The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

I already have, it's waaay back on the first page.
Thank you. Most people who whine about a "fair share" only mean "more", and never give any numbers at all. This we can work with. I do not believe it is morally or ethically right for the government to take more than a third of any person's earnings, no matter how much that person earns. In fact, the lower the tax rates on regular income, the more the wealthy will bring into the open as regular income. As it stands now, they hide a lot of it in stock grants, capital gains, etc. You know how it works, he gets paid $500,000 in cash which gets taxed at 37% and $15,000,000 in stocks grants, which he holds for a few years then sells at a profit that's taxed at 0 if he held it long enough.

That, BTW, is why I trust no liberal gazillionaire who whines that he's not paying a high enough tax rate. He knows that if the income tax goes up, he'll just have his army of tax attorneys hide more. Here's the truth about them. If they pay accountants to reduce their tax burden, they're not being truthful when they tell you they want to pay more. They could easily pay more, but don't.
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Republicans told you that and YOU believe them??????? You're even dumber than you seem.

ChiComlady, there is something you are completely unfamiliar with, it's called "reality."

The American worker has seen NO benefit from the Republican economy for more than 40 years.

Yeah, I remember as a kid in the 60's the Union member sitting in air conditioned houses around color TV's while their wives bought $500 dollar purses and $1,000 sneakers for the kids...

Oh wait...


The absurd lies you Nazis tell. What level of disconnect to basic reality it must take for you to spew such idiocy..

Working people had savings and wealth before Reagan rewrote the tax code. Now they're all dependent on government handouts.


How many hours of work at minimum wage did it take to buy a new car in 1980? How about in 2020? What about a color TV? A couch? A dining table and chairs?

THINK Nazi, for once in your fucking life, use that grey matter in your skull. It's still virgin after all.
People on the left are the ones who vehemently opposed all of the free trade advocates on the right.

No shit, you see all wealth - including people as the rightful property of the King - the state.

Call you Nazis (due to your racist scapegoat of Der Juden) or Marxists - you're still advocating feudalism at the end of the day. You never got over the Renaissance.

NAFTA was Reagan's pet project, and the final negotiations were completed and the NAFTA Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in October, just before the 1992 election because the Democrats were opposed to to NAFTA, just as they had opposed Nixon's Trade Agreement with China. Clinton and the Democrats insisted on better workers protections in NAFTA before Congress passed the deal and it was signed into law.

NAFTA was Clinton's baby.

Yes, Reagan supported trade with our neighbors - only a fool would oppose such. But the disaster of unfair laws was 100% Clinton.

Notice how you lie. Nothing you fascists promote can stand without lies.

Now that these free trade agreements have resulted the off-shoring of American manufacturing, just as the Democrats predicted, and tried to stop, and American workers are in revolt, Republicans are trying to blame this all on Democrats.

Assumes facts not in reality.

Offshoring has nothing to do with NAFTA. the main impetus of offshoring were corrupt Unions and confiscatory taxation. NAFTA (which I am no fan of) was sold (by the main culprit of selling us to China - Clinton) as a way to combat offshoring. (You Nazis do grasp that Mexico is on the North American Continent on not "off shore", don't you? Nah, probably not.)

Notice how you lie. Nothing you fascists promote can stand without lies.

Everything you posted about the economy is flat out bullshit. I was a bank manager for 9 years, and I am well versed on how business works and functions. One of my friends told me that when her multi-millionaire father was starting out, he had one of his employees pick him up and drive him to work every day, because all of his money was tied up in his business and he couldn't afford a car. He paid his men well, and they made him rich, but he paid himself last, and took less money out of the business than he paid his men, because it didn't make enough money for him to take more, starting out.


I can imagine a bank managed by one who is economically illiterate as you are.

You display ZERO grasp of economics of finance. I highly doubt you could read a balance sheet, much less produce one (even with an excel template!)

Successful corporations pay their workers first, because without them you have nothing. McDonalds is losing business, losing market share, and people are avoiding them because corporate has bled the franchise stores white for so long that the restaurants are dirty, crappy, and the staff is miserable working there because they're paid so poorly.

Again, your ignorance bites you. You don't grasp what a franchise is or how they work. You attempt to bluff your way through with irrelevant anecdotes.

Walmart was forced to raise wages because shoppers reported surly miserable staff were a total turnoff. People who are struggling financially because of their employers' fiscal policies are not giving you their best. They resent having to get up to go to work every day, and it shows.

Is that what happened?

Let's see some evidence to back up your absurd bullshit?
Anyone who can get a job that pays better, will do it, leaving you with those who can't get a better job.

Is that right?

I've turned down higher pay several times in my career.

There are a host of factors involved. Quality of life, hours, distance to work, benefits including retirement funding (401K or defined pension)

You are laughably ignorant.
Thank you. Most people who whine about a "fair share" only mean "more", and never give any numbers at all. This we can work with. I do not believe it is morally or ethically right for the government to take more than a third of any person's earnings, no matter how much that person earns.
If billionaires and mega corps were paying the same rate I am our budget problems would be solved for decades if not longer.
No, my house and everything in it was destroyed in a tornado in 1970. The insurance company is your friend until you have a total loss. Then their goal is to minimize their payout. The house I rented and moved into was insulated with urea formaldehyde foam insulation, and I got seriously ill from living there and couldn't work for two years. So between the tornado and not working for two years, my savings were exhausted, and I ended up taking care of a friends house until I was able to recover and get back to work. Within 3 years, I was making top dollar and fending off offers from big Bay Street firms.

