The John Lewis Act is the Dems’ Path to Permanent Power


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The ultimate power grab. Democrats want to do for all of America what they've done to California.

... The language of the bill is full of anodyne, uplifting language about equal voting participation — but the details will be turned over to left-wing zealots at the Department of Justice, suddenly empowered to enforce voting rules so insane that no elected official would dare vote for them.
Inasmuch as nearly every congressional Democrat is fine with the provisions in the “For the People” bill — which are ludicrous — imagine how much worse the “You Can’t Blame Me” bill is.
It will be faceless bureaucrats at the Department of Justice who give meaning to the happy words in the John Lewis bill. Federal government employees — i.e., the people actually making the rules — cannot be voted out of office. (Or fired — this is government work.) Indeed, these are people who could never be elected to any office on account of their repellent political views and, often, repellent physical appearance.
This is how Democrats impose fascistic rules on the citizenry without ever having to cast a dangerous vote: They write laws with vague statements of high principle, then dump the actual rule-making onto a government agency, where refugees from the ACLU issue edicts outlawing private property, due process, free speech and honest elections.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ordered a nice Idaho couple to halt work on their home because it was allegedly on a protected wetland (in the middle of a subdivision with many other homes). That was environmentalist wackos at the EPA.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ruired universities to deny basic due process rights to students accused of rape. That was feminist loons at the Department of Education.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who directed Obama’s IRS to target groups with “tea party” or “patriots” in their names. That was liberal ideologue Lois Lerner and other civil service functionaries.
The lunatics at these agencies look like Reason Personified compared to the DOJ’s voting rights attorneys.
In 2013, author Charlotte Allen described one fair-minded DOJ staffer, whose job it was to rewrite state voting laws:
“On the morning of January 21, [2013] just before President Obama’s second inauguration, Rep. Paul Ryan … was roundly booed by the gathered crowd as he left the Capitol to attend the ceremonies …. Within minutes Daniel J. Freeman, a young career trial lawyer with the Voting Section of the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division … took credit in a Facebook post for instigating the anti-Ryan derision.”
1. Paul Ryan? Pencil-necked, open borders, Never-Trump Paul Ryan? That’s the guy who got Freeman so riled up?
2. The obnoxious Freeman is no longer a young career trial lawyer at the DOJ. Now he’s a senior career trial lawyer at the DOJ.
Among the innovations dreamed up by fanatics like Freeman, Arizona was informed it could not ask for identification from people delivering more than 10 early ballots. Nothing fishy about that!
Arizona’s voting laws were subject to federal oversight because of its well-known history as a slave state and avid practitioner of Jim Crow. (I may have to check my notes on that.)
Actually, Arizona was bossed around by liberal activists at the DOJ for 40 years because back in 1972, it didn’t have bilingual ballots. Those weren’t instituted until 1974. They may as well have donned white hoods and burned crosses!
Oddly, Mississippi’s election laws were also subject to approval by the DOJ — despite the fact that blacks already voted at far higher rates than whites in that state. By contrast, Massachusetts did not require oversight of its voting laws, although in that fancy liberal state, black people voted at far lower rates than whites.
It’s almost as if only red states have their voting laws nitpicked by left-wing lawyers in Washington. I wonder if that would help Democrats win presidential elections?
Ironically, meaning totally predictably, the original 1965 Voting Rights Act was necessary because Democrats were trying to prevent black people from voting. Today, Democrats are using these new “voting rights” bills to ensure that 110% of black people vote, even if they are convicted felons, don’t live in the state, didn’t actually fill out a ballot or are dead.

The ultimate power grab. Democrats want to do for all of America what they've done to California.

