The Intellectual Decline of The Democrats

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Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

Each lawsuit is based on different facts, different law and different causes of action. The result in one means nothing about the others.
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None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

What an insult... to clowns everywhere......
They can NEVER sink lower than their passion for murdering helpless, innocent unborn babies, all because of the perjured testimony of Norma McCorvey who lied that she "had been raped" in an attempt to murder babies. Murder is NOT a "choice." It is an evil abomination.

None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team.
What we know is that every case that has been heard...has been thrown out or withdrawn
None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?
None of the leftists who post here are intelligent enough to understand principles, and none of them follow any at all, that's for sure.

All they know is what team they are on and who they are supposed to support.
How DARE Sydney Powell not present her evidence to the ultimate authority of our land, the Media?
There have been multiple court cases already and oddly...that evidence was not presented there.

None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

Each lawsuit is based on different facts, different law and different causes of action. The result in one means nothing about the others.

Sure we have.

One says the following:

None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

Each lawsuit is based on different facts, different law and different causes of action. The result in one means nothing about the others.

Sure we have.

One says the following:

View attachment 420074
LOL>Rudy the Ghoul...on the job
None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

Each lawsuit is based on different facts, different law and different causes of action. The result in one means nothing about the others.

Sure we have.

One says the following:

View attachment 420074
LOL>Rudy the Ghoul...on the job

I can't find a visual on it but I understand the Trump legal team actually submitted a tweet as evidence of election workers cheating.
None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

Each lawsuit is based on different facts, different law and different causes of action. The result in one means nothing about the others.

You kind of don't need to see the papers when the court tosses it out while rolling on the floor.

Didn't those papers go to the crematorium? Or are they at the dildo shop?
None of these clowns have seen the papers filed in different courts by Trump's legal team. They don't know what the causes of action are, what the relevant facts are or what the applicable law is. Yet, they insist the suits will fail. All they do is parrot the propaganda of the lying media. How pathetic can anyone get?

Each lawsuit is based on different facts, different law and different causes of action. The result in one means nothing about the others.
LOL at all of this.
Part of my massive compilation of Democrats spouting nonsense, lies, and ignorance for decades!

Liberal “Wisdom​

What the Democrats are doing is an abomination to the Constitution. – Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who states he is a “liberal Democrat”, November 20, 2019 on live television news

"Light at the end of the tunnel? We don't even have a tunnel - we don't even know where the tunnel is." — Lyndon B. Johnson

The good news is that the federal government is not mismanaged, as I had expected it to be. The bad news is that it's not managed at all. -- Roger Johnson, Former Head of the General Services Administration, and Clinton Appointee

You know, the people believe we could screw up a one car parade - and they're probably right. - Bill Clinton to Roger Johnson in 1993

Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality. – Karl Marx

Atheism is an inseparable element of the materialist view of life, is a necessary condition for the theoretical education of the revolutionist.

Darwinism is a forerunner, a preparation for Marxism. - Leon Trotsky, Soviet revolutionary

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under
the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever
knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform." - - Norman Thomas, perennial Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU.

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

When Hitler fired Chief of General Staff General Franz Halder he told him, "We need National Socialist ardor now, not professional ability."

"Guam is seven miles wide at the least widest point. My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated (by 7,000 additional American troops) that it will tip over and capsize." - Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson, as he motioned Guam capsizing with both hands

"He (Obama) couldn't sell watermelons even if you gave him a state trooper to flag down traffic." - Dan Rather, showing typical liberal racism

“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer.” ― Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

Employees' "health insurance premiums could fall as much as 3,000 percent..." - Barack Obama, March 16 in Strongsville, Ohio

(After falling 100%, how do they fall another 2900%? Do insurance companies pay you to be insured with them?)

The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change. – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, February 2019

White collar workers are "bitter despisers" of every union workingman and "are the petty underlings of the business world" - writer Upton Sinclair in 1919

"We're not satisfied with everything we've done [in Congress]. The way to cure that is to give us more authority and more ability." --Rep. Barney Frank, June 2010

“Traditional values and strong foreign policy – all that is over.” - Chuck Schumer, D – NY, April 2009

"Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs." - Nancy Pelosi, February 4, 2009

"Large-scale hog producers are a greater threat to the United States and U.S. democracy than Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network." - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." - Barack Obama to Joe the Plumber Wurzelbacher

"We have to measure our greatness by the least of these." "Our souls are broken." - Michelle Obama

"I believe we must challenge a culture with too much meanness and not enough meaning." - Al Gore

We have just four months – four months to secure the future of our planet. - U.N. General Secretary Bang Ti Moon, at Inchon, South Korea, August 11, 2009

This liberal will be about socializing, uh, uh, uh, taking over the corporations… - Maxine Waters

"We don't have to say bad things about our opponents as people. And if I have anything to do with it, the Democrats won't do that. " - Bill Clinton

"I studied religion at Vanderbilt and worked nights as a police reporter at the Nashville Tennessean." - Al Gore

“Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states, I think, one left to go... ” —Barack Obama
"Fear creates this veil of impossibility and it is hanging over all of our heads. Only Barack Obama can fix America’s soul. Only Barack Obama can fix America’s broken soul.” - Michelle Obama

“It’s easier to hold on to your own stereotypes and misconceptions, it makes you feel justified in your own ignorance…That’s America.” - Michele Obama

"My grandma is a typical white person (a racist)" - Barack Obama

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.' - Barack Obama

"I have never been proud of my country." - Michele Obama

'We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.'

( 'It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few, and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.'

('(We) can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people.'

'We have to build a political consensus, and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground.'

'I certainly think the free-market has failed.'

'I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy - that they are being watched.' - Hillary Clinton

I can't return any of the budget surplus to Americans because they might not spend it the right way. - Bill Clinton

"It was a real sort of southern deal. I had AstroTurf in the back. You don't want to know why, but I did." (Talking about an El Camino pickup truck he once owned) - Bill Clinton

“When John Kerry is president, people are going to get up out of their wheelchairs.” - John Edwards, candidate for vice president, 2004

"Tonight, 200,000 men and women will go to sleep under bridges." - John Edwards

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian accent. I’m not kidding.” - Democrat Senator Joseph Biden

“I do believe that it’s the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel.” – Rosie O’Donnell claiming that 9/11 was a government conspiracy.

