Let’s discuss the evidence of corruption by Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden

Why do you dragabuffons keep repeating the grand mal lie
that " there's No Evidence ".Where did you learn't dat
dopey excuse.Even Grammar School kiddies are laughin
off that dopiness.Grow the hell up already.

I learned the meaning of the words "no evidence" working for more than 30 years as a law clerk, and I have a clear understanding of what consistutes "evidence". For example, SAR reports are not evidence of anything other than money moving being from one country to another.

The Republicans haven't produced a single document that would be considered "evidence" in a court of law. There isn't an invoice, a contract, a memo. All they have are lists of deposits and cheques with no underlying or supporting documents showing why the funds were paid, as well as to whom. These lists of cheques are accompanied by Memos wherein Republicans speculated that the payment "could be" for something illegal, and "possibly shows corruption" and they're going to keep digging.

The problem for Republicans is that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights require "probable cause" in order to compell evidence and they have no "probable cause" to believe there is criminal behaviour in order to a search warrant for company records. The Russian Spy's report that the Bidens took a bribe, was there only chance to prove there was "probable cause" to believe they would find evidence of a crime.

SAR Reports are generated on ALL transfers of funds over a specified amount. The banks make such reports generic and to include all transactions over a certain amount precisely because the banks don't want to be held responsible for deciding whether in fact the transaction is "suspicious". It's a legal can of worms for them.

If a bank allows a criminal's transactions slip by because he's convinced them that he's a good guy, should the law hold the bank liable for failing to report him? Or worse for the bank, if a valued customer has a legitimate cash business that seems suspicious, and is reported, can he sue the bank for slandering his reputation? Better to report EVERYTHING over $10,000 and let the IRS and the DOJ sort it out.

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I tell ya what Ducky.Why don't you skip lunch today and
find a duck willing to even go near whatever park bench
you manage to squat at. Your are about as Clueless as
a mute Mule who tries to impersonate - Francis the Talking Mule -.
5 will getcha 10 you never even took an SAT Test.Or ACT test.
Like one them tests would have ya.

Your absolute dearth of anything to refute the facts I posted is noted and your concession is appreciated.

When you go straight to bullshit and insults, you admit your defeat.

You did come up with a good user name for yourself. Foolardi indeed.
Democrats are generally a dishonest lying bunch. Look at the two impeachments of trump. Based on nothing.
Hahaha. Leveraging a foreign leader to smear the domestic political opposition party and likely candidate is hardly nothing. Instigating a riot and plotting to overturn a valid election is not nothing either.

Benedict's party has nothing but lies. Always have had nothing but lies to run on. It's just what they do.
How many more politicians are running these bribe/money laundering scams making big money selling out America? Now you know why Joe will never be held accountable.
How many more politicians are running these bribe/money laundering scams making big money selling out America? Now you know why Joe will never be held accountable.

Very few. Most people don't hate the USA that much. Donald Trump and many of his staffers clearly do it. Jared Kuchner, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, that asshole Democrat Senator from New Jersey.
I learned the meaning of the words "no evidence" working for more than 30 years as a law clerk, and I have a clear understanding of what consistutes "evidence". For example, SAR reports are not evidence of anything other than money moving being from one country to another.

The Republicans haven't produced a single document that would be considered "evidence" in a court of law. There isn't an invoice, a contract, a memo. All they have are lists of deposits and cheques with no underlying or supporting documents showing why the funds were paid, as well as to whom. These lists of cheques are accompanied by Memos wherein Republicans speculated that the payment "could be" for something illegal, and "possibly shows corruption" and they're going to keep digging.

The problem for Republicans is that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights require "probable cause" in order to compell evidence and they have no "probable cause" to believe there is criminal behaviour in order to a search warrant for company records. The Russian Spy's report that the Bidens took a bribe, was there only chance to prove there was "probable cause" to believe they would find evidence of a crime.

SAR Reports are generated on ALL transfers of funds over a specified amount. The banks make such reports generic and to include all transactions over a certain amount precisely because the banks don't want to be held responsible for deciding whether in fact the transaction is "suspicious". It's a legal can of worms for them.

If a bank allows a criminal's transactions slip by because he's convinced them that he's a good guy, should the law hold the bank liable for failing to report him? Or worse for the bank, if a valued customer has a legitimate cash business that seems suspicious, and is reported, can he sue the bank for slandering his reputation? Better to report EVERYTHING over $10,000 and let the IRS and the DOJ sort it out.

What a sappy degree of Biden Verismilitude you demonstrate.
Since when aren't verified Bank drafts,documents and accounts
considered Evidence.It's only good enough to discount what
Trump presented in his defense where there were No victims.
The Biden selling of access for the greed of Money is
about as slimy as it gets,given he took an oath,and swore on
a bible.
Trumps crime was possible over-inflating his properties and business
where Biden's Crime Family outright extorted who knows what
U.S. secrets in order to gain wealth.Plus Hunter never Registered
with the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The one which earned Paul Manafort a verdict of up to
80 years.Plus 2 Bank Fraud convictions.
Being smug now is not going to help you after Joe loses the election and pardons his family. Something tells me all that smugness is going to vanish. :dunno:

Why would Joe Biden spend 70 years of his life living by standards and ethics and then throw his life's work out the window by taking bribes in 2016????

In order for the bluff to succeed, the story you tell has to make sense, and seem reasonable. Nothing in the Republican lies about Joe Biden makes any sense at all.. None of the Republican stories about Democrats make any sense at all, and most are predicated on the notion that Democrats hate the USA, which is the foundational lie of the Republican Party.

