that the Founding Fathers made.

The consequences of slavery (the Civil War, segregation, Civil Rights) have brought us to this moment.

IMHO, there is no solution.

By the end of this century, Euro Americans may be down to as low as 30% or less of the population.

This means that the problem will be tossed onto the lap of Hispanic Americans, who will eventually constitute the majority.

IMHO, there is no reason to think that this country will be any nearer to a solution.

There is no reason to think his country will be a country at the end of the century.

And yes there is a solution, it is to move on instead of wallowing in self-pity and hatred.

If there is no solution then we should stop destroying the country just to appease a group of highly criminal people that can never be assimilated into society through their own hatred, racism and bigotry.

The squad Nano lr cens.jpg
Yes, slavery was the fatal mistake that the Founding Fathers made.

The consequences of slavery (the Civil War, segregation, Civil Rights) have brought us to this moment.

IMHO, there is no solution.

By the end of this century, Euro Americans may be down to as low as 30% or less of the population.

This means that the problem will be tossed onto the lap of Hispanic Americans, who will eventually constitute the majority.

IMHO, there is no reason to think that this country will be any nearer to a solution.

Actually there will be a solution.....the issue will simply vanish into an atmosphere of total will be remembered as a bump in history along with BLM...and it's ridiculous cohort of race baiting morons.

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There is no question that bad things happen in this world and that our human history is full of a record of bad of those being slavery. Slavery, such as we know it is only a very small part of the whole historical picture...North American Slavery of Blacks is actually one of the smaller components of the entire slavery record with former world powers like Greece and Persia actually conquering and enslaving entire nations based not on skin color but simply on nationality.

That however does not diminish the harsh reality of the North American slave trade and we as a nation rightly bow our heads in shame when we remember it both culturally and as a historical fact...truly a dark chapter on the face of an otherwise brilliant nation.

It is to be expected of course that in the retreat from such poor behavior as a race of people that there will be an awakening and an outcry...this is all part of the healing. However there is also another reaction that is not part of the healing and that is the over-reaction that begs for revenge on a like for like basis...something that is understandable from the standpoint of human frailties but not from the standpoint of logic and reason since it is virtually impossible to do in any case.

This is a very broad subject so we need to specialize in order to present an intelligible post and we will do that by focusing solely on the new age movement that has arisen both from Black Cultural religiosity and righteous backlash against the former practices of one race against another. That movement is known by and large as Black Liberation Theology and suffers the unfortunate fate of being both righteously born even as it is insidiously twisted in both it's aims and its stated purposes as it does more to enslave it's adherents than the original bad practices of slavery did in the 1600's to 1800's of this nation.

First: BLT does more to enslave its adherents than it does to free them.
why do I say this? Because Sunday, in the BLT community is based on a false Christianity that includes skin color only brotherhood....this in turn creates a false sense of righteousness which becomes indignation, exclusivity, condescension and outright anger for the other six days of the week that these people have to deal with the real world that is not all Black. When was the last time you saw any white people at a BLT Sunday Sermon who were there as participants and not as penitents?

Second: BLT practitioners do not recognize individuals of other races...only whole races of people. Case in point right here on these boards are BLT pushers who will refer to you as whitey, whiteman, Crackah, The on and so forth. They relentlessly and fastidiously broad brush all those without similar melanin counts as racist ( self defeating much? ) in some way or another. You see racism is necessary to the structure of BLT because it is a reaction not a genuine organic action and that in and of itself makes the entire motion a net negative for its participants placing them way back in the starting blocks of modern society that has long since shed its emotional and intellectual attachments to skin color privileges....the vestiges remain only because they provide a platform of deceit from which to pontificate and to collect money.

Third: Practitioners of BLT are unable to approach the real world with any sense of directionality since they have already decided that they are alone in society and must fight aggressively for even the right to walk on the sidewalk which makes them totally unaware of the real nature of the world around them and causes them to focus all happenstance solely on their skin color. This becomes apparent when interacting with them ( here on this board for instance) only to find that you are not a person but instead a pronoun in their vision of the world and are unable to stand away from your ownership of racism as far as they are concerned. This should be alarming to any healthy mind...because it smacks of cultism not liberation and not theology. It is strongly akin to movements like AA or NA that depend on the human tendency to over-react in order to react adequately....a poor strategy to be sure but for some perhaps they only way they can survive

We could go on for pages frankly.....but for the sake of humility and the briefness of a good OP Topic let's stop there and invite discussion below.

You can read more here: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology

Or here:Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words

That describes B. Hussein church and the Rev. Wright perfectly.
The standard white racist reaction

And there you have it!... Article/determiner..adjective...... PRONOUN >>> PROUNOUN>>>> verb/noun
It's best to ignore that Racist POS.

I find him fascinating.... his speech patterns lack any sense of community which is why I don't believe his identity claims. He speaks in solid you have any idea how hard that is for someone who is original? That's like saying the alphabet backwards all day long...hahaha..

There are no original thoughts in his posts...everything is borrowed and all of it can be found on talking points lists at the DNC headquarters. I'm sure he's probably looking for a parallel to my post on the web but he won't find stuff is original...comes right off my keyboard.

This stuff is more or less like studying can pretend but you can never truly imitate.

I find him fascinating.... his speech patterns lack any sense of community which is why I don't believe his identity claims. He speaks in solid you have any idea how hard that is for someone who is original? That's like saying the alphabet backwards all day long...hahaha..

There are no original thoughts in his posts...everything is borrowed and all of it can be found on talking points lists at the DNC headquarters. I'm sure he's probably looking for a parallel to my post on the web but he won't find stuff is original...comes right off my keyboard.

This stuff is more or less like studying can pretend but you can never truly imitate.

That's pretty awesome.

As for me ....

I don't find shity people to be fascinating.

I find them to be just shity people.

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