"Communism is the goal." - Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU But he said to cloak their communist agenda in patriotism and the US Constitution because he knew communism would not sell

"I think if we had a three word message now, it would be 'We can do better'." - Howard Dean

Speaking to the Long Island Association in 2002, Bill Clinton confessed to turning down an opportunity
to take custody of bin Laden: "He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan, and we'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."

"Women have to help women. There is a special place in hell for women who don't help women." - Madeline Albright

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian accent. I'm not joking." - Senator Joe Biden (D)

"Barack Obama is the first mainstream African-American who is articulate, bright and clean." - Democrat Senator Joe Biden

"I'm not comfortable around those people (homosexuals)." - John Edwards, as quoted in “No Excuses” by Shrum

"Day after day the egalitarian creed of our Declaration of Independence is trampled underfoot by hired experts and sloganeers who speak of the death tax, the ownership society, the culture of life, the liberal assault on god and family, weak on terrorism, the end of history, the clash of civilizations, no child left behind." - Dan Moyers at the Media Reform Conference, 2007

"Having five children in six years is the best training in the world for speaker of the House." - Nancy Pelosi

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson, who carried the "nuclear football" during the Clinton years, says Clinton missednot one but several opportunities to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. According to Patterson, who consulted on "The Path to 9/11,"
Clinton's failures to act against bin Laden directly facilitated a decade of terrorist attacks against the U.S. leading up to
9/11. "[W]e could have prevented the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, we could have prevented 9/11 and we could have prevented the
bombings of the embassies in Africa if President Clinton had taken one of these opportunities." Patterson continued, "We had
eight chances at least to either nab bin Laden or to kill him."

"In fact, Clinton did sign the presidential finding saying that we needed to either kidnap him or kill him, but just signing a
piece of paper didn't result in any kind of action, because every time it came down to it and we had a chance to get bin Laden dead
or alive, President Clinton chose not to." ---Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson

"Everybody knows that Superman's weakness was Krypton, ha ha ha ha ha." - Nora Ephron, to John Zogby

New York City's economy would collapse if illegal aliens were deported, said billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, lifelong Democrat before switching parties to run for Mayor

"Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders or overstaying their visas, and our businesses broke the law by employing them our City's economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. The same holds true for the nation." - Michael Bloomberg, July 5, 2006, before Senate Judiciary Committee

"This (Mark Foley e-mailing homosexual chatter to pages) is as serious as it gets." - Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, October 2006

"Maybe it'll take a woman to clean up the House (of Representatives)." - Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, of San Francisco, June 2006

"The era of big government is over." - Bill Clinton, Jan 28, 1996

"The House of Representatives... has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talkin' about." - Hillary Clinton, pandering to a black audience by calling Republicans racists again

"The period between 9/11 and Iraq was not a good time for America. [The Jihadis] are not evil---they just have a different perspective." ---MSNBC Softballer Chris Matthews on "different perspectives"

"[T]he first several U.S. presidents were certainly revolutionaries and might have been

Called 'terrorists' by the British crown, after all." --NBC's Brian Williams

"Faith is one of the world's great evils, comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate." - Richard Dawkins

"So where did the laws of physics come from? They came from nothing." - Victor J Stenger, God: The Failed Hypothesis, page 131

Barbara Walters called Fidel Castro a "sexy man." Of course a liberal would think that a murderous socialist dictator is "sexy."

"I liked his honesty, the way he spoke from principal." - Oliver Stone on his visit with Fidel Castro

Ted Turner: "We have agreement there. But I had a great time. I am absolutely convinced that the North Koreans are absolutely sincere. "

“It will be eight degrees hotter in 10 - well not 10 - but in 30 or 40 years,” said Turner. “And basically none of the crops will grow, most of the people will have died, and the rest of us will be cannibals." - Ted Turner

"In 10 years, most of us will be dead, and the rest will be living as cannibals." - Ted Turner, forgetting the Club of Rome's pronouncements in 1964

"Well, I didn't get to meet him, (Kim Jung Il, despot of North Korea) but he didn't the pictures I've seen of him on CNN, he didn't look too much different than most of the other people I've met. - Ted Turner, judging a book by a picture of its cover. Saddam Hussein didn't look too much different than most Iraqi men either, Ted

Wolf Blitzer: But this is one of the most despotic regimes, and Kim Jung Il is one of the worst men on Earth. Isn't that a fair assessment?

TT: Well, I didn't get to meet him, but he didn't the pictures I've seen of him on CNN, he didn't look too much different than most of the

other people I've met.

WB: But look at the way he's treating his own people.

TT: Well, hey. Listen, I saw a lot of people over there. They were thin, and they were riding bicycles instead of driving in cars. But I didn't see any brutality in the capitol, or out in the DMZ. We drove through the countryside quite a bit to down to P'annumjom and Kaesong. We traveled around. I'm sure we were on a special route, but I don't see North Korea never posed any significant threat to the United States. I mean, the whole economy of North Korea is only $30 billion dollars a year. It's less than the city of Detroit. It's a small place, and we do not have to worry about them attacking us.

Republicans "want to kill us. They want to kill me and my children if they can. But if they just kill me and not my children, they want my children to be comforted -- that while they didn't protect me because they cut my taxes, my children won't have to pay any money on the money they inherit," Begala said. "That is bulls*** national defense, and we should say that." – Paul Begala. ex-Clinton Aide and Democrat Party Strategist, July 15, 2005 to a crowd of applauding Democrats at the Campus Progress National Student Conference

"I'll never talk to a reporter again! We were just talking -- I was ranting -- and he wrote about it. That isn't right. We all say stuff we don't want printed." -Reporter Helen Thomas after Albert Eisele, editor of The Hill, published her suicidal threat if VP Dick Cheney were to run for president

"The Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. (In other words, they’re racists.) They’re a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same, and they all look the same." -Howard Dean in California week of June 13, 2005

"You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room?" Howard Dean asked to laughter. "Only if they had the hotel staff in here."

