The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

Having owned 3 different business before retiring can attest to the fact that there are Many tax breaks available to business owners that are not there for the paycheck worker. The higher up the owner ladder go's, the more loop holes are available. And there is nothing wrong with being a pay check worker, Stop calling them dumb, every business needs them.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
Seriously dude, you need help....
Who do you think employs people?
It is the RICH and the government.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

A lot of the far right who profess they love capitalism and it's the only economic system that works, don't really love capitalism and has no idea how it's supposed to work. They scream about "free markets" and "let the market decide" but they have no idea what that means or the fact that there isn't and never has been "free markets" anywhere in the world.

Those who are filthy rich knows this and rely on stupid people to perpetuate it.

Most of the jobs in America are not created by big business. It's created by small and medium size business.

Small business and mostly medium business isn't owned by the rich. They are owned by the middle class.

I will point out that in a capitalistic society, no business should ever need or receive a penny from the government. Nor should they need any tax cut.

If a business needs a tax cut to stay open, that business is a failure. If that business needs welfare from the government, we call them subsidies, that business is a failure.

No capitalist will ever hire someone because they got a tax cut. No capitalist will ever hire someone to stand around all day doing nothing.

The only reason why a capitalist will ever hire new people is because they have more work to do than the existing employees can handle in a normal 40 hour work week.

If a business has more work to do than the existing employees can handle, that business is having more sales. If they are having more sales they are making more money and the last thing they need is a tax cut or welfare from the government.

If a business needs a tax cut or subsidies to stay open, that business is a failure. If the business isn't generating revenues to cover their operating expenses, that business is a failure and in capitalism that business needs to close. NOT be given money by the government. Just handing that business money won't generate new customers, sales and revenue.

Just because someone creates a job doesn't mean they deserve special treatment everyone else doesn't get from our government. That's a violation of the 14th amendment of equal justice under the law.
Interesting that you, who never created a job in your whole miserable life, would try to attack those who took the "RISK" of starting a business. Just think of the business owner just wanted to keep his private little company all to himself, and not allow others to participate in the profits of said business...Just think someone working at McD's get paid 15 dollars and hour, also has SS and health insurance provided, but all you worthless progs is see the wages not the perks that also have to be paid by the employer. Most McD employees with all the perks get almost $40,000 a year....
Lmao!! You act like it's some sorta saintly act of selflessness! They do this to make a profit, son.

And can you live on $40k?
No. The answer is employers paying living wages.

Tax billionaires at 70% on earnings over 10 million a year. Most billionaires have effective tax rates lower than Walmart employees.

Tax companies at realistic rates. No company with a billion dollar profit margin should pay $0.00 in taxes.
You ensure employers pay living wages by injecting trillions into an economy?

Not seeing the connection.

BOTH parties vote for huge international trade agreements that suck jobs from America

BOTH parties vote for wars that cost taxpayers trillions.

BOTH parties take campaign contributions

BOTH parties follow directives provided from K Street, regardless of what their voting constituents want.

BOTH parties provide tax incentives for the corporations
Interesting that you, who never created a job in your whole miserable life, would try to attack those who took the "RISK" of starting a business. Just think of the business owner just wanted to keep his private little company all to himself, and not allow others to participate in the profits of said business...Just think someone working at McD's get paid 15 dollars and hour, also has SS and health insurance provided, but all you worthless progs is see the wages not the perks that also have to be paid by the employer. Most McD employees with all the perks get almost $40,000 a year....

Is this what you tell yourself at night so you can sleep while people are requiring government assistance to put a roof over their head. With all of the “perks” of a Medicaid, Food Stamps and Section 8, wouldn’t it just be better to have McDonald’s pay their workers $40,000 a year and leave the government out of it?

You love corporate welfare. You love subsidizing low wages for corporations so that their shareholders can sit on their asses at home and do nothing while the workers are sleeping for 60 hours a week.

This is how the United States of America is destroying its middle-class. Your middle class is shrinking because the wealthy are not paying their fair share. Your economy requires a thriving and healthy middle-class and Republicans are destroying it.

And fools like you keep claiming that entrepreneurs should be able to pay starvation wages. That’s the very definition of slave labour.

Supply side economics ignores the necessity of demand to create the balance. What good is supply if workers can’t afford to buy the products? Supply and demand are both necessary to a healthy and thriving economy. Republican policies have killed demand and substituted export markets in its place.
The job creators are job destroyers when the bottom line is at stake. Downsizing is the go-to method to temporarily get profits back up. We never fund the job creators more than when they are thorowing jobs in the trash. Fuck them, fund the prosperity creators: Education, health care and infrastructure.

While I grasp that you Marxists have never read a book on economics, never had a class in the same, have utterly no grasp of how markets work; how do you plan to get the door dash from McDonalds delivered? You expect all manufacturing to be done by slaves in China, I understand the mindset of the left.

Yes, it takes equipment and capital to create jobs, but you don't want jobs, you want hand outs. Everything should be free because you want.
Is this what you tell yourself at night so you can sleep while people are requiring government assistance to put a roof over their head. With all of the “perks” of a Medicaid, Food Stamps and Section 8, wouldn’t it just be better to have McDonald’s pay their workers $40,000 a year and leave the government out of it?

