The Illusion That Harris Is A Plausible Candidate


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021

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Every honest commentator, and even some dishonest ones, acknowledges the supreme oddity of Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

As has been oft remarked, the oddity begins with the campaign’s origin. Exactly how is it that Kamala Harris even became the candidate? By what process was Joe Biden, the undisputed winner of the Democratic primary, ousted, eliminated and defenestrated from contention? The rumors and stories are plentiful, but the actual facts—to say nothing of the dramatis personae behind the facts—remain obscure.

** Yep....Biden was pushed out. No attempt to say something else makes any sense **

But somehow, exactly two months ago, Joe Biden raised his sleepy head in Rehoboth Beach and announced his departure from the campaign but not, pointedly, from the presidency. (Will that happen before January 20, 2025? I wonder.)

No sooner had the public begun to get its head around that surprise than they were hit with an even bigger one: Biden’s replacement would be Vice President Kamala Harris. How did that happen? Who voted for her? Shhh! Some questions are mood breakers, and it was clear from the get-go that the Harris campaign was going to have to depend heavily, some experts say nearly exclusively, on mood.

No interviews......Well one 19 minute softball with her Service Animal at her side.
No policy until absolutely necessary
Don't address any of the flip flops
Take no credit for "we are so proud of bidenomics"

Just talk about "Joy".

We'll continue in a minute.
You don't put a woman or man like that in charge of mission critical things. No. :nono:
She doesn't have what it takes to lead or do the right things in a time of crisis.
Judging by the way Trump has handled and endured the barrage of bullshit against him for 8 years and been through 2 assassination attempts, he does.
Many good men, even great men, would not have the fortitude to be where he is today.
The man's got some balls. He's not doing this for the money, he's doing it because it's the right thing to do, and he is committed 100%. God bless him.
Kamala just wants to be the next puppet/yes man like Biden was and have all the perks in a puppet regime.
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From the article:

In the weeks since July 21, when Biden made his fateful announcement, there has been a lot of Dr. Johnson’s dog about the Harris campaign. When it came to female preachers, Dr. Johnson said, we are reminded of dogs who can walk on their hind legs. They do not do it well, but we are surprised they can do it at all.

Mindful of Harris’s, er, challenges in public speaking and responding ex tempore to questions from interviewers, her handlers have been assiduous about keeping her out of such dangerous situations. The more she vocalizes (I almost said “talks”), the more damage she does to her candidacy. Her embarrassing performance on a ninety-minute livestream exchange with Oprah Winfrey in Detroit a few days ago underscored the problem.

Even Winfrey, a prominent anti-Trump Harris supporter, seemed taken aback by her guest’s incoherent flights of flaccid, cringe-making glossolalia. Harris supporters just winced and bit their tongues while critics pounced upon and ridiculed the seeping, leaking emission of empty saccharine vocables.

***** Really ? Like we didn't know from watching her as VP. She was the reason we praryed for Biden's health. Who wanted THAT in the WH ? So, what to do.....Answer: HIDE from the press. Don't take questions.

After all, she's not TRUMP and that is the basis of her campaign. She didn't beat Trump in the debate. With the help of the moderators, Trump damaged himself. Many indiacted that she didn't even need to be there.

So what is Harris selling ????

Oprah thinking: Oh ****, what is this dork doing ?

Loved the article:

Every honest commentator, and even some dishonest ones, acknowledges the supreme oddity of Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

As has been oft remarked, the oddity begins with the campaign’s origin. Exactly how is it that Kamala Harris even became the candidate? By what process was Joe Biden, the undisputed winner of the Democratic primary, ousted, eliminated and defenestrated from contention? The rumors and stories are plentiful, but the actual facts—to say nothing of the dramatis personae behind the facts—remain obscure.

** Yep....Biden was pushed out. No attempt to say something else makes any sense **

But somehow, exactly two months ago, Joe Biden raised his sleepy head in Rehoboth Beach and announced his departure from the campaign but not, pointedly, from the presidency. (Will that happen before January 20, 2025? I wonder.)

No sooner had the public begun to get its head around that surprise than they were hit with an even bigger one: Biden’s replacement would be Vice President Kamala Harris. How did that happen? Who voted for her? Shhh! Some questions are mood breakers, and it was clear from the get-go that the Harris campaign was going to have to depend heavily, some experts say nearly exclusively, on mood.

No interviews......Well one 19 minute softball with her Service Animal at her side.
No policy until absolutely necessary
Don't address any of the flip flops
Take no credit for "we are so proud of bidenomics"

Just talk about "Joy".

We'll continue in a minute.
Like I've been saying:


Loved the article:

Every honest commentator, and even some dishonest ones, acknowledges the supreme oddity of Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

As has been oft remarked, the oddity begins with the campaign’s origin. Exactly how is it that Kamala Harris even became the candidate? By what process was Joe Biden, the undisputed winner of the Democratic primary, ousted, eliminated and defenestrated from contention? The rumors and stories are plentiful, but the actual facts—to say nothing of the dramatis personae behind the facts—remain obscure.

** Yep....Biden was pushed out. No attempt to say something else makes any sense **

But somehow, exactly two months ago, Joe Biden raised his sleepy head in Rehoboth Beach and announced his departure from the campaign but not, pointedly, from the presidency. (Will that happen before January 20, 2025? I wonder.)

No sooner had the public begun to get its head around that surprise than they were hit with an even bigger one: Biden’s replacement would be Vice President Kamala Harris. How did that happen? Who voted for her? Shhh! Some questions are mood breakers, and it was clear from the get-go that the Harris campaign was going to have to depend heavily, some experts say nearly exclusively, on mood.

No interviews......Well one 19 minute softball with her Service Animal at her side.
No policy until absolutely necessary
Don't address any of the flip flops
Take no credit for "we are so proud of bidenomics"

Just talk about "Joy".

We'll continue in a minute.

you seem to be trying so hard to convince yourself of these things.

It will be alright little buddy, in under 2 months one of them will win and not a damn fucking thing in your life or my life will change.
Can you imagine that brain-dead whore in front of the leaders of other countries? Her comment will always be, "Yes, I grew up in a middle class family." The entire world knows she is an airhead. It will be so easy to FOOL her and Walz, if they become in charge. :auiqs.jpg:
She didn't beat Trump in the debate. With the help of the moderators, Trump damaged himself.

Harris toyed with Trump and humiliated him
Trump was steaming mad and made one of the biggest blunders in debate history

Migrants are eating Cats!
Migrants are eating Dogs!

You can’t make this shit up

There are only 45 days left until Tuesday, November 5, the nominal election day. Of course, we dispensed with election day back in 2020; now we have an election season. It begins long before the designated day and continues on until Democrats conclude they have reaped all the extra votes they can muster.

Nevertheless, victory for the Democrats will depend not only, or perhaps even principally, on cheating. It will depend on the perpetuation of an illusion: the illusion that Kamala Harris is in any way a plausible candidate for the presidency of the United States. And that illusion, in turn, can only be perpetuated if she is kept far from the klieg lights of public scrutiny.

Because of the shadowy forces playing out behind the Biden-Harris administration, one often hears it compared to the scene in The Wizard of Oz when the little dog Toto pulls back the curtain and reveals that Oz, the great and terrible, was just a doddery old man.


A group of them anyway. You know....the high dollar donars that said they were withholding if Biden continues. And who let go once a change was made. The democrats can be bought and sold ? That isn't a surprise.

They simply can't allow her to be herself in public. It's to dangerous.
Harris toyed with Trump and humiliated him
Trump was steaming mad and made one of the biggest blunders in debate history

Migrants are eating Cats!
Migrants are eating Dogs!

You can’t make this shit up
Why don't you eat Kamala. You are pretty crazy about her...
From the article:

In the weeks since July 21, when Biden made his fateful announcement, there has been a lot of Dr. Johnson’s dog about the Harris campaign. When it came to female preachers, Dr. Johnson said, we are reminded of dogs who can walk on their hind legs. They do not do it well, but we are surprised they can do it at all.

Mindful of Harris’s, er, challenges in public speaking and responding ex tempore to questions from interviewers, her handlers have been assiduous about keeping her out of such dangerous situations. The more she vocalizes (I almost said “talks”), the more damage she does to her candidacy. Her embarrassing performance on a ninety-minute livestream exchange with Oprah Winfrey in Detroit a few days ago underscored the problem.

Even Winfrey, a prominent anti-Trump Harris supporter, seemed taken aback by her guest’s incoherent flights of flaccid, cringe-making glossolalia. Harris supporters just winced and bit their tongues while critics pounced upon and ridiculed the seeping, leaking emission of empty saccharine vocables.

***** Really ? Like we didn't know from watching her as VP. She was the reason we praryed for Biden's health. Who wanted THAT in the WH ? So, what to do.....Answer: HIDE from the press. Don't take questions.

After all, she's not TRUMP and that is the basis of her campaign. She didn't beat Trump in the debate. With the help of the moderators, Trump damaged himself. Many indiacted that she didn't even need to be there.

So what is Harris selling ????
Glossolalia. That's a new one on me.

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