Janice Rodgers Brown (a black American judge opposed by Democrats for Federal Appeals Court) wants to be "dictator or Grand Exhalted Ruler..." - Charles Schumer

You love the children, don’t you, you Republican bastards.- Randi Rhodes on Air America, 4:57 PM, March 18, 1150 AM, Los Angeles

"[Dan Rather] is a towering journalist. ... He is an honest-to-goodness reporter. If anybody is hard on themselves, it is him first. And he is a giant in this business and I know he operates without fear or favor." --Diane Sawyer

Jesus did not speak English. -Jesse Jackson

"Renew your membership today at the most generous
level you can afford and help me stop Rove's mignons [sic] in their tracks." --Washington State Democrat Party Chairman Paul Berendt

We're still following the leader, and you (Republicans) can all go to hell." --former senator Max Cleland in a poem at Tom Daschle's building-naming dinner (Tom got booted out of the Senate, so how can HE be "he leader,"Max?)

"One thousand Gap employees are dead, blleedin’ all over the khakis." -Chris Rock mocking our dead troops in Iraq at the Academy Awards, 2005

"It doesn't matter whether what we print about President Bush is true or not, that's up to the public to decide". ~ Terry McAullife

"Republicans ... a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives. " "The GOP has a dark, difficult, and dishonest vision." "Republicans are evil, corrupt, and brain-dead." DNC Chairman Howard Dean

"I don't know that she's (First Lady Laura Bush) ever had a real job, I mean, since she's been grown up," Mrs. Kerry said of the former school librarian.

This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good. -- Howard Dean

I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.- Howard Dean

"You can’t create a democracy at the point of a gun." Tim Robbins on the Bill Mahr show

{Obviously Mr. Robbins hasn’t heard that Germany is a democracy, and America defeated the Nazis "at the point of a gun."

Nor has Mr. Robbins heard of Japan which is another democracy created “at the point of a gun.” Of course America is a democracy, and it was created “at the point of a gun,” namely the Revolutionary War. But as long as it sounds good, Leftists will buy any line from a fellow Leftist.}

"The thing about liberals is we respect people." Mark & Mark on Air America Radio 1150 AM, Los Angeles

Not one minute later, Mark said "Her dad’s a creep," speaking of Alan Keyes homosexual daughter. A few minutes later, they said of Danny Goldberg, their new general manager, and his father, "These guys are real Jewey." Yes, when it comes to 'respect," liberals like Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton showed their "respect" for Mary Jo Kopechne and Monica Lewinsky and Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones and ...

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to
Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism." --Nikita Khrushchev

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas

In 1848, Karl Marx said, a progressive income tax is needed to
transfer wealth and power to the state.

Religion is the opiate of the masses. - Karl Marx

The victims of 9/11 were little Eichmanns. Ward Churchill, Professor of Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado

Would you sign (DD) Form 180? - Tim Russert to John Kerry

"Yes I will." - Hanoi John Kerry, lying yet again

I hate Republicans and everything they stand for.” Howard Dean, former Democrat candidate for president and soon Democrat Party Chairman

I hate intolerant people. Gloria Steinem

"I liked his honesty." Robert Redford commenting on his meeting with Fidel Castro

"It has been a year since the tsunami struck south Asia." Matt Lauer on the Today Show, January 26, 2005, one month after the tsunami struck

"Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, 'Thank God I'm still alive,'" U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer once declared. "But, of course, those who died - their lives will never be the same again."



Robert Byrd, U.S. Senator from West Virginia, and former Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan

George Wallace

J William Fulbright

Lester Maddox

Bull Connors

I am one of those African-Americans who can find racism anywhere, in the water, in the air, in the ground, in the speed of sound. - Julianne Malveaux, PhD

There’s no great white bigot out there, there’s just about 200 million little white bigots running around. - Julieanne Malveaux

“The white race is the cancer of human history.” Susan Sontag

“The very definition of masculinity negates the need for love.” – Bell Hooks on 90.9 KPFK radio, November, 2004. While called “distinguished professor of English at City College of New York, I could find no reference whatsoever to her name in CCNY’s directory.

"No one understands this NASCAR nation more than Brian.” Jeff Zucker, NBC President, implying that most Americans are redneck hicks – stupid redneck hicks. Who else would reelect President Bush.

"I really don’t know what your big attachment to America is all about. What has America ever done for anybody? " John Walker Lindh, Taliban fighter, to his mother in California, via e-mail in 2000

"Condi Rice is an Aunt Jemima and Colin Powell is an Uncle Tom." -John Sylvester, liberal radio talk show host in Madison, Wisconson, on WTDY - AM, a Blue State

"Don’t destroy the weapons (that the Hutus will use to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Tutsis with). We must remain impartial." - U.N. Secretary General Kofi Anan, Jan 11, 1994

"People who work in the State Department really want their secretary to stand up for them, to represent also their points of view, not exclusively their points of view, but also their points of view.

And so I have the question. Is she going to do that or is she going to simply be an appendage to the White House? - Senator Jay Rockefeller

"It's tough to understand how a wounded, unarmed man could be shot like that." - Matt Lauer after seeing NBC video of Marine shooting terrorist

Chris Matthews: "If we were a good country, would bin Laden treat us better?" Ex CIA Agent Scheuer: "We are a good country."

