The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class

How did you go from middle class to poor? Kicked out of your parents house?

No, my house and everything in it was destroyed in a tornado in 1970. The insurance company is your friend until you have a total loss. Then their goal is to minimize their payout. The house I rented and moved into was insulated with urea formaldehyde foam insulation, and I got seriously ill from living there and couldn't work for two years. So between the tornado and not working for two years, my savings were exhausted, and I ended up taking care of a friends house until I was able to recover and get back to work. Within 3 years, I was making top dollar and fending off offers from big Bay Street firms.
the NAFTA Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in October,

Once again you expose what a colossal dumbass and lying sack of KKKanadian shit you are. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, you raving lunatic.

You are the dumbest poster on this board. I posted a video since you're incapable of reading.

Oh and I found this in the link YOU posted and didn't bother to read. It says the Agreement was signed in December 1992. Ask yourself, FuckBoi, who was the President of the United States in December 1992. Clinton wasn't sworn in until January of 1993.

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990, the leaders of the three nations signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992.[18] The signed agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.
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You are the dumbest poster on this board. I posted a video since you're incapable of reading.

And yet light years smarter than you.

After the signing of the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement in 1988, the administrations of U.S. president George H. W. Bush, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney agreed to negotiate what became NAFTA. Each submitted the agreement for ratification in their respective capitals in December 1992, but NAFTA faced significant opposition in both the United States and Canada. All three countries ratified NAFTA in 1993 after the addition of two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC).
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."
Forty years of neoliberal economics have given the "job creators" all the tools they need to continue their pillage:

Why neoliberalism needs neofascists | MR Online

"It has been four decades since neoliberal globalization began to reshape the world order.

"During this time, its agenda has decimated labor rights, imposed rigid limits on fiscal deficits, given massive tax breaks and bailouts to big capital, sacrificed local production for multinational supply chains, and privatized public sector assets at throwaway prices.

"The result today is a perverse regime defined by the free movement of capital, which moves relatively effortlessly across international borders, even as free movement of the people is ruthlessly controlled by a sharp increase in income inequality and a steady winnowing of democracy."
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
How many jobs does the working class create again?
How do you figure that?

Investments are bought with money that's been taxed
When the investments are sold the profit on the sale is taxed

There are no taxes being avoided.
A car is bought with money that's been taxed as well. And capitol gains are a tax shelter because of the lower rate.
A car is bought with money that's been taxed as well. And capitol gains are a tax shelter because of the lower rate.
What does a car have to do with anything?

The lower rate is there to encourage people to invest. If you don't want to take advantage of it that's your fault not the fault of the people who do.

We have different types of income as codified by law. We tax different types of income differently as well. For example some income is not subject to FICA taxes I suppose you think income from rent is a tax shelter too because of that different classification .

But hey I'm all for a flat tax on all income no matter what the source but you people don't like that either

I think a consumption tax is the way to go personally but I bet you don't like that
No. The answer is employers paying living wages.

Tax billionaires at 70% on earnings over 10 million a year. Most billionaires have effective tax rates lower than Walmart employees.

Tax companies at realistic rates. No company with a billion dollar profit margin should pay $0.00 in taxes.
No. The answer is employers paying living wages.

Tax billionaires at 70% on earnings over 10 million a year. Most billionaires have effective tax rates lower than Walmart employees.

Tax companies at realistic rates. No company with a billion dollar profit margin should pay $0.00 in taxes.
Define “living wages”. Otherwise, when unemployment is low like at 3.5 percent we had under Trump, employers compete for employees and wages, benefits, and incentives increase. The idea of penalizing high income earners is only going to motivate them not to go over $10M annually. Further, how many people are make more than $10M per year and is that enough to make a dent in the deficit in the absence of cutting spending? All companies are taxed. If they are qualifying for tax incentives and credits and are paying at or near $0.00 annually, then they must be make some contributions to the US economy. But, hey, tax them further and watch more companies fold up shop and set up overseas.
What does a car have to do with anything?

The lower rate is there to encourage people to invest. If you don't want to take advantage of it that's your fault not the fault of the people who do.

We have different types of income as codified by law. We tax different types of income differently as well. For example some income is not subject to FICA taxes I suppose you think income from rent is a tax shelter too because of that different classification .

But hey I'm all for a flat tax on all income no matter what the source but you people don't like that either

I think a consumption tax is the way to go personally but I bet you don't like that
No, Liberals would hate a flat tax. Right off the bat, they would say that the poor are paying a higher rate or percentage of their income vs. the wealthy even though the wealthy’s real contribution would be substantially more than that contributed from the poor (what else is new). Liberals also like the complexity of a tax code. So much easier to push their policies.
No, Liberals would hate a flat tax. Right off the bat, they would say that the poor are paying a higher rate or percentage of their income vs. the wealthy even though the wealthy’s real contribution would be substantially more than that contributed from the poor (what else is new). Liberals also like the complexity of a tax code. So much easier to push their policies.
With a flat tax everyone would pay the same percentage so that argument tanks.

I do prefer a consumption tax that excludes necessities like food, clothing and medicine and only applies to new goods so things like used cars wouldn't be subject to taxation.
What does a car have to do with anything?

The lower rate is there to encourage people to invest. If you don't want to take advantage of it that's your fault not the fault of the people who do.

We have different types of income as codified by law. We tax different types of income differently as well. For example some income is not subject to FICA taxes I suppose you think income from rent is a tax shelter too because of that different classification .

But hey I'm all for a flat tax on all income no matter what the source but you people don't like that either

I think a consumption tax is the way to go personally but I bet you don't like that
Down here in Florida we dont have a state tax, but a fair 7% consumption tax. With all the tourists attractions, the rich , the middle class, and poor all pay that fair tax and that way, everyone pays their fair share....But you are wasting your time, because progressive slaves cant think for themselves but parrot what the Lame Stream Media and elites tell them to say.
Define “living wages”. Otherwise, when unemployment is low like at 3.5 percent we had under Trump, employers compete for employees and wages, benefits, and incentives increase. The idea of penalizing high income earners is only going to motivate them not to go over $10M annually. Further, how many people are make more than $10M per year and is that enough to make a dent in the deficit in the absence of cutting spending? All companies are taxed. If they are qualifying for tax incentives and credits and are paying at or near $0.00 annually, then they must be make some contributions to the US economy. But, hey, tax them further and watch more companies fold up shop and set up overseas.
Then why is it only now that wages are rising?
Everything is purchased with money that's already been taxed. Capitol gains are income. Taxing them at a lower rate is a tax break for the wealthy.
It's a tax break for everyone.

And only investments held for over a year get the lower rate anything sold within 12 months is subject to ordinary income tax.

Like I said if you don't want to take advantage of the lower rates that's your fault
It's a tax break for everyone.

And only investments held for over a year get the lower rate anything sold within 12 months is subject to ordinary income tax.

Like I said if you don't want to take advantage of the lower rates that's your fault
Realistically speaking it a taX break for the wealthy.

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