The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

And taxing the wealthy folks to pay for it. one pays for it. The costs are deferred, and the currency inflated. That's the point.

You could tax the rich at 100% and it wouldn't even cover a small portion of our debt, let alone our world police escapades.

As of right now all income cannot even cover interest on debt.

Our Fed purchases most of our own bonds.

This is an economic snake eating itself.

This is an unsustainable system.

When Asia decouple it's over.

We need an amendment that requires a balanced budget.

When lawmakers are held accountable then there will be change.
There is a big difference between privately created jobs and government sponsored work. The real myth is that there is a dominant corporate class and a permanent underclass or working class. Immigrants crawl across the freaking desert to get to a Country that guarantees freedom and allows anyone with the will and the brains to get rich. Corporations ain't the enemy but government might be.
1. it's not a small segment
2.the Bill is IDIOTIC
3.the rich pay MORE than their fair share
4. taxing and spending will be the nail in the coffin of the US
5. Bidumb is a dumbass puss
So Germany who
  • Tax the Rich more
  • Tax there Middle class less
  • Run a surplus
  • Low Unemployment
  • Universal Heathcare and free third level college...
This is myth... Now you need to find a poor ass excuse...

Lets just say you go for defence, Germany only pay 1%of GDP below there required min amount. But there surplus was 2.5% and they paid for the research(German Government) that was used in the most popular Vaccine used in US and the world... You see Germany thought the future national threat was a virus not another country... GOP want to build tanks to defend against a virus...

There is many other examples in Europe... They are not Commies just know that the balance in the US between Private self interest and Public good is far too tilted towards Private in the US... The country is effectively been run by dark money... The GOP is far more liable to dark money than Democrats... GOP dark money is from a smaller base of higher self interest like Defence, Gun Manufactures, Big Pharma...
Hyuuge lie.
So what's fair? Id have to look it up again to get the exact numbers but the top 10% of earners in the country pay like 80% of the total taxes. Now is that because they make 80% of the money? Maybe but I dont think that's the case with our progressive tax system. 50% of the earners in the country pay zero or are a net positive, so the "fair share" argument certainly isnt based on I make this percentage of the total so therefore I pay this percentage of the tax bill. The reality is there's a point where it doesnt make sense to do the work to make the money if the government is just going to take the majority of it.
1. it's not a small segment
2.the Bill is IDIOTIC
3.the rich pay MORE than their fair share
4. taxing and spending will be the nail in the coffin of the US
5. Bidumb is a dumbass puss

The rich in the United States pay next to nothing, the figure on the number of millionaires paying no taxes is disgusting. Just look at the amount of wealth Jeff Bezos and Amazon added during the recession to see how little taxes being paid by the wealthiest man in the world.

Amazon one of the city of New York to pony up $9 billion in infrastructure costs to build their warehouse operations in New York City. That included in expanded subway like all of which would’ve been paid for by the residents who would be pushed out of their homes by the arrival of the Amazon corporation.

This worship of the corporate class and job creation below is the contributions of the workers in the necessities and they be paid first and foremost.
So Germany who
  • Tax the Rich more
  • Tax there Middle class less
  • Run a surplus
  • Low Unemployment
  • Universal Heathcare and free third level college...
This is myth... Now you need to find a poor ass excuse...

Lets just say you go for defence, Germany only pay 1%of GDP below there required min amount. But there surplus was 2.5% and they paid for the research(German Government) that was used in the most popular Vaccine used in US and the world... You see Germany thought the future national threat was a virus not another country... GOP want to build tanks to defend against a virus...

There is many other examples in Europe... They are not Commies just know that the balance in the US between Private self interest and Public good is far too tilted towards Private in the US... The country is effectively been run by dark money... The GOP is far more liable to dark money than Democrats... GOP dark money is from a smaller base of higher self interest like Defence, Gun Manufactures, Big Pharma...
1. irrelevant
2. you can't use Germany as an example--their population is MUCH less/ETC--it's a ridiculous analogy ...their country is much smaller/etc
3. the US DOES tax the rich more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahh
So Germany who
  • Tax the Rich more
  • Tax there Middle class less
  • Run a surplus
  • Low Unemployment
  • Universal Heathcare and free third level college...
This is myth... Now you need to find a poor ass excuse...

Lets just say you go for defence, Germany only pay 1%of GDP below there required min amount. But there surplus was 2.5% and they paid for the research(German Government) that was used in the most popular Vaccine used in US and the world... You see Germany thought the future national threat was a virus not another country... GOP want to build tanks to defend against a virus...