"Well that was President Clinton. I'm sorry, President Bush." - Chris Matthews, October 24, 2006 immediately following Bush's press conference

"They’re not bad guys especially, they’re just people that (sic) disagree with us." - Chris Matthews, commenting on cowardly terrorists who behead unarmed civilians in Iraq

"55 million Americans (the ones who voted for John Kerry) have evaded the ignorance-inducing machine". - Jane Smiley, immediately after George Bush was re-elected in 2004

"The great speculators wallow in an economy that every year kills tens of millions of people with poverty - so what is 20,000 dead in New York?" - Dario Fo, Italian Nobel laureate

"I think that as Bush will, if Bush gets elected,
he will put in new Superior Court [sic] judges, and these guys
are not going to want to see gay pride week." -Cher

"The best part to me in the entire debate was when John Kerry said we have to pass a global test before we enter into a war. And you see George Bush got all nervous because frankly the word 'test' terrifies him. He never passed one at Harvard or Yale, but whatever." -Rosie O'Donnell, who dropped out of Boston University after 1 year, on President Bush, who has an MBA from Harvard

This week's "Blow Hard" Award: "To me the most interesting lie,
John O'Neill, that I would submit to you that you should answer,
is, you make a lying claim that John Kerry's antiwar activity
prolonged the amount of time that prisoners of war were held in
Vietnam. ... That's a lie, John O'Neill! ... Lies! ... That's
a lie! It's another lie! That's a lie! Absolute lie! You lie
in that book endlessly! ... Disgusting, lying book! ... It's a
pack of lies! You are unfit to publish! ... He just lied to you!
He spews out this filth! Point to his name on the report,
you liar! ... You just spew lies! ... I just hate the lies
of John O'Neill. I hate lies. It's not an argument; they're
proven lies. ... O'Neill's a liar, he's been a liar for 35 years
about this, and he's found other liars ... They lied! ... They're
lying somewhere! ... Lies! Just tell me the initials, you liar!
Creepy liar! ... You are a liar who makes things up! ... You wantthe lies! That's how you make your living, on lies!" --MSNBC Political Analyst Lawrence O'Donnell, with a few professionaljournalistic observations on the Swift Boat Vets' book

"The nuclear freeze is a vital first step. Cut military spending. Anyone who thinks you have to spend like this to keep America strong must have a screw loose." - Senator John Kerry in the 1980’s, when Reagan was building up our military

Kerry flew with Tom Harkin to Managua, Nicaragua to meet Daniel Ortega, communist dictator. A few days later, Ortega flew to Moscow to receive communist aid.

From the European Psychosis Files: "The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr. -- where are you now that we need you?" --Charlie Booker, The Guardian

The evening of the 2000 presidential election, all the major networks announced that Gore “had won Florida” before the polling booths closed in the panhandle. Estimates are that this illegal action cost President Bush 10,000 to 15,000 votes. NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw admitted as much when he said, “We don’t have egg on our face, we have an omelette.”

"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans ..."

"And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities." - President Bill Clinton, 3-22-94, MTV's "Enough is Enough"

“As president, I would run a more sensitive war on terrorism.” – Hanoi John Kerry, Aug 6, 2004

Juan Williams is a house negro. Bill O'Reilly wants to lynch Michelle Obama. - Boyce Watkins, professor at Syracuse University

“Larry Elder is a fascist and a house negro.” – Janeanne Garafalo

Paul Newman claimed the president's tax cuts were "borderline criminal."

"He’s just another cheap thug that’s going to get us killed." -John Mellenkamp being "compassionate" and "moderate" in describing President Bush, after which John Kerry called this left wing hatefest "The heart and soul of America".

On Keith Olbermann's Aug. 29 show on MSNBC, Michael Moore said the possibility of a Category 3 hurricane hitting the United States "is proof that there is a God in heaven."

"There's a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them."- Michael Moore

“One evil empire down, one to go.” – Michael Moore, 1997, referring to America as an evil empire equivalent to the USSR

“Should such an ignorant people (as Americans) lead the world?” – Michael Moore

Michael Moore says of Americans that "They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet ... in thrall to conniving, thieving, smug pricks,"

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.

"The most lasting impact of biotechnology on the food supply may come not from something going wrong, but from all going right. My biggest fear is not that by accident we will set loose some genetically defective Andromeda strain. Given our past record in dealing with agriculture, we're far more likely to accidentally drown ourselves in a sea of excess grain." - Al Gore, 2007, quoted in July 16 or 17th Wall Street Journal

"The battle to feed all of humanity" will fail. In the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now." - Paul Ehrlich, biologist, possibly a member of the Club of Rome

The demand for food had "outrun the productive capacity of the world's farmers. We're going to have to restructure the global economy." - Lester Brown, founder of the Earth Policy Institute

"The Administration works closely with a network of 'rapid response' digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for 'undermining support for our troops.'" - Al Gore, May 2004

"When I hear Bush say, 'You're either with us or against us,' it reminds me of the Germans. It conjures up memories of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind Hort mit ('The enemy is listening')." – Billionaire Fat Cat Liberal George Soros

"How can that be? No one I know voted for Nixon."

Pauline Kael, reacting to Richard Nixon’s landslide victory over George McGovern in 1972

"I mean, I think, Iraqis, I think, feel that if we drove smaller cars, maybe we wouldn’t have to kill them for their oil.”
Bill Mahr - Larry King Live (November 1, 2002)

Julian Bond says "[Republicans] idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate swastika flying side by side."

"This week we were surprised to see several hundred artists and writers walking through the streets of Baghdad to say thank you to Saddam Hussein. He had just increased their monthly financial support. Cynical, you could argue at this particular time, but the state has always supported the arts, and some of the most creative people in the Arab world have always been Iraqis. And whatever they think about Saddam Hussein in the privacy of their homes, on this occasion they were praising his defense of the homeland in the face of American threats." -
ABC’s Peter Jennings in Baghdad, concluding the January 21 World News Tonight.

"Attorney General John Ashcroft has earned himself a remarkable distinction as the Torquemada of American law. Tomas de Torquemada...was largely responsible for... [the] torture and the burning of heretics, Muslims in particular. Now, of course, I am not accusing the Attorney General of pulling out anyone’s fingernails or burning people at the stake (at least I don’t know of any such cases). But one does get the sense these days that the old Spaniard’s spirit is comfortably at home in Ashcroft’s Department of Justice.
- Former CBS Evening News anchor Walter Cronkite in his syndicated column published in the September 22 Philadelphia Inquirer. (Good old "objective" Walter. No liberal, he.)

Dennis Kucinich: "I have a holistic view of the world...I see the world as interconnected and interdependent and that leaves no room for war." (May 2003) (Hitler would have agreed)

Dennis Kucinich: "I ask this administration: Tell me, Mr. Bush, where are those weapons of mass destruction? I've seen those weapons, and I'll tell you where they are. Joblessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. Hopelessness is a weapon of mass destruction." (19 May 2003)

"Whenever he (President Bush) is in the presence of a wealthy contributor, he is a moral coward." - Al Gore, who, with his most ethical president in history, Bill Clinton, took campaign finance contributions from Communist China, and dozens of felons who were pardoned for their crimes.

