The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

There’s always someone in every organization ( right down to bowling leagues) bitching about how money is spent

In Ontario, the liquor stores are government owned. When I was a teenager, you went in, filled out a slip with your order on it and handed it to a clerk at the counter who went into a back room and came back with your purchase. There were no bottles on shelves to look at, and you "browsed" a list of products available.

By my 30's there were bottles on shelves but the stores were very basic. About 20 years ago, the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario), started redesigned all of their stores to make them more nicer and taxpayers went batshit over the expense of upgrading the liquor stores. What a waste of money! Except that the newer, prettier stores, made more money. People liked going to them. So the redesigns continued.

An American friend complained that the City of Philadelphia made the new library too nice. What a waste of money! He was all for a new library until he saw how fancy it was. There's one in every crowd.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
It looks to me like job seekers like you really suck at being valuable.

And you welocme all the illegals who flood the unskilled labor market to the point where you are one of 10 chasing 1 job opening.

Shut the fuck up or whine somewhere else. You made your bed. Sleep in it.
That is what lefists will never understand. Those rich people weren’t always rich. There was a lot of work and risk involved in getting to that level. The work ethic of a lot of millennials is zero. They would rather have the government take what you make and give it to them. Today, there aren’t jobs everywhere. But lazy people like her want to just sit on their asses at home and collect those big unemployment checks.
AND after toiling for years as a business owner if you are one of the lucky businesses to make it THEN government swoops in and taxes the fuck out of you like a giant parasite.
Why is it that (pick a side) the either the rich or the poor are to blame for everything.? Is it possible that there is plenty of blame to go around, Maybe we should take a closer look, Have to many gotten lazy or to many gotten greedy. Hard to hate a hungry child, be awhile before they can pull them self's up by there boot straps. When did wanting to have more become a crime? Think maybe the political world likes it that we beat each other to death while we let them run amuck.

we can shut down AMTRAK, and the post office.


You seriously need to read the constitution.

The constitution REQUIRES the United States to have a post office, that it be owned and operated by the government.

Seriously where were you when you were supposed to learn this in school?

This is very basic information about our constitution.

I swear you conservatives are the most ill informed and stupid people in our nation.
Remember, any dollar invested has ALREADY been taxed. "Capital Gains" is by definition double taxation.
Not really because the only thing being taxed is the gain

If you buy $100 worth of stocks and one year later sell it for $200 you only get taxed on the $100 gain not on the $100 you bought the stocks with.
You seriously need to read the constitution.

The constitution REQUIRES the United States to have a post office, that it be owned and operated by the government.

Seriously where were you when you were supposed to learn this in school?

This is very basic information about our constitution.

I swear you conservatives are the most ill informed and stupid people in our nation.

Then you didn't really mean it when you posted:
I will point out that in a capitalistic society, no business should ever need or receive a penny from the government. Nor should they need any tax cut.

If a business needs a tax cut to stay open, that business is a failure. If that business needs welfare from the government, we call them subsidies, that business is a failure.
Your bottom line accounts for your support for the existing Republican economic strategies
Dude, you are just a stupid worthless progressive slave, who continues to think you are a victim of corporations, but in reality it is the progressive policies that keep you poor and miserable. How are you gasoline prices now, or food and other things you are buying? It wasnt corporations, but Joe Biteme and the progressives that have caused the recent spike in inflation. But you, bitch and moan, i actually invested and learned all the tricks that Gates, Bezos, and other progressive billionaires use, just so i can get wealthier....That is the big difference there bud.
Dude, you are just a stupid worthless progressive slave, who continues to think you are a victim of corporations, but in reality it is the progressive policies that keep you poor and miserable. How are you gasoline prices now, or food and other things you are buying? It wasnt corporations, but Joe Biteme and the progressives that have caused the recent spike in inflation. But you, bitch and moan, i actually invested and learned all the tricks that Gates, Bezos, and other progressive billionaires use, just so i can get wealthier....That is the big difference there bud.
Horseshit. You’re a corporate shill
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

You're kidding, right? The pork bill is a feeding trough for those you despise.

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.
Then fire them. Don't work for them. Don't buy what they're selling.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

Maybe not. If you fire them, you'll find out.
Really Leech? Did you type that on your $10,000 IPhone over 5G from the apartment you've paid no rent on in over a year?

In fact the lowest quintile has seen the greatest gain in standard of living since 1980.

You Nazis are dedicated to ending and reversing that.

Republicans told you that and YOU believe them??????? You're even dumber than you seem.

The American worker has seen NO benefit from the Republican economy for more than 40 years. Working people had savings and wealth before Reagan rewrote the tax code. Now they're all dependent on government handouts.
While I grasp that you Marxists have never read a book on economics, never had a class in the same, have utterly no grasp of how markets work; how do you plan to get the door dash from McDonalds delivered? You expect all manufacturing to be done by slaves in China, I understand the mindset of the left.

Yes, it takes equipment and capital to create jobs, but you don't want jobs, you want hand outs. Everything should be free because you want.

People on the left are the ones who vehemently opposed all of the free trade advocates on the right.