You cannot conduct yourself in any kind of sane or rational manner when you've been trained to jump up and down like Pavlov's dogs answering the bell every time Republicans say "Democrats are lying" or "Democrats hate America".

Time to learn to think for yourself, little doggy.
Why would Joe Biden spend 70 years of his life living by standards and ethics and then throw his life's work out the window by taking bribes in 2016????

In order for the bluff to succeed, the story you tell has to make sense, and seem reasonable. Nothing in the Republican lies about Joe Biden makes any sense at all.. None of the Republican stories about Democrats make any sense at all, and most are predicated on the notion that Democrats hate the USA, which is the foundational lie of the Republican Party.

You cannot conduct yourself in any kind of sane or rational manner when you've been trained to jump up and down like Pavlov's dogs answering the bell every time Republicans say "Democrats are lying" or "Democrats hate America".

Time to learn to think for yourself, little doggy.
No longer even comes close to working.Because the Cat's out
of the bag ... Bubba.Biden has been found out.More and more each
week.Plus as a Catholic he could easily be denied the sacraments.
Biden has put himself in this predicament for years by hiding
his wealth and outright lying.How many Lies has he
committed by storing Classified material as a V.P.
That's merely the tip of the Biden Iceberg.
What a sappy degree of Biden Verismilitude you demonstrate.
Since when aren't verified Bank drafts,documents and accounts
considered Evidence.It's only good enough to discount what
Trump presented in his defense where there were No victims.
The Biden selling of access for the greed of Money is
about as slimy as it gets,given he took an oath,and swore on
a bible.
Trumps crime was possible over-inflating his properties and business
where Biden's Crime Family outright extorted who knows what
U.S. secrets in order to gain wealth.Plus Hunter never Registered
with the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The one which earned Paul Manafort a verdict of up to
80 years.Plus 2 Bank Fraud convictions.

Evidence of what???? The Bank documents are evidence that they have banks accounts, who the signing officers are, and they wrote cheques on the account. They aren't evidence that the money in the bank was illegally received or illegal spent.

There has been no evidence presented that the Bidens sold "access for money". Joe didn't meet with the business associates of family members, and family members said they never discussed business with Joe.

Hunter wasn't an agent of a foreign government. He was an agent for foreign businesses, and wasn't involved in political activites. Unless Burisma was on the FARA List, he wouldn't have had to register at all. Why didn't the Trump Administration prosecute him for not registering under FARA?

Once again the FOOLS parrot the lies they've been fed by right wing media instead of looking into FARA for themselves. If it wasn't for right wing lies, you'd have NOTHING to post. Fool is as fool does.

FARA requires certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities.

Paul Manaforte ran afoul of FARA because he was working for the President of the Ukraine.
Before i read another word of your post, you are first going to need to prove this outrageous claim.
That's it in a nutshell.Democrats virtually Live by the Lie.
Then get protection as if some Costra Nostra by a filthy
corrupt Mainstream media.
Democrats are so used to the MSM protecting their lies
and malfesance they are basically happy as clams all week
long.In short Democrats don't feel they need to explain
anything.A sure sign of guilty brats.
Evidence of what???? The Bank documents are evidence that they have banks accounts, who the signing officers are, and they wrote cheques on the account. They aren't evidence that the money in the bank was illegally received or illegal spent.

There has been no evidence presented that the Bidens sold "access for money". Joe didn't meet with the business associates of family members, and family members said they never discussed business with Joe.

Hunter wasn't an agent of a foreign government. He was an agent for foreign businesses, and wasn't involved in political activites. Unless Burisma was on the FARA List, he wouldn't have had to register at all. Why didn't the Trump Administration prosecute him for not registering under FARA?

Once again the FOOLS parrot the lies they've been fed by right wing media instead of looking into FARA for themselves. If it wasn't for right wing lies, you'd have NOTHING to post. Fool is as fool does.

Paul Manaforte ran afoul of FARA because he was working for the President of the Ukraine.
We'd love to hear the excuse made for Hunter Biden NOT
Registering under FARA.But then that just means another Lie to
document. Plus Bank accounts can be tracked.Maybe not by yer
standard Bank Examiner but maybe.
Evidence of what???? The Bank documents are evidence that they have banks accounts, who the signing officers are, and they wrote cheques on the account. They aren't evidence that the money in the bank was illegally received or illegal spent.

There has been no evidence presented that the Bidens sold "access for money". Joe didn't meet with the business associates of family members, and family members said they never discussed business with Joe.

Hunter wasn't an agent of a foreign government. He was an agent for foreign businesses, and wasn't involved in political activites. Unless Burisma was on the FARA List, he wouldn't have had to register at all. Why didn't the Trump Administration prosecute him for not registering under FARA?

Once again the FOOLS parrot the lies they've been fed by right wing media instead of looking into FARA for themselves. If it wasn't for right wing lies, you'd have NOTHING to post. Fool is as fool does.

Paul Manaforte ran afoul of FARA because he was working for the President of the Ukraine.
Hunter Biden violated this
Daily Mail is a right wing shit rag. It's CT bullshit on parade. 3 SARS for large money foreign entity biz? Hell, that's choir boy territory. Normally that kind of activity will score dozens, if not hundreds, of SARs. FYI, SARs are not prima facie evidence of wrongdoing, says so right on the gov website. Now Look at how DM shitrag tries and spin it and look how moronically you lap it up like a frothing-at-the-mouth jackal on a feeding frenzy. You should see yourself, you are pathetic.
You're truly one fucked in the head cultist. The source is more accurate than democrat cult media

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