"Any child born into the hugely consumptionist way of life so common in the industrial world will have an impact that is, on average, many times more destructive than that of a child born in the developing world." - Al Gore (Al Gore had four children)

Courtney Love to Al Gore: Which of my songs is your favorite?
Al Gore: I don't know, I'm just a really big fan.

"All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself" (Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I

"If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth."

Joseph Goebbels

"Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management: U.S. management." Senator Ted Kennedy

"Will you knock it off with the 'liberal' crap, for Christ's sakes?" - Dan Avey, KFI AM Talk Radio

“It’s impossible to be both a Christian and a Republican.” - Hillary Clinton

Cspan cited best selling books. Ann Coulter is labeled by Cspan as “a conservative pundit” but nobody is called “a liberal pundit.”

CNN said that by signing pro-abortion legislation, Bill Clinton was “keeping his campaign promise.” However eight years later, CNN said that President Bush was “pandering to the right wing” when Bush kept his campaign promise to reverse Clinton’s abortion decrees.

When Ward Connerly, a black scholar, was at Penn State University debating in opposition to affirmative action, his car was stoned as he drove away. This is liberal “tolerance” and “moderation.” Can you feel the liberals’ love? Can you feel their compassion?

“I think you have to take the Iraqis on their face value. The President of the United States will lie to the American people in order to get us into this war." - Congressman James McDermott

“The capture of Saddam Hussein was staged for political purposes.” - Jim McDermott, a psychiatrist and congressman from Oregon

“We know he wanted to commit crimes against America. We had no basis to hold him (Osama bin Laden).”

Bill Clinton explaining in 2004 why he turned down Sudan’s offer to hand bin Laden over to us in 1998

"No attack (on me) ever fed a hungry child."

Bill Clinton, unable to refute a point made by his political opponent 42 million children had no health care when Bill Clinton was sworn in. Eight years later, 43 million children had no health care, and six million unborn infants had been butcher

“People ought to stay out of our business.”

- Former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean, defending former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorlick, who wrote a memo on separating counterintelligence from criminal intelligence, which was a key impediment to terrorism probes before 9/11. Gorlick, a member of the Sept 11 Commission witch hunt, refused to resign

Sympathy for the devil: "And Senator McCain are you concerned

that if, if the transfer of power does take place on June 30th

that a huge vacuum will created, be created and it will be an

invitation to civil war? Because no matter how deplorable Saddam

Hussein was considered he was the ultimate referee who kept the

Sunnis and the Shi'ites apart from killing each other." --Katie

Couric on NBC's "Today," interviewing John McCain, and declaring

Saddam worthwhile as the "ultimate referee" of Muslim sectarian


“President Clinton was often known as the first black president. I wouldn’t be upset if I could earn the right to be the second.”
John “Black” Goldigger Kerry

“We (John Edwards and I) are both people of deep faith.” – John Kerry

“That’s none of your business.” – Senator John Kerry, refusing to answer a question on who the heads of state were that Kerry said told him personally that they wanted him to win the upcoming presidential election

“These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary.” – John Kerry

My life history is I fought Nixon, I fought Reagan...." - John Kerry

Reagan won 44 states the first time he was elected, and 49 states when he was reelected. Let’s hope Kerry is the exact opposite, and wins only 6 states.

"I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." --John F. Kerry, explaining his vote for AND against

supplemental funds for troops in Iraq

“If we're gonna make America fair, we gotta get somebody in there who understands what you folks are doin' every day," Kerry said of next year's presidential election. "We gotta get somebody in there who understands what it means to be a workin' person in America." John “Poorboy” Kerry

“All of us in our party have always tried to keep September 11 and its aftermath out of politics.”

Bill Clinton, ignoring the countless remarks by fellow Democrats that “Bush knew” that September 11 would take place and said nothing. It was even headlined in a liberal rag, the New York Times, or some such.

"I don't like it when we try to demonize human beings." - Bill Clinton [Tell that to Paula “Trailer Trash” Jones]

The object of politics is to beat the other person’s brains out. – Hillary Clinton

"You don't want to live there (America)."

Johnny Depp, now living in France, but taking all the American movie money he can get, while insulting us Anglo schlepps

“You are breathing the last of the oxygen.”

Liberal extremist (but I repeat myself) on Earth Day, 1970 as shown on 20/20 Jan 23, 2004

"Where I live in Manhattan and where I work at ABC, people say 'conservative'

the way people say 'child molester.' Leftist thinking is just the culture that I live in and the culture the reporters who populate the mainstream media live in." --John Stossel

The top 1% pay less than 10%. Less than 5%. They should pay 15%.”

“Reverend” Al Sharpton, Democrat candidate for President

Peter Jennings: “Reverend Sharpton, the top 1% pays 34% of the taxes, far more than the 15% you think is fair.”

Sharpton quickly changed the subject.

“He (Mahatma Gandhi) ran a gas station down in St. Louis.”

- Hillary Clinton (a “joke” for which she quickly apologized, and of course, all is forgiven any Neolib who does so, but no “Repugnican”)

"[Y]ou're either for nuclear war or you're not." --Ted Kennedy

"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking marriage. Freedom for women cannot be without the abolition of marriage." Sheila Craven

The simple fact is, every woman must be willing to be recognized as a lesbian to be fully feminine. – National Organization for Women, 1988

"The president should release all of his right wing turkeys…..

What has not ended is resolution and determination of members of the U.S. Senate to continue to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this president of the United States for any court," said Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.

[Miguel Estrada, “turkey” and “Neanderthal” according to Ted Kennedy, graduated Columbia University Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He attended Harvard Law School where he was editor of the Harvard Law Review. Estrada served in the Clinton Administration for four years. He performed so much pro bono work that 400 such pro bono hours were spend on behalf of a death row inmate. Estrada was unanimously rated “well qualified,” by the American Bar Association, and this is its highest rating.]

