The Invasion Partners

Pbel, a question. Rachel Corrie is used so much by the anti-Israel gang, but I wonder why they never mention the armed terrorist hiding in the office of the ISM (Rachel Corrie's group) who then went and blew himself up among people at Mike's Place in Tel Aviv. Don't the dead and wounded people there count at all in your estimation? How about the young woman, Marla Benett from San Diego, who died because some terrorist left a bag of explosives in the cafeteria of Hebrew University? How about that young girl, Abigail Lichter, the daughter of an American Baptist preacher, who was killed by a suicide bombers on an Israeli bus. It is sad that Rachel Corrie put herself in danger in front of a bulldozer and died because of this, but these two American females were minding their own business when terror struck.

The suicide bombings are signs of desperation by an occupied people who have no armed forces to protect them...They are disgusting but so is the Israeli Military Boot that is pressed on the back of their collective heads...

Honestly Sally you lie so much as the matriarch of Zionist propaganda that I bite my tongue for even answering you...Please lets avoid each other.

Please, Pbel, we are not that ignorant here. There are suicide bombings in many places of the Muslim world. Are you telling us that all these people are so desperate that they resort to suicide bombings, even when they use very young children to become suicide bombers.

Really, Pbel, while you are blabbering about Zionist propaganda, have you ever thought that you are one of those who always have sounded like a Dhimmi in Training? You are also one of those who seem obsessed with what is happening in one tiny place in the Middle East, but are not interested at all in what is happening to the enormous Middle East in general.

Now can you possibly tell us why with all the times Rachel Corrie has been pulled up that you have never mentioned the other Americans who were just minding their own business an whod were murdered?

There goes airhead again blowing hot air again and it really smells...Go away!
The suicide bombings are signs of desperation by an occupied people who have no armed forces to protect them...They are disgusting but so is the Israeli Military Boot that is pressed on the back of their collective heads...

Honestly Sally you lie so much as the matriarch of Zionist propaganda that I bite my tongue for even answering you...Please lets avoid each other.

Please, Pbel, we are not that ignorant here. There are suicide bombings in many places of the Muslim world. Are you telling us that all these people are so desperate that they resort to suicide bombings, even when they use very young children to become suicide bombers.

Really, Pbel, while you are blabbering about Zionist propaganda, have you ever thought that you are one of those who always have sounded like a Dhimmi in Training? You are also one of those who seem obsessed with what is happening in one tiny place in the Middle East, but are not interested at all in what is happening to the enormous Middle East in general.

Now can you possibly tell us why with all the times Rachel Corrie has been pulled up that you have never mentioned the other Americans who were just minding their own business an whod were murdered?

There goes airhead again blowing hot air again and it really smells...Go away!

This only goes to show the readers that Pbel is not interested in any Americans killed by terrorists because he can't drag the Jews into their murders. Thank you for showing us this, Pbel.

If something smells, I suggest you take your weekly bath today.
Rachel who? Oh wait a minute. Was she that mentally ill anti-American girl who traveled to the Middle East in a war zone to publically condmen our American president, burn a mock American flag & join in with Palestinians chanting death to America? Poor thing. May she rest in pieces.

Hey MJ, nice to see you posting on my thread...Do you have any new Rachel Corrie pancake jokes? You had so many!

There we are folks, in his own words mocking the murders and death by bulldozer of a young peace activist American girl...Isn't he funny?

This is the face of Zionism in America today which rules Israel...Nazi laughter.

There we are folks, having " sympathy" for one who deliberately stands in front of a Bulldozer while not giving a DAMN about Innocent Americans minding their own business !

Notice how he had no comment about this?

Killer: Jews my target | New York Post

Won't have any comment about this either;

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

List of Islamic terrorist attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans |

This is a short list !

This is the face of the Pro Palestinian Mentality; Ignorance, Racism, and Bigotry. That is How the Nazi Party got it's start. :evil:
Accept the truth. Ever since that Raquel or Rochelle or whatever her name incident, American investment in Caterpillar stock has been booming & so have Caterpillar's earnings. A great stock for American investors.

Pbell. Be smart for a change. Buy Caterpillar. Great American company. Don't you agree?

CAT - Caterpillar Inc Stock quote -

OK, I will, will you let me try it out on you?
CAT stock is fine but I prefer SodaStream. You can drink or eat SodaStream, but you can't eat a bulldozer. Actually, Rachel tried but it ate her instead! :D

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