... The language of the bill is full of anodyne, uplifting language about equal voting participation — but the details will be turned over to left-wing zealots at the Department of Justice, suddenly empowered to enforce voting rules so insane that no elected official would dare vote for them.
Inasmuch as nearly every congressional Democrat is fine with the provisions in the “For the People” bill — which are ludicrous — imagine how much worse the “You Can’t Blame Me” bill is.
It will be faceless bureaucrats at the Department of Justice who give meaning to the happy words in the John Lewis bill. Federal government employees — i.e., the people actually making the rules — cannot be voted out of office. (Or fired — this is government work.) Indeed, these are people who could never be elected to any office on account of their repellent political views and, often, repellent physical appearance.
This is how Democrats impose fascistic rules on the citizenry without ever having to cast a dangerous vote: They write laws with vague statements of high principle, then dump the actual rule-making onto a government agency, where refugees from the ACLU issue edicts outlawing private property, due process, free speech and honest elections.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ordered a nice Idaho couple to halt work on their home because it was allegedly on a protected wetland (in the middle of a subdivision with many other homes). That was environmentalist wackos at the EPA.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ruired universities to deny basic due process rights to students accused of rape. That was feminist loons at the Department of Education.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who directed Obama’s IRS to target groups with “tea party” or “patriots” in their names. That was liberal ideologue Lois Lerner and other civil service functionaries.
The lunatics at these agencies look like Reason Personified compared to the DOJ’s voting rights attorneys.
In 2013, author Charlotte Allen described one fair-minded DOJ staffer, whose job it was to rewrite state voting laws:
“On the morning of January 21, [2013] just before President Obama’s second inauguration, Rep. Paul Ryan … was roundly booed by the gathered crowd as he left the Capitol to attend the ceremonies …. Within minutes Daniel J. Freeman, a young career trial lawyer with the Voting Section of the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division … took credit in a Facebook post for instigating the anti-Ryan derision.”
1. Paul Ryan? Pencil-necked, open borders, Never-Trump Paul Ryan? That’s the guy who got Freeman so riled up?
2. The obnoxious Freeman is no longer a young career trial lawyer at the DOJ. Now he’s a senior career trial lawyer at the DOJ.
Among the innovations dreamed up by fanatics like Freeman, Arizona was informed it could not ask for identification from people delivering more than 10 early ballots. Nothing fishy about that!
Arizona’s voting laws were subject to federal oversight because of its well-known history as a slave state and avid practitioner of Jim Crow. (I may have to check my notes on that.)
Actually, Arizona was bossed around by liberal activists at the DOJ for 40 years because back in 1972, it didn’t have bilingual ballots. Those weren’t instituted until 1974. They may as well have donned white hoods and burned crosses!
Oddly, Mississippi’s election laws were also subject to approval by the DOJ — despite the fact that blacks already voted at far higher rates than whites in that state. By contrast, Massachusetts did not require oversight of its voting laws, although in that fancy liberal state, black people voted at far lower rates than whites.
It’s almost as if only red states have their voting laws nitpicked by left-wing lawyers in Washington. I wonder if that would help Democrats win presidential elections?
Ironically, meaning totally predictably, the original 1965 Voting Rights Act was necessary because Democrats were trying to prevent black people from voting. Today, Democrats are using these new “voting rights” bills to ensure that 110% of black people vote, even if they are convicted felons, don’t live in the state, didn’t actually fill out a ballot or are dead.

The Democrat Politicians exploit minorities.
They use hate and fear to herd people to the polls.

This pos.
He was a great man, and I drive across that damn bridge at least twice a year. But, imo, the dems should focus on a natl federal election bill that just mandates how many days polls have to be open and hours, and sets out a floor for the number of polling stations per citizen in a voting precient. The voting rights act just ghettoized black voters into a minority of districts in southern states.
The ultimate power grab. Democrats want to do for all of America what they've done to California.