“Even if animal testing produced a cure for AIDS we’d be against it.”
Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder and president of PETA

“Six million people died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses.” – Ingrid Newkirk

(Paraphrased): America is not part of the free world.

Jane Fonda in Vancouver, Canada during the Iraq War, Apr 2003

On November 21, 1970 she told a University of Michigan audience of some two thousand students, "If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist." At Duke University in North Carolina she repeated what she had said in Michigan, adding "I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. " Washington Times July 7, 2000

"We must hate," Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin exhorted his followers. "Hatred is the essence of communism."

"If for the sake of communism we must destroy nine-tenths of the people, we must not hesitate." - Lenin

"Kill 100 innocent people to get the 1 guilty one." - Lenin

Terror would reach new heights under Joseph Stalin. It would be known as The Red Terror.

“It is an embarrassment to be an American. It is humiliating. I despise him (President Bush.) I despise his administration.” - Jessica Lange in Spain, August, 2003

[She returned to comment that she could not understand why people call her “traitor”!]

We have people from every planet on the earth in California. Every planet. - Governor Gray Davis, Sept 2003

“No we do not (have the world’s highest standard of living here in America.) You go to Scandanavia and you will find a much higher standard of living (than here in America.)

Congressman Bernie Sanders (D) to Alan Greenspan, in 2003

Either Sanders is woefully ignorant, or else he lied through his teeth.

Per-capita incomes for 2000 follow: Sweden - $22,200; Denmark - $254,500; Norway – $27,700; USA - $36,200

“Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don’t let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas.” - Joseph Stalin

“Somebody’s got to figure a way to get the Nazis out of the White House.

…You gotta make a whole lot of money. The right wing will steal, lie, cheat, and kill to retain power."

Aaron McGruder, “Cartoonist” and Left Wing Fanatic, addressing a bunch of liberal students graduating from a university, who, of course, cheered him on

An Israeli helicopter swooped down and fired a missile, kiling a “Hamas activist.”

NOT a “terrorist” who blows up innocent women and children in shops. No.

The Los Angeles Times called this monster an “activist.” (June 14, 2003) One must wonder if Saddam Hussein and his two lovely sons were ALSO “activists” in L A Times parlance.

“They tell me this is the first book they’ve ever bought.”

Hillary Clinton on the Jay Leno Show, Aug 4 2003, discussing her book, “Living History”, and her sycophantic fans buying it, their “first book”

Jay Leno replied, “That’s not good, is it?” as the audience howled in laughter at a dumbfounded Hillary

“I have been over into the future - and it works.” - Lincoln Steffens, of the New York Times, speaking of the USSR in 1919, as millions were starving, imprisoned in gulags, or being murdered

I'm no longer interested in news. I'm interested in causes. We don't print the truth. We don't pretend to print the truth. It's up to the public to decide what's true." Ben Bradlee, former editor of the Washington Post, Symposium by Smithsonian Institute [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 18, 1993]

Time magazine reporter Nina Buirleigh, speaking of Bill Clinton: “I’d be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.” (I mean, wouldn’t EVERY liberal)

“I was astounded at the amount of criminality of Bill Clinton.”

David Schippers, lifelong Democrat, and former Chief Counsel for Congress, who voted for Bill Clinton twice

"I had no inkling of the extent of Bill Clinton's guilt – until I saw the mountains of yet-unreleased evidence." - David Schippers

Just so you know, we’re embarrassed the President of the United States is from Texas.

Natalie Main of the Dixie Chicks to an audience in London April, 2003

Two weeks later, Natalie said, “I know who I am and I like who I am.” (Why then the tears?)

Another Dixie Chick: “They (her angry fans) forget she’s a human being.”

(Just as hateful Leftists forget that President Bush is a “human being.”)

I wish there could be a million Mogadishus.- Nicholas De Genova, Professor at Columbia University

In the world of Hamid Dabashi, department chairman of Middle East and Asian Languages department at Columbia University, supporters of Israel are "warmongers" and "Gestapo apparatchiks." The Jewish homeland is "nothing more than a military base for the rising predatory empire of the United States." It's a capital of "thuggery" - a "ghastly state of racism and apartheid" - and it "must be dismantled."

Steven Spielberg described his meeting in Havana, Cuba with Fidel Castro as “the eight most important hours of my life.”

“We Arabs are clever only at talking.”

Haitham Baghdadi, age 45, Damascas, Syria April 10, 2003

[Liberals too are clever only at talking, never at solving problems or learning from history, or even for that matter, at telling the truth.]

“We love death. The U.S. Loves life. That is the big difference between us.” - Osama bin Laden

“What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States."

Senator John Kerry (D) April 2, 2003

"I'd like a regime change in the United States, but I would really resent Iraq coming in, throwing out Bush and then telling us who to have.”

Susan Sarandon

"Any community with only one dominant power is always a dangerous one."

Jacques Chirac

Translation: American power in and of itself is a global menace.

Time Magazine March 24, 2003

"I'm saddened, saddened that this president
failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war.
Saddened that we have to give up one life because this president
couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so
critical for our country." --Tom Daschle House Majority Leader

"The United States is continuing to fake evidence against Iraq." --Hollywonk Michael Moore

"If you think back to our founding as a country, we
are a country of revolution. ... One could say that Osama bin Laden
and these non-nation-state fighters with religious purpose are very
similar to those kind of atypical revolutionaries that helped to
cast off the British crown." --Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), equating
al-Qa'ida terrorism with the American War for Independence

“One of the reasons the U.S. is so hated in the world is that we’re ignorant of what is going on around the world.” Andy Rooney

"Too many people are idiots to handle their own money." - Andy Rooney

We attack the poor . . . state sponsored terrorism . . . (such as) welfare to work.- Michael Moore

[So asking people to be responsible is what this liberal considers “terrorism.”

I wonder if he will support his own adult children all their lives, or will he too engage in such “terrorism.”]

Governors (Jeb Bush) can have a lot of influence on election machinery. - Tom Brokaw

[In other words, George Bush wasn’t really “elected”. His brother got him into the White House illegally. This is our “unbiased” news.]

I met Condoleezza Rice. It’s like meeting Darth Vader. She can kill me and my whole family with a phone call. That’s how they work.

