The Israel/Jordan/Egypt Solution

Well, you may not call it murder, but most of the rest of the world considers the killing of thousands of Palestinian women and children murder.
"Most of the rest of the world" accepts that the Arab-Moslem terrorists occupying the disputed territories willingly engage in Islamic terrorist acts that explicitly put women and children in harms way. Your Islamic terrorist heroes are all too willing to martyr the bejeezus out that disposable portion of the population for propaganda purposes. Sure, the Israeli response to acts of Arab-Moslem acts of war will elicit the usual UN talking heads to offer their scripted speeches to "halt the violence". But there's an obvious expectation that Islamic terrorists do what Islamic terrorists do.

From the perspective of Arab-Moslem terrorists, what's the big deal with a few more dead Arabs-Moslems? The entirety of the Islamist Middle East is consumed with killing Arabs-Moslems. It's what they do.
Well, you may not call it murder, but most of the rest of the world considers the killing of thousands of Palestinian women and children murder.
When your Neanderthal Hamas buddies stop embedding war assets amongst their civilian population so as to intentionally invite as many collateral casualties as possible...

In order to capitalize upon the propaganda value of casualties resulting from legitimate Israel Defense Force military strikes against those war assets...

And if large-scale civilian (thousands, right?) casualties continue beyond the time frame of that cessation...

Then let us know, and you might find a more receptive audience...

Until then, that's all just Militant Muslim -sympathizer propaganda, Mister Fifth Columnist.
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Well, you may not call it murder, but most of the rest of the world considers the killing of thousands of Palestinian women and children murder.
When your Neanderthal Hamas buddies stop embedding war assets amongst their civilian population so as to intentionally invite as many collateral casualties as possible...

In order to capitalize upon the propaganda value of casualties resulting from legitimate Israel Defense Force military strikes against those war assets...

And if large-scale civilian (thousands, right?) casualties continue beyond the time frame of that cessation...

Then let us know, and you might find a more receptive audience...

Until then, that's all just Militant Muslim -sympathizer propaganda, Mister Fifth Columnist.

The only propaganda being spouted is from people of dubious loyalty such as yourself.

"Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor: "I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel's accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields." The Guardian: "In the past week, the Guardian has seen large numbers of people fleeing different neighbourhoods.. and no evidence that Hamas had compelled them to stay." The Independent: "Some Gazans have admitted that they were afraid of criticizing Hamas, but none have said they had been forced by the organisation to stay in places of danger and become unwilling human-shields." Reuters, 2013: "A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields."

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes
Well, you may not call it murder, but most of the rest of the world considers the killing of thousands of Palestinian women and children murder.
When your Neanderthal Hamas buddies stop embedding war assets amongst their civilian population so as to intentionally invite as many collateral casualties as possible...

In order to capitalize upon the propaganda value of casualties resulting from legitimate Israel Defense Force military strikes against those war assets...

And if large-scale civilian (thousands, right?) casualties continue beyond the time frame of that cessation...

Then let us know, and you might find a more receptive audience...

Until then, that's all just Militant Muslim -sympathizer propaganda, Mister Fifth Columnist.

The only propaganda being spouted is from people of dubious loyalty such as yourself.

"Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor: "I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel's accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields." The Guardian: "In the past week, the Guardian has seen large numbers of people fleeing different neighbourhoods.. and no evidence that Hamas had compelled them to stay." The Independent: "Some Gazans have admitted that they were afraid of criticizing Hamas, but none have said they had been forced by the organisation to stay in places of danger and become unwilling human-shields." Reuters, 2013: "A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields."

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes

You poor dear. Are your tender islamo-sensibilities offended?
I like how he conveniently ignores the numerous documented cases of Hamas and Fatah doing exactly that; using human shields.

Storying arms in schools, firing rockets from hospital roofs. Using religious sites as fire bases and observatories.

The list is endless
Again and again, I keep returning to the idea of a solution negotiated between Israel, Jordan and Egypt.

The Palestinian governments in Gaza and in the West Bank are just not willing to do what they need to do to achieve independence, not even in the simplest ways of renouncing terrorism and ceasing the incitement.

Israel has no interest in maintaining a hostile population, especially one which will likely grow into a majority.

One possible solution is to incorporate Gaza and the West Bank into Egypt and Jordan. This would not necessarily spell an end to self-determination for the Gazans and Palestinians -- as their territories could become individual states within the larger nation -- just the same as individual US states. These smaller states would be responsible for all domestic issues, while Jordan and Egypt would be responsible for resource management, foreign policy, security, and other federal issues.

This should make the Palestinians happy as they would no longer be occupied by Israel, but would be under the security of a State which aligns more with their values. Both Jordan and Egypt could assist with monitoring terrorism and keeping the states in question from destabilizing.

If an Egypt/Jordan tunnel or access road was built between Gaza and the West Bank, Jordan would gain access to the Mediteranean and Egypt would gain access to the rest of the ME.

I think there are some risks involved, but they are fewer than the standard two State (actually four) solution currently being attempted. If Jordan and Egypt and Israel can work together, it would also create an alliance from which to address ISIS and other problems in the ME.

Here is an article on the subject. Chapter 4, page 30.

Jordan and Egypt don't want them
No one wants them. Hell, they don't even want themselves.

What are we to DO with them? We being the international community?
No one wants them. Hell, they don't even want themselves.

What are we to DO with them? We being the international community?

It doesn't matter.

Its not Israel's problem if they just employ the GC. They can legally lead them to the nearest point of egress and throw the bums out.
Well, you may not call it murder, but most of the rest of the world considers the killing of thousands of Palestinian women and children murder.
When your Neanderthal Hamas buddies stop embedding war assets amongst their civilian population so as to intentionally invite as many collateral casualties as possible...

In order to capitalize upon the propaganda value of casualties resulting from legitimate Israel Defense Force military strikes against those war assets...

And if large-scale civilian (thousands, right?) casualties continue beyond the time frame of that cessation...

Then let us know, and you might find a more receptive audience...

Until then, that's all just Militant Muslim -sympathizer propaganda, Mister Fifth Columnist.

The only propaganda being spouted is from people of dubious loyalty such as yourself.

"Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor: "I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel's accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields." The Guardian: "In the past week, the Guardian has seen large numbers of people fleeing different neighbourhoods.. and no evidence that Hamas had compelled them to stay." The Independent: "Some Gazans have admitted that they were afraid of criticizing Hamas, but none have said they had been forced by the organisation to stay in places of danger and become unwilling human-shields." Reuters, 2013: "A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields."

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes

The proven anti semitic islamonazi propaganda arm in the UK, so bad the BBC board refued to publish the finfings of the commission into their racist actions

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