The House has the Responsibility to Defund Obamacide -


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Call your representatives to get behind defunding
Links in article at site

It is quite clear that the deceptively-named “Affordable Care Act” (aka Obamacare), was NOT supported by “We the People” when it was crammed down our throats three years ago so we could “see what’s in it”. Its popularity has plummeted since then as we’ve found out.

Support has dwindled in recent months among the middle and lower classes whose very jobs are threatened by it as employers cut work hours to avoid it, and traditional Democratic “bases” like unions realize they’ve been deceived.

Even arch-O’supporter Warren Buffet is now on record against it.One response by the administration—arguably illegal—is to grant “waivers” to Friends of Obama. Waivers are rapidly becoming the new version of a “tax loophole” for politically connected companies. If one business gets a waiver and its competitor does not, it is cronyism in its worst form, similar to the way targeted tax breaks use the power of Washington to punish the productive in protecting the politically connected

.In a development only beltway bandits can appreciate, we are now hearing of even some conservatives (we thought) who are wavering themselves on whether Congress can or even should defund the ACA.Fortunately, the Founders answered these questions over 200 years ago. In Federalist #58, James Madison addressed the very issue of steering the government through financial restrictions or “the power over the purse”.

The issue was and is whether the smaller population states (in the Senate) and a possibly tyrannical Executive could essentially override the true will of the people’s House of Representatives. Does this sound familiar? He explained, after discussing many other checks on the other two branches that, -

all of it here
See more at: The House has the Responsibility to Defund Obamacide | Texas GOP Vote

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