The thing about the Bush administration is you don’t have to make anything up. They’re all criminals.

They (Republicans) stole the election.

Colin Powell said (during the Iraq War), “That whole ethnic group (Iraqis) – they gotta go.” The rest of the crew (of Republicans), they just kill people for fun.

Aaron McGruder addressing the graduating class at Emory University

The Republicans don’t even want to count you (blacks) in the census. - Al Gore at a black church

I can only be satisfied by a white woman. - Sidney Poitier

Conservatives want to kill everyone and let God sort it out.- My librarian

Politics gives guys so much power that they tend to behave badly around women. And I hope I never get into that. - Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton

9/11 was a tragedy but we need to put all that mischief behind us. - Harry Belafonte

Colin Powell is a house slave. I have found Colin Powell to be a tragic figure. - Harry Belafonte

Oh the holiness of always being the injured party. - Maya Angelou

There is a tolerable level to terrorism.

Norman Mailer, liberal author who got a “gifted” writer released from prison whereupon he immediately murdered a 24 year old

Little by little we were taught these things. We grew into them. - Adolph Eichmann

[Abstinence-only programs are] unproven and

harmful." --Leaders of 20 sexuality "education" groups, including the

Sexuality and Information Education Council of the United States (SIECUS),

Advocates for Youth, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America

I am "sick and tired of having the damn Jews shoving the Holocaust down our throats."

- New York College Professor Leonard Jeffires

"I love the thought -- why not?" --Gwyneth Paltrow, asked what she thought of

the idea of becoming a lesbian icon as a result of the explicit

homosexual scene in her new movie "Passion."

"You're so lucky in Ireland, England and Spain. Everyone there already knows what it's like to have inexplicable terrorist violence."

--Susan Sarandon


"To hell with the news. I am no longer interested in news, I am interested in causes. We don't print the truth. We don't pretend to print the truth" -
Ben Bradlee, former editor of The Washington Post

"The news media in general are liberals......": - Barbara Walters of 20/20

"News reporters are certainly liberal and left of center"

Walter Kronkite, former news commentator:


If we don’t take race as part of character then we are kidding ourselves. - Hillary

"Extremists [those individuals who insist on clinging to this country's Founding Father's vision of America] fail to provide a viable pathway from the cold war to the global village." .- Hillary Rodham Clinton

I’m not going to have some reporter pawing through our papers. We are the President. - Hillary Clinton

"We reject the idea of private property."- Peter Berle, former president, National Audubon Society. Board member, Sierra Club.

"We are going to take all the money that we think is unnecessarily being spent and take it from the "haves and give it too the "have nots" that need it so much." - Lyndon Johnson in 1964

"If you think is was an accident, applaud." - Geraldo Rivera, talk show host, to his audience on Natalie Wood's drowning

"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese." - Charles De Gaulle, former French President

"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president," --Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents.

“America causes cancer.”
“Stereotypes are true.”
“Pornography stops rape.”
“Burning the flag is patriotic.”
“Being drunk is funny.”
“I’m for mad cow disease.”
“You have to lie to stay married.”
“The military is cowardly.”
“Religion is bad.”
Bill Maher on ABC May, 2002

“Coach Knight is a f#%&*$@ idiot.”-Bryant Gumbel, when he thought the microphone had been turned off after a program

“People fear the lines at airports.” = Robert Hagen, NBC News (~May 31, 2002)

[Ah yes. We “fear LINES”. Is there nothing liberals won’t invoke under their fearful admonitions? “Fear” this and “fear” that, and give us more money and power, and we unctuous, all-wise liberals will make it everything better.)

“It’s a glorious day if you’re a fascist.”
“Republicans are Jackbooted American fascists.” - John Dingell

"No. You don't have a higher duty. No. No. You're a reporter!"

--CBS's Mike Wallace on whether "journalists" should have any loyalty to their own nation when at war.

“ You f#%$*@# Jew bastard.” (To Paul Fray, Hillary’s husband’s campaign manager)-- Hillary Rodham, as quoted in the book, “The Case Against Hillary Clinton”

“Is it legal for them to do this?” (Put fewer chips in a snack bag) -- Julie Chen, CBS Reporter in 2001

"While I would not dream of using arguments to diminish the horror of the September 11 attack for thousands of people, I would also suggest that the people who died in the attack did not suffer more terrible deaths than animals in slaughterhouses suffer every day."-- Karen Davis, President of United Poultry Concerns

"I think that people like the Howard Sterns, the Bill O'Reillys and to a lesser degree the bin Ladens of the world are making a horrible contribution [to society].... I'd like to trade O'Reilly for bin Laden. ... There's a long history of people who capitalize on the lowest common denominator

of people's impulses, Adolf Hitler being one of them. ... These guys -- Joe McCarthy, Bill O'Reilly -- die like everyone else. And when they do, their legacy is one of damaging the spirit of good things, and they become rather broken, pathetic figures. And that is going to happen to him."-- Hollyweird actor , Sean Penn

"I am not sure that Communism is necessarily a bad thing." - Whoopi Goldberg

“The Pentagon was a legitimate target for Al Quaeda.” -- David Westin, ABC News Director "It's a symbol of terrorism and death and fear and destruction and repression."

--University of Massachusetts physics professor Jennie Traschen telling the Amherst, Massachusetts, town board what the Stars and Stripes actually represent.

"Tolerance" is a supremacist word, which automatically places the "tolerator" in an imaginary position superior to the "tolerated”.

"Ronald Reagan, ex-President, deserves to experience a horrible death soon, and is getting what he deserves [in contracting Alzheimer's Disease]. ...As President, he couldn't

remember to deal with the growing AIDS pandemic, couldn't remember to give some money to the Centers for Disease Control for drug treatment research, couldn't remember to authorize the publication of factual information about how the disease was being spread, etc. -- all
because he is a het supremacist, and the suffering and dying were 'only Queers.' Ronald Reagan is personally responsible for the long and torturous deaths of hundreds of thousands of gay men in the U.S.A. from AIDS."