... The language of the bill is full of anodyne, uplifting language about equal voting participation — but the details will be turned over to left-wing zealots at the Department of Justice, suddenly empowered to enforce voting rules so insane that no elected official would dare vote for them.
Inasmuch as nearly every congressional Democrat is fine with the provisions in the “For the People” bill — which are ludicrous — imagine how much worse the “You Can’t Blame Me” bill is.
It will be faceless bureaucrats at the Department of Justice who give meaning to the happy words in the John Lewis bill. Federal government employees — i.e., the people actually making the rules — cannot be voted out of office. (Or fired — this is government work.) Indeed, these are people who could never be elected to any office on account of their repellent political views and, often, repellent physical appearance.
This is how Democrats impose fascistic rules on the citizenry without ever having to cast a dangerous vote: They write laws with vague statements of high principle, then dump the actual rule-making onto a government agency, where refugees from the ACLU issue edicts outlawing private property, due process, free speech and honest elections.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ordered a nice Idaho couple to halt work on their home because it was allegedly on a protected wetland (in the middle of a subdivision with many other homes). That was environmentalist wackos at the EPA.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ruired universities to deny basic due process rights to students accused of rape. That was feminist loons at the Department of Education.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who directed Obama’s IRS to target groups with “tea party” or “patriots” in their names. That was liberal ideologue Lois Lerner and other civil service functionaries.
The lunatics at these agencies look like Reason Personified compared to the DOJ’s voting rights attorneys.
In 2013, author Charlotte Allen described one fair-minded DOJ staffer, whose job it was to rewrite state voting laws:
“On the morning of January 21, [2013] just before President Obama’s second inauguration, Rep. Paul Ryan … was roundly booed by the gathered crowd as he left the Capitol to attend the ceremonies …. Within minutes Daniel J. Freeman, a young career trial lawyer with the Voting Section of the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division … took credit in a Facebook post for instigating the anti-Ryan derision.”
1. Paul Ryan? Pencil-necked, open borders, Never-Trump Paul Ryan? That’s the guy who got Freeman so riled up?
2. The obnoxious Freeman is no longer a young career trial lawyer at the DOJ. Now he’s a senior career trial lawyer at the DOJ.
Among the innovations dreamed up by fanatics like Freeman, Arizona was informed it could not ask for identification from people delivering more than 10 early ballots. Nothing fishy about that!
Arizona’s voting laws were subject to federal oversight because of its well-known history as a slave state and avid practitioner of Jim Crow. (I may have to check my notes on that.)
Actually, Arizona was bossed around by liberal activists at the DOJ for 40 years because back in 1972, it didn’t have bilingual ballots. Those weren’t instituted until 1974. They may as well have donned white hoods and burned crosses!
Oddly, Mississippi’s election laws were also subject to approval by the DOJ — despite the fact that blacks already voted at far higher rates than whites in that state. By contrast, Massachusetts did not require oversight of its voting laws, although in that fancy liberal state, black people voted at far lower rates than whites.
It’s almost as if only red states have their voting laws nitpicked by left-wing lawyers in Washington. I wonder if that would help Democrats win presidential elections?
Ironically, meaning totally predictably, the original 1965 Voting Rights Act was necessary because Democrats were trying to prevent black people from voting. Today, Democrats are using these new “voting rights” bills to ensure that 110% of black people vote, even if they are convicted felons, don’t live in the state, didn’t actually fill out a ballot or are dead.

The thread premise is a lie; unreliable source.
The ultimate power grab. Democrats want to do for all of America what they've done to California.

... The language of the bill is full of anodyne, uplifting language about equal voting participation — but the details will be turned over to left-wing zealots at the Department of Justice, suddenly empowered to enforce voting rules so insane that no elected official would dare vote for them.
Inasmuch as nearly every congressional Democrat is fine with the provisions in the “For the People” bill — which are ludicrous — imagine how much worse the “You Can’t Blame Me” bill is.
It will be faceless bureaucrats at the Department of Justice who give meaning to the happy words in the John Lewis bill. Federal government employees — i.e., the people actually making the rules — cannot be voted out of office. (Or fired — this is government work.) Indeed, these are people who could never be elected to any office on account of their repellent political views and, often, repellent physical appearance.
This is how Democrats impose fascistic rules on the citizenry without ever having to cast a dangerous vote: They write laws with vague statements of high principle, then dump the actual rule-making onto a government agency, where refