The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Ooooh! Original.....not

You're like the kid in school with rubber and glue insults

Somehow in your claim for the need in originalism you reference an old timey school yard taunt. Though the way you phrased it I'm not so sure you understood it to begin with.
It's normal for leftists to leach on to that which belongs to others, insults included.

Own it


Is that anything like when conservatives were accused of Obama Derangement Syndrome and then after Trump was elected those same conservatives started using the term Trump Derangement Syndrome?

From 2012

The state of paranoia in which people fear President Obama so much, they stop thinking logically and stop using common sense. Usually a direct result of watching too much Fox News.
Announcer: This is Skeeter.

Skeeter: Kenyan, Muslim, Communist, Socialist.

Announcer: Skeeter is suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Skeeter: He bowed to other world leaders. He had a hip-hop barbecue.

Fuck your claims to originality.

Grow up little Girl, that term has been used on every Prez since Clinton.

Yes, you guys had and still have a good case of CDS. If you're trying to say that the right isn't original then I agree with you.

I don't a derangement issue at all, you people sure do. My point was that the term has been in use for decades, so deal with it

I think you 'do a derangement issue' very well.

But that's beside the point. It's not original.

Yawn. I'll live, seem bothered by the smallest things......hormonal?
Nah, unoriginality seems to suit the right.

For example the weird way you think calling someone a woman is an insult.
Unimaginable incompetence and ineptitude…
There are no words that adequately describe this level of incompetence…
There are no words that adequately describe this level of incompetence…
Yeah, I know.

February 29 2020
After a week-long deal to reduce violence across Afghanistan, the U.S. and the Taliban signed a historic agreement Saturday that would see U.S. troops start to withdraw, according to a statement issued Friday afternoon by President Donald Trump.

"Soon, at my direction, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will witness the signing of an agreement with representatives of the Taliban, while Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan. If the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan live up to these commitments, we will have a powerful path forward to end the war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home," Trump said.

“In my view, we bear a major responsibility for this. Began under President Trump when he authorized negotiations between the U.S. and the Taliban without the Afghan government in the room said Ryan Crocker.

"We pressed them to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners. Eventually they did it, and watched them go back into the fight against the people who released them. So this is a year and a half worth of demoralization.”

The Afghans surrendered and when they did, they gave up their weapons too, US weapons.

That wouldn't have been Bush fault, Obama's fault, Trump's fault nor is it Biden's fault.
That wouldn't have been Bush fault, Obama's fault, Trump's fault nor is it Biden's fault.
It would be wholly Biden’s fault. It was his job to ensure that Afghanistan didn’t fall. For fucks sake, literally half a dozen reaper drones would have prevented it.

Not a single American boot on the ground in Afghanistan. Just hellfire missiles killing any Taliban firing a weapon.
I'm very pleased with where we are. And very relieved. And very hopeful.

You are free to believe whatever you're told in your universe.
Hopeful for what? More illegals, more covid, and even greater foreign policy disasters? That's all Biden has given us so far.
⁦Joe Biden‬⁩ and the ⁦‪Democrats are literally admitting that they are incapable of budgeting properly…
It would be wholly Biden’s fault. It was his job to ensure that Afghanistan didn’t fall. For fucks sake, literally half a dozen reaper drones would have prevented it.

Not a single American boot on the ground in Afghanistan. Just hellfire missiles killing any Taliban firing a weapon.
Really, moron?

4 different president's have kept those incompetent, corrupt camel jockey's country from failing.
All the US did over there was make Afghanistan, the military contractors, private companies and warlords richer.

The US had their 20-year job training program, and it failed in weeks, as the military training them can attest.

"For fucks sake, literally half a dozen reaper drones would have prevented it".

And the war is won?

"Not a single American boot on the ground in Afghanistan. Just hellfire missiles killing any Taliban firing a weapon".

Darn, you should have been a general, back in 2002.
The Biden administration is incapable of getting even a simple drone-strike right. Unimaginable ineptitude and incompetence.
The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden is astounding…
Nothing compared to Trump.
Trump muses that he could’ve become a research scientist instead of president.

TRUMP: I like this stuff. I really get it… every one of these doctors said, ‘how do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
Nothing compared to Trump.
WTF? Trump’s economy was unprecedented. Record-low unemployment. Record-highs in the market. Manufacturing at 60-year highs. Nearly a trillion dollars repatriated from offshore accounts.

You respond to an article about the economy with a nonsensical post about science. Typical of the low-IQ left. :eusa_doh:
WTF? Trump’s economy was unprecedented. Record-low unemployment. Record-highs in the market. Manufacturing at 60-year highs. Nearly a trillion dollars repatriated from offshore accounts.

You respond to an article about the economy with a nonsensical post about science. Typical of the low-IQ left. :eusa_doh:

Trump gave us 1.3% annualized real GDP. Contards celebrate. :cuckoo:
WTF? Trump’s economy was unprecedented. Record-low unemployment. Record-highs in the market. Manufacturing at 60-year highs. Nearly a trillion dollars repatriated from offshore accounts.

You respond to an article about the economy with a nonsensical post about science. Typical of the low-IQ left. :eusa_doh:
WTF, is exactly right.
Record high unemployment too, Trump's cult ignores that.
Trump lowered the unemployment rate 1.2% from 4.7 to 3.5% and his cult thinks he parted the red sea.
Of course, they hated Obama, who lowered the unemployment rate 5.5%.
Trump's cult hated Clinton, who lowered the unemployment rate 3.5%.

The stock market is higher under Biden than it ever was under Trump.
Trump claims manufacturing hit a 60-year-high.
Trump lost 1800 manufacturing jobs in 2016 and 2018.
Of course, they hated Obama, who lowered the unemployment rate 5.5%.
That’s simply not true. It’s pure propaganda. But that’s what we’ve come to expect from the left.

Barack Obama took office with a super-majority in Congress and an unemployment rate of 7% and change. He and the Dumbocrats took it to over 10%. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.

It wasn’t until the Republicans took over the entire nation coast-to-coast thanks to the historic 2010-midterm (which Obama himself called “a shellacking”) that we began to see a recovery.

Republican representatives employing proven conservative policy is what turned around the nightmare created by the Dumbocrats.
Trump lowered the unemployment rate 1.2% from 4.7 to 3.5% and his cult thinks he parted the red sea.
Because he was the final piece of the puzzle. We already had the House, the Senate, and 37 of 50 states (which is why unemployment was so low). But marxist piece of shit Obama was still fucking things up as much as he could by abusing power and issuing illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders.

Trump reversed all of those illegal orders, and unemployment reached record-lows thanks to proven conservative policy (low taxes, low regulations, free markets, all facilitating innovation and growth).

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