NAFTA was Reagan's pet project, and the final negotiations were completed and the NAFTA Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in October, just before the 1992 election because the Democrats were opposed to to NAFTA, just as they had opposed Nixon's Trade Agreement with China. Clinton and the Democrats insisted on better workers protections in NAFTA before Congress passed the deal and it was signed into law.

Now that these free trade agreements have resulted the off-shoring of American manufacturing, just as the Democrats predicted, and tried to stop, and American workers are in revolt, Republicans are trying to blame this all on Democrats.

Everything you posted about the economy is flat out bullshit. I was a bank manager for 9 years, and I am well versed on how business works and functions. One of my friends told me that when her multi-millionaire father was starting out, he had one of his employees pick him up and drive him to work every day, because all of his money was tied up in his business and he couldn't afford a car. He paid his men well, and they made him rich, but he paid himself last, and took less money out of the business than he paid his men, because it didn't make enough money for him to take more, starting out.

Successful corporations pay their workers first, because without them you have nothing. McDonalds is losing business, losing market share, and people are avoiding them because corporate has bled the franchise stores white for so long that the restaurants are dirty, crappy, and the staff is miserable working there because they're paid so poorly.

Walmart was forced to raise wages because shoppers reported surly miserable staff were a total turnoff. People who are struggling financially because of their employers' fiscal policies are not giving you their best. They resent having to get up to go to work every day, and it shows.

Anyone who can get a job that pays better, will do it, leaving you with those who can't get a better job.
Horseshit. You’re a corporate shill
Bwaaaahahhaaaaa....I use every tax shelter that the Progressives allow me to use...Because i learned how to avoid paying taxes just like the progs.

I know, i know, you are such an intelligent "Fellow" to pay your fair share of taxes.....More like an idiot, who listens to your prog leaders, while they scam the fuck out of you. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Democrat....
People on the left are the ones who vehemently opposed all of the free trade advocates on the right.

NAFTA was Reagan's pet project, and the final negotiations were completed and the NAFTA Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in October, just before the 1992 election because the Democrats were opposed to to NAFTA, just as they had opposed Nixon's Trade Agreement with China. Clinton and the Democrats insisted on better workers protections in NAFTA before Congress passed the deal and it was signed into law.

Now that these free trade agreements have resulted the off-shoring of American manufacturing, just as the Democrats predicted, and tried to stop, and American workers are in revolt, Republicans are trying to blame this all on Democrats.

Everything you posted about the economy is flat out bullshit. I was a bank manager for 9 years, and I am well versed on how business works and functions. One of my friends told me that when her multi-millionaire father was starting out, he had one of his employees pick him up and drive him to work every day, because all of his money was tied up in his business and he couldn't afford a car. He paid his men well, and they made him rich, but he paid himself last, and took less money out of the business than he paid his men, because it didn't make enough money for him to take more, starting out.

Successful corporations pay their workers first, because without them you have nothing. McDonalds is losing business, losing market share, and people are avoiding them because corporate has bled the franchise stores white for so long that the restaurants are dirty, crappy, and the staff is miserable working there because they're paid so poorly.

Walmart was forced to raise wages because shoppers reported surly miserable staff were a total turnoff. People who are struggling financially because of their employers' fiscal policies are not giving you their best. They resent having to get up to go to work every day, and it shows.

Anyone who can get a job that pays better, will do it, leaving you with those who can't get a better job.
Notice how this thing tries to spin a good yarn, but never puts up links proving her side? Such a shill.
People on the left are the ones who vehemently opposed all of the free trade advocates on the right.

NAFTA was Reagan's pet project, and the final negotiations were completed and the NAFTA Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in October, just before the 1992 election because the Democrats were opposed to to NAFTA, just as they had opposed Nixon's Trade Agreement with China. Clinton and the Democrats insisted on better workers protections in NAFTA before Congress passed the deal and it was signed into law.

Now that these free trade agreements have resulted the off-shoring of American manufacturing, just as the Democrats predicted, and tried to stop, and American workers are in revolt, Republicans are trying to blame this all on Democrats.

Everything you posted about the economy is flat out bullshit. I was a bank manager for 9 years, and I am well versed on how business works and functions. One of my friends told me that when her multi-millionaire father was starting out, he had one of his employees pick him up and drive him to work every day, because all of his money was tied up in his business and he couldn't afford a car. He paid his men well, and they made him rich, but he paid himself last, and took less money out of the business than he paid his men, because it didn't make enough money for him to take more, starting out.

Successful corporations pay their workers first, because without them you have nothing. McDonalds is losing business, losing market share, and people are avoiding them because corporate has bled the franchise stores white for so long that the restaurants are dirty, crappy, and the staff is miserable working there because they're paid so poorly.

Walmart was forced to raise wages because shoppers reported surly miserable staff were a total turnoff. People who are struggling financially because of their employers' fiscal policies are not giving you their best. They resent having to get up to go to work every day, and it shows.

Anyone who can get a job that pays better, will do it, leaving you with those who can't get a better job.
the NAFTA Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in October,

Once again you expose what a colossal dumbass and lying sack of KKKanadian shit you are. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, you raving lunatic.


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