I don't understand.

If being poor is the cause of being poor and there is no way for the poor to ever escape the crushing poverty caused by Ronald Reagan, how is it possible that you escaped?

You already said that brains and hard work have nothing to do with it, so how did you get selected to become uber wealthy and sought after?

See, you fascists can't stop yourselves from boasting - even when you claim that you are downtrodden.
It's a tax break for everyone.

You can start investing with as little a $5 a week
Not everyone can spare $5.00 a week.

It's a tax break that only the wealthy get any real benefits from. It's a tax break for the wealthy.
How many jobs does the working class create again?
If almost 70% of US GDP comes from consumers, the working class creates far more jobs than the employer/shareholder class:

Infographic: Consumer Spending Drives U.S. GDP Growth in Q1 2021
If billionaires and mega corps were paying the same rate I am our budget problems would be solved for decades if not longer.
Actually, corporations should not be taxed at all, because they build it into their cost structure and the customer ends up paying for it. If you want billionaires to pay more, eliminate all loopholes and go to a tax return that can be filled out on a single sheet of paper. You made this much money (from all sources) last year, you multiply that number by a percentage (that everyone pays), and that's what you owe the government for the year. Problem solved. People can't survive on what's left after that percentage? Lower it. The government is far too big and spends far too much. Heck, use maybe three different percentages if you want, but no more than that. Of course, you're going to hurt a lot of elderly poor people who rely on low tax capital gains income, but who cares about them, right? We're going to get those billionaires.
Actually, corporations should not be taxed at all, because they build it into their cost structure and the customer ends up paying for it. If you want billionaires to pay more, eliminate all loopholes and go to a tax return that can be filled out on a single sheet of paper. You made this much money (from all sources) last year, you multiply that number by a percentage (that everyone pays), and that's what you owe the government for the year. Problem solved. People can't survive on what's left after that percentage? Lower it. The government is far too big and spends far too much. Heck, use maybe three different percentages if you want, but no more than that. Of course, you're going to hurt a lot of elderly poor people who rely on low tax capital gains income, but who cares about them, right? We're going to get those billionaires.
Corporations earn income and should be taxed.

I'm 100% behind simplifying the tax code.

Unfortunately your flat tax thing isn't workable. 30% of $15,000 is a third of a poor person's income and nothing to a billionaire. Tax rates must me progressive.

The government spends too much, yes. But mostly on the wrong things. Redirecting funding is definitely needed.

Pay taxes on your money when you earn it. Retirement savings with tax deferment are a scam that makes the government more money and hurts retirees.

Edit:. I'm not out to "get" the billionaires, but they should oay at least the same percentage that I do.
Actually, corporations should not be taxed at all, because they build it into their cost structure and the customer ends up paying for it. If you want billionaires to pay more, eliminate all loopholes and go to a tax return that can be filled out on a single sheet of paper. You made this much money (from all sources) last year, you multiply that number by a percentage (that everyone pays), and that's what you owe the government for the year. Problem solved. People can't survive on what's left after that percentage? Lower it. The government is far too big and spends far too much. Heck, use maybe three different percentages if you want, but no more than that. Of course, you're going to hurt a lot of elderly poor people who rely on low tax capital gains income, but who cares about them, right? We're going to get those billionaires.

Ever notice how the democrats howl when there is tax reform and loopholes are closed?

SALT is the biggest loophole of all. By deducting state and local taxes, billionaires in California and New York shift the burden of high taxes in the Marxist states to the working class states.

What is the primary goal of the fascist democrats? Restore SALT deductions to protect Zuckerberg and the rest of the Oligarchy.

Corporations earn income and should be taxed.

Chang, how may dollars in revenue at a "corporation" (since they are all the same and all owned by Scrooge McDuck) are not taxed?

I'm 100% behind simplifying the tax code.


The Marxists oppose any and all simplification of the tax code. Look at the fit you threw in 2018 over limiting the SALT deduction to $10,000. It takes welfare away from Blue States and makes billionaires "pay their fair share."

The Biden Reich is dedicated to restoring this loophole.

Unfortunately your flat tax thing isn't workable. 30% of $15,000 is a third of a poor person's income and nothing to a billionaire. Tax rates must me progressive.

Every single flat tax proposal has a deduction. The last one had the first $50,000 untaxed.

But a flat tax ends the ability of congress to sell loopholes, so the democrats oppose it.

The government spends too much, yes. But mostly on the wrong things. Redirecting funding is definitely needed.

Pay taxes on your money when you earn it. Retirement savings with tax deferment are a scam that makes the government more money and hurts retirees.

Pay taxes when you earn it (immoral) then again when you spend it, then again when you invest it.

Edit:. I'm not out to "get" the billionaires, but they should oay at least the same percentage that I do.

You are merely ignorant and bought into the envy fraud that the fascist party has sold you. Because you lack even a hint of understanding of economics or finance, you swallow it whole.

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