The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

There are university studies, economic think tank reports, and economic data and charts in all pieces I quote and you didn't bother to read, FuckBoi.

You keep calling me a liar, and I keep proving that it's you who are lying, you lazy, uneducated piece of shit. Why aren't you working? Why are here night and day, proving your stupidity and ignorance to the world?

You don't link to anything. You don't read any links. You just sit at your computer flinging your monkey shit at the humans passing by.
Why aren't you working?

Today is a holiday in America, you dumbass KKKanadian. :auiqs.jpg:

Bring some more of your leftard opinion pieces, Halfwit.
Actually the top ten percent Have more like 99% of the money, and the top 1% account for more than 70% all by themselves.

But that's not even the issue. The problem is the rates. I made about $150,000 last year and my effective tax rate was 31%.

Bill gates paid about 15%.

He paid more money in absolute terms, but I gave more of what I made than he did.

And even if he paid the same rate it would effect him much less than it does me.

Or you.
Spend 20 years lying to Congress and you'll be worth the same as Gates.
By the way, his worth hasn't increased in over 10 years...or he's lying.
Billionaires don't have earnings.

Hell you don't have to be a billionaire to pay no income taxes.

My wife and I are living off of our investments We have no debt at all so we only need to cover our living expenses and the things we do for fun

I will pay $0 income tax because after our personal deductions I will be in the 0 bracket
Redefine earnings so you can't hide behind shelters.
I'm not in the business of responding to every piece of monkey shit you fling FuckBoi. Unlike you, I have family, friend, hobbies, and a small business. I'm not in lockdown and I have a life.
The rich in the United States pay next to nothing

Look at this data and tell us again how the rich "pay next to nothing", you lying sack of KKKanadian dogshit. :auiqs.jpg:

Once again you demonstrate what a colossal fuckwit you are. You know nothing about the United States. Why don't you stay in the Afghanistan forum with other like minded morons who hate America.


Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

About 2 million openings out there, go grab one
Having owned 3 different business before retiring can attest to the fact that there are Many tax breaks available to business owners that are not there for the paycheck worker. The higher up the owner ladder go's, the more loop holes are available. And there is nothing wrong with being a pay check worker, Stop calling them dumb, every business needs them.
True enough, business needs workers, but it is a symbiotic relationship. Paycheck workers would have a hell of a time feeding, clothing and housing their families without those paychecks that are provided by business that they vilify.
Of course when you have a government printing money like no tomorrow, yeah, that drives up prices do to INFLATION. Not the companies fault, but the fault of people like you, who put those dumbass inflation hogs in government. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote Democrat..
And that inflation eats up ALL the gains of $15 min wage plus some. No more SNAP or welfare or medicaid. Who profits? Bill Gates and like billionaires. Who loses? Low wage earners and small businesses.
At least the halfwit Dragonlady brought links...................none of which helped her lies. I guess she didn't think anyone would actually look at them.

Notice she ignored my post showing her to be a lying sack of shit on the rich not paying much in taxes. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, but they had nothing to do with who pays income taxes. She used the typical strawman fallacy that substitutes for logic among the fascist left.
So Germany who
  • Tax the Rich more
  • Tax there Middle class less
  • Run a surplus
  • Low Unemployment
  • Universal Heathcare and free third level college...
This is myth... Now you need to find a poor ass excuse...

Lets just say you go for defence, Germany only pay 1%of GDP below there required min amount. But there surplus was 2.5% and they paid for the research(German Government) that was used in the most popular Vaccine used in US and the world... You see Germany thought the future national threat was a virus not another country... GOP want to build tanks to defend against a virus...

There is many other examples in Europe... They are not Commies just know that the balance in the US between Private self interest and Public good is far too tilted towards Private in the US... The country is effectively been run by dark money... The GOP is far more liable to dark money than Democrats... GOP dark money is from a smaller base of higher self interest like Defence, Gun Manufactures, Big Pharma...
Yeah, they also didnt pay their fair share of the NATO costs. When you have Uncle Sugar providing military, it is easy to not be in debt.
This is the primary lie that Republicans like to tell you. That people are poor because they make bad decisions, or that they're lazy, or drug addicted.

You have people who are working 2 jobs and a total of 60 hours per work, just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, and you call them "stupid and lazy". Well if they're working 60 hours a week, they most certainly are not lazy, are they?

I've been comfortably middle class and I've been poor and middle class is a much easier life - and the difference was entirely based on income. When I my income didn't meet my expenses, it was very stressful. If you can pay your utility bill by this discount date, it saves you a couple of dollars a month. That may not seem like much, but when every dollar is hard to find, it's just an added stress. Which bills to pay first, who can wait. You see something on sale you need but you have neither the cash or credit to take advantage of those savings so you end up paying more for things, as a result.

Studies have found that poor people are simply exhausted and overwhelmed by the sheer volume of decisions they have to make on a day to day basis just to provide the basics for themselves and their families. People aren't "stupid or lazy". The system is designed to keep them poor and needy. If they get too comfortable, they won't want to work.

The stupidity of that remark is shocking. Why don't rich people stop working when they get rich? They don't need to work. Why do the middle class keep striving when they no longer need to do so? The idea that if you give poor people money, they will refuse to work is just as stupid.

And calling people who are working 2 and 3 jobs just to take care of their families "lazy" is just asinine.
I found that poor people usually vote for the Democrats who are the cause of their misery and poverty. Until the poor get a better education on who is fucking them, they will continue to be poor.
I have a rich ass, why dont you come kiss mine...You whiney ass bitch...
Already passed.

There’s plenty of poor Republicans on this board that will kiss your ass and probably lick your balls too
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Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
"Demands?" You mean their reluctance to be looted?
No. The answer is employers paying living wages.

Tax billionaires at 70% on earnings over 10 million a year. Most billionaires have effective tax rates lower than Walmart employees.

Tax companies at realistic rates. No company with a billion dollar profit margin should pay $0.00 in taxes.
Utter horseshit.

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