You love corporate welfare. You love subsidizing low wages for corporations so that their shareholders can sit on their asses at home and do nothing while the workers are sleeping for 60 hours a week.

This is how the United States of America is destroying its middle-class. Your middle class is shrinking because the wealthy are not paying their fair share. Your economy requires a thriving and healthy middle-class and Republicans are destroying it.

And fools like you keep claiming that entrepreneurs should be able to pay starvation wages. That’s the very definition of slave labour.

Supply side economics ignores the necessity of demand to create the balance. What good is supply if workers can’t afford to buy the products? Supply and demand are both necessary to a healthy and thriving economy. Republican policies have killed demand and substituted export markets in its place.
When i was dirt poor, i never looked for government assistance, but worked my ass off to better my skills so i could move out of being dirt poor. But then there are worthless fucks like you, who are too fucking lazy that they need Uncle Sugar there to give them $1,400 checks. What a fucking joke. My next quarterly payout will be over $110,000. I dont get government checks...
When i was dirt poor, i never looked for government assistance, but worked my ass off to better my skills so i could move out of being dirt poor. But then there are worthless fucks like you, who are too fucking lazy that they need Uncle Sugar there to give them $1,400 checks. What a fucking joke. My next quarterly payout will be over $110,000. I dont get government checks...
Your bottom line accounts for your support for the existing Republican economic strategies
Is this what you tell yourself at night so you can sleep while people are requiring government assistance to put a roof over their head. With all of the “perks” of a Medicaid, Food Stamps and Section 8, wouldn’t it just be better to have McDonald’s pay their workers $40,000 a year and leave the government out of it?

You love corporate welfare. You love subsidizing low wages for corporations so that their shareholders can sit on their asses at home and do nothing while the workers are sleeping for 60 hours a week.

This is how the United States of America is destroying its middle-class. Your middle class is shrinking because the wealthy are not paying their fair share. Your economy requires a thriving and healthy middle-class and Republicans are destroying it.

And fools like you keep claiming that entrepreneurs should be able to pay starvation wages. That’s the very definition of slave labour.

Supply side economics ignores the necessity of demand to create the balance. What good is supply if workers can’t afford to buy the products? Supply and demand are both necessary to a healthy and thriving economy. Republican policies have killed demand and substituted export markets in its place.
Of course when you have a government printing money like no tomorrow, yeah, that drives up prices do to INFLATION. Not the companies fault, but the fault of people like you, who put those dumbass inflation hogs in government. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote Democrat..
A lot of the far right who profess they love capitalism and it's the only economic system that works, don't really love capitalism and has no idea how it's supposed to work. They scream about "free markets" and "let the market decide" but they have no idea what that means or the fact that there isn't and never has been "free markets" anywhere in the world.

Those who are filthy rich knows this and rely on stupid people to perpetuate it.

Most of the jobs in America are not created by big business. It's created by small and medium size business.

Small business and mostly medium business isn't owned by the rich. They are owned by the middle class.

I will point out that in a capitalistic society, no business should ever need or receive a penny from the government. Nor should they need any tax cut.

If a business needs a tax cut to stay open, that business is a failure. If that business needs welfare from the government, we call them subsidies, that business is a failure.

No capitalist will ever hire someone because they got a tax cut. No capitalist will ever hire someone to stand around all day doing nothing.

The only reason why a capitalist will ever hire new people is because they have more work to do than the existing employees can handle in a normal 40 hour work week.

If a business has more work to do than the existing employees can handle, that business is having more sales. If they are having more sales they are making more money and the last thing they need is a tax cut or welfare from the government.

If a business needs a tax cut or subsidies to stay open, that business is a failure. If the business isn't generating revenues to cover their operating expenses, that business is a failure and in capitalism that business needs to close. NOT be given money by the government. Just handing that business money won't generate new customers, sales and revenue.

Just because someone creates a job doesn't mean they deserve special treatment everyone else doesn't get from our government. That's a violation of the 14th amendment of equal justice under the law.

If a business needs a tax cut to stay open, that business is a failure. If that business needs welfare from the government, we call them subsidies, that business is a failure.


we can shut down AMTRAK, and the post office.

1. What got us where? The best economy in the world?
2. What GOP economic garbage? Clinton had 8-years, Obama had 8-years, Trump had 4, now Xiden has 4, so WTF are you whining about? About half the time democrats are in the WH, most of the time dems run the House. Your partisan whining makes no sense.
We’ve had “the best economy in the world” since WW II. Republicans have been trying to dismantle it since Reagan
No. The answer is employers paying living wages.

Tax billionaires at 70% on earnings over 10 million a year. Most billionaires have effective tax rates lower than Walmart employees.

Tax companies at realistic rates. No company with a billion dollar profit margin should pay $0.00 in taxes.

What would stop these billionaires, leftists like Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Slave owner LeBron, et al. from just moving their money offshore? In fact most already have. Why would they invest in American workers and business given the predatory greed of the fascists? Why not just do like LeBron and buy slaves in your country?

Have you, or more importantly the American Marxists here ever contemplated WHY the fascist left is funded and run by the richest people in the world. Read the above list of Oligarchs again, notice how every single one has a public persona as a radical fascist? Gates practically started the $15 minimum wage movement. Do you really think it's because the Reich serves YOUR interests? (well yes, the Reich does serve China, but certainly not American workers)

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