--Web site, which also lists among "het supremacists" deserving a "horrible death": Sen. Jesse Helms

"I had accepted the fact that I would probably just have a series of relationships ... and produce children from a multitude of partners. I would be the female Mick Jagger.... Before meeting George, I pondered a future with an adopted baby or a lesbian lifestyle."--Alexandra Wentworth, new wife of Clintonista George Stephanopoulos, on her various possible life trajectories.

“You identify with everyone who is suffering, including the terrorists. We are all intimately interconnected.”-- Richard Gere, Buddhist and Hollywood Pretty Boy

“Clients like that (heads of state, brokers, and bookies) would pay a FORTUNE to have beat-by-beat information on Cheney’s latest “routine” cardiac “event”. Direct from his digital insurance policy. Confirming that he’s not “dead”. “-- Gary Trudeau’s “Cartoon”, dated July 25, 2001, making fun of a man’s heart problems merely because he is a hated conservative

“I’d like to put the President of Enron in a cell with a tattooed guy named Spike who says, ‘Hi honey’.”-- Bill Lockyer, California State Attorney General, Democrat

"I was just wondering when Strom Thurmond was going to die."
--Mary Frances Berry, chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and author of the commission report on "black disenfranchisement" in the Florida presidential election last year

“We would stone Henry Hyde to death. Shut up! Shut up! And we go to their houses and we kill their wives and their children. We kill their families.”-- Alec Baldwin, on the Conan O’Brien Show

If we say somebody’s carried the state, you can take that to the bank. - Dan Rather, Election night 2000

NAACP Chairman Julian Bond spoke to the 2000 delegates earlier this week (July, 2001) and charged that the Bush Administration had "selected nominees from the Taliban wing of American politics, appeased the wretched appetites of the extreme right wing and chosen cabinet officials whose devotion to the Confederacy is nearly canine in its uncritical affection."

The people who are asking LA Councilman Mike Hernandez to resign (for being caught using cocaine) are nothing but West Side Ku Klux Klansmen.- LA Councilman Nate Holden

That (affirmation of California Proposition 209 by the Supreme Court, which prevents racial discrimination) is a radical step backwards.
- Jesse Jackson

"There are more blacks in prison than in college." - Jesse Jackson, lying through his teeth (There are twice as many blacks in college)

"In South Africa, we call it Apartheid.
In Nazi Germany, we'd call it fascism. Here in the United States,
we call it conservatism." - - Jesse Jackson

“I won’t support a tax cut that I can’t pay for.”- Bill Clinton

(That HE “can’t pay for” ! THAT HE CAN’T PAY FOR ? ? ? )

“I HATE Ken Stah.” - James Carville

Bob Dole is evil. Let' get that straight. He wants to do evil things.
-- Dick Morris, Clinton campaign advisor

My momma told me I shouldn't make speeches after 7 o'clock because I get too tired. -- President Bill Clinton

The Republican Party is basically anti-civil rights, anti-immigration, anti-woman, and anti-worker.-- Ted Kennedy

“Uncle Tom. Sambo Tom. Sambo Tom.”-- Professor Leonard Jeffires, of New York University, at the Million Man March in Washington, D.C.

The adoption of black children by white parents is tantamount to cultural genocide.-- National Organization of Black Social Workers

The Republicans want us (women) dead.- Democratic California Assemblywoman Sheila McKerville

A pack of lies. -- Clinton's Attorney, Bob Bennett, commenting on the accusations of Paula Jones & SIX other women

You vote for me and Í’ll give you family values. ... I promise you the most

ethical administration in the history of our country. -- Bill Clinton.

There is no such thing as other people’s children. - Hillary Clinton

Richberg (author of “Out of Africa”) wishes he were white. - Jackie Clark

Outside of the killings, Washington, D.C. has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. - Mayor Marion “Damn bitch set me up” Berry

I am a great mayor; I am an upstanding Christian man; I am an intelligent man; I am a deeply educated man; I am a humble man. - Marion Barry, Washington, DC

I had to make the choice between “bitch” and “whore”. I chose “bitch”.
- Al Gore’s Presidential Campaign Advisor, Donna Brazile

. . . .the extreme right wing, the extra chromosome right wing . . - Al Gore, mocking People with Down's Syndrome

I can’t name a song, I’m just a really big fan. - Al Gore to rocker Courtney Love

I didn’t realize I was in a Buddhist Temple. - Al Gore

E pluribus unum; out of one, many. - Vice President Al Gore

Who ARE these people? - Al Gore (Touring Montecello, asking who busts of the Founding Fathers are)

“Cain and Abel was a parable about the dangers of pollution.”- Al Gore, in “Earth in the Balance”

A zebra cannot change its spots. - Al Gore

I always had a very vivid and clear sense that men and women were entirely and completely equal, if not more so.- Al Gore

Maybe the coach (choked by Latrell Sprewell) deserved choking.

I took everything (in the White House bedroom) that wasn't nailed down.

If you can't take people's money and then screw them, then you don't have any business being in business. - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown

Clarence Thomas should not be allowed to speak to black people. - SF Mayor Willie Brown

Jesus Christ was a boob on the cross. - Jeffrey Figer, D, Michigan

Blacks are the moral compass of America. - Leon Higgenbotham, Federal Judge

(Paying taxes) was one of the things I was always going to take care of, but sometimes I did not have all the funds available.- New York Mayor David Dinkins
Whites are blue eyed devils. - Louis Farrakhan

I hope Clarence Thomas’ wife feeds him fatty foods so he dies young. - Julianne Malveaux

“This [Bill Clinton] is our first black president.” - Writer Toni Morrison

I envy the extra hour of sleep homeless people get. - Tom Brokaw

There's going to be thousands and thousands of (American) casualties (in Kuwait). -- Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

They’re (Republicans) coming after our children and our seniors. - Claude Pepper, (D) Florida Congressman (deceased)

We’ve seen the ******, the chink, the slit eyed Jap, the wiley Philipino, but we’ve never seen the ****. - Marlon Brando

It used to be “****” and “******”. Now it’s “tax cut”. - Charles Rangel, D, New York

(Isn’t that Charlie just a “compassionate” peach of a guy.)

“We could use up all of the proven oil reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade.” - President Jimmy Carter, 1977
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