There is many other examples in Europe... They are not Commies just know that the balance in the US between Private self interest and Public good is far too tilted towards Private in the US... The country is effectively been run by dark money... The GOP is far more liable to dark money than Democrats... GOP dark money is from a smaller base of higher self interest like Defence, Gun Manufactures, Big Pharma...

In the United States, 80% of the income and wealth generated by your economy flows to the top 10%. The other 90% struggle to get by on 20% of the income.
This model is not sustainable.

In Norway the split is 50-50. That’s pretty much true of most of the EU. Canada it’s 40-60. Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The US model as it is currently set up, is turning the United States into a South American banana republic. All wealth is going to the top and the middle class and working class are struggling to get by.

Your denigration of working people ignores the fact that in order for businesses to be successful and have employees, not everyone can be a boss. The workers are just as necessary to the system as the guys who are willing to take the risk and hope for the reward.
The rich in the United States pay next to nothing, the figure on the number of millionaires paying no taxes is disgusting. Just look at the amount of wealth Jeff Bezos and Amazon added during the recession to see how little taxes being paid by the wealthiest man in the world.

Amazon one of the city of New York to pony up $9 billion in infrastructure costs to build their warehouse operations in New York City. That included in expanded subway like all of which would’ve been paid for by the residents who would be pushed out of their homes by the arrival of the Amazon corporation.

This worship of the corporate class and job creation below is the contributions of the workers in the necessities and they be paid first and foremost.
.....the rich pay MORE--my god-- you people are STUPID --the poor get $$$$ FROM the government in MANY ways--they get $$$ for kids----this is NOT the child deduction....they get deductions for college.......welfare/etc

In the United States, 80% of the income and wealth generated by your economy flows to the top 10%. The other 90% struggle to get by on 20% of the income.
This model is not sustainable.

In Norway the split is 50-50. That’s pretty much true of most of the EU. Canada it’s 40-60. Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The US model as it is currently set up, is turning the United States into a South American banana republic. All wealth is going to the top and the middle class and working class are struggling to get by.

Your denigration of working people ignores the fact that in order for businesses to be successful and have employees, not everyone can be a boss. The workers are just as necessary to the system as the guys who are willing to take the risk and hope for the reward.
again, you can't compare Norway, etc to the US---that's a ridiculous analogy
....a lot of the rich people have earned it by being smart and industrious....a lot of the poor are stupid and lazy
In the United States, 80% of the income and wealth generated by your economy flows to the top 10%. The other 90% struggle to get by on 20% of the income.
This model is not sustainable.

In Norway the split is 50-50. That’s pretty much true of most of the EU. Canada it’s 40-60. Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The US model as it is currently set up, is turning the United States into a South American banana republic. All wealth is going to the top and the middle class and working class are struggling to get by.

Your denigration of working people ignores the fact that in order for businesses to be successful and have employees, not everyone can be a boss. The workers are just as necessary to the system as the guys who are willing to take the risk and hope for the reward.
Norway's population is under 6 million...US is over 300 million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of the far right who profess they love capitalism and it's the only economic system that works, don't really love capitalism and has no idea how it's supposed to work. They scream about "free markets" and "let the market decide" but they have no idea what that means or the fact that there isn't and never has been "free markets" anywhere in the world.

Those who are filthy rich knows this and rely on stupid people to perpetuate it.

Most of the jobs in America are not created by big business. It's created by small and medium size business.

Small business and mostly medium business isn't owned by the rich. They are owned by the middle class.

I will point out that in a capitalistic society, no business should ever need or receive a penny from the government. Nor should they need any tax cut.

If a business needs a tax cut to stay open, that business is a failure. If that business needs welfare from the government, we call them subsidies, that business is a failure.

No capitalist will ever hire someone because they got a tax cut. No capitalist will ever hire someone to stand around all day doing nothing.

The only reason why a capitalist will ever hire new people is because they have more work to do than the existing employees can handle in a normal 40 hour work week.

If a business has more work to do than the existing employees can handle, that business is having more sales. If they are having more sales they are making more money and the last thing they need is a tax cut or welfare from the government.

If a business needs a tax cut or subsidies to stay open, that business is a failure. If the business isn't generating revenues to cover their operating expenses, that business is a failure and in capitalism that business needs to close. NOT be given money by the government. Just handing that business money won't generate new customers, sales and revenue.

Just because someone creates a job doesn't mean they deserve special treatment everyone else doesn't get from our government. That's a violation of the 14th amendment of equal justice under the law.

You are an idiot, which is why you are a Marxist.

Let's start with the first Marxist lie you bleated:

the fact that there isn't and never has been "free markets" anywhere in the world.

Go to any yard sale, flea market, swap meet, or bazar on any weekend in any town in America and you'll see the free market flourish.

Free markets are the normal way decent people interact with each other, trading value for value without kings, dictators, or oligarchs involved.

Those who are filthy rich knows this and rely on stupid people to perpetuate it.

Ever notice that those you Marxist Nazis call "filthy rich" are the perpetrators of your movement? You couldn't wage the war on America that you do without funding from Billionaires like George Soros, Steny Hoyer, Jeff Bezos, et al? What is it these "filthy rich" actually promote? That which you and your fellow drones bleat, of course.

I will point out that in a capitalistic society, no business should ever need or receive a penny from the government. Nor should they need any tax cut.

Nor should they pay any taxes at all. The individuals who own and run the business are already taxed. Double taxation is an abomination.

Most of the jobs in America are not created by big business. It's created by small and medium size business.

Much of this depends on how one defines "small." It's true that GM and Ma Bell are no longer the main employers in America, but a business of 400 employees is certainly not small. It is interesting to note that the unions promoted by you Marxists are what destroyed the large corporations.

Now you wage war on small business.

If a business has more work to do than the existing employees can handle, that business is having more sales. If they are having more sales they are making more money and the last thing they need is a tax cut or welfare from the government.

So then, each time a person walks down the street and is not mugged, they are getting welfare from the mugger? After all, you claim that keeping ones own money is "welfare."

This underlies the entire premise of you fascists and the Oligarchs you serve, that all things belong to the rulers. That no one has their own money or property, it all belongs to our kings and dictators. Hence any business that is not savaged by confiscatory taxes is getting "welfare" by not having their money taken by force.

Just because someone creates a job doesn't mean they deserve special treatment everyone else doesn't get from our government. That's a violation of the 14th amendment of equal justice under the law.

Assumes facts not in reality. There is no special treatment save that given to the Oligarchs of the left - whom you serve.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
Yes they are it is not a myth and an opinion peice means nothing
We’ve been using the Republican model ever since Reagan and it’s working really well for the wealthy.

Not so much for everyone else

Really Leech? Did you type that on your $10,000 IPhone over 5G from the apartment you've paid no rent on in over a year?

In fact the lowest quintile has seen the greatest gain in standard of living since 1980.

You Nazis are dedicated to ending and reversing that.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

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Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

The only people with that opinion have never created a job by risking their own money to start a business. Stop taking advise from really ignorant people.

The rich in the United States pay next to nothing, the figure on the number of millionaires paying no taxes is disgusting. Just look at the amount of wealth Jeff Bezos and Amazon added during the recession to see how little taxes being paid by the wealthiest man in the world.

Amazon one of the city of New York to pony up $9 billion in infrastructure costs to build their warehouse operations in New York City. That included in expanded subway like all of which would’ve been paid for by the residents who would be pushed out of their homes by the arrival of the Amazon corporation.

This worship of the corporate class and job creation below is the contributions of the workers in the necessities and they be paid first and foremost.
The rich in the United States pay next to nothing

Once again you demonstrate what a colossal fuckwit you are. You know nothing about the United States. Why don't you stay in the Afghanistan forum with other like minded morons who hate America.



In the United States, 80% of the income and wealth generated by your economy flows to the top 10%. The other 90% struggle to get by on 20% of the income.
This model is not sustainable.

In Norway the split is 50-50. That’s pretty much true of most of the EU. Canada it’s 40-60. Canada has the fastest growing middle class in the world.

The US model as it is currently set up, is turning the United States into a South American banana republic. All wealth is going to the top and the middle class and working class are struggling to get by.

Your denigration of working people ignores the fact that in order for businesses to be successful and have employees, not everyone can be a boss. The workers are just as necessary to the system as the guys who are willing to take the risk and hope for the reward.
In the United States, 80% of the income and wealth generated by your economy flows to the top 10%. The other 90% struggle to get by on 20% of the income.

Link us up to your data source Dragonlady

She just got caught in another lie, so she will come back and tell me to just google it...............or ignore this post altogether. Either way, she is a lying sack of shit.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

Yes....I got my jobs from the homeless guy with the sign at the about you?
In the United States, 80% of the income and wealth generated by your economy flows to the top 10%. The other 90% struggle to get by on 20% of the income.

Link us up to your data source Dragonlady

She just got caught in another lie, so she will come back and tell me to just google it...............or ignore this post altogether. Either way, she is a lying sack of shit.

Lord you are too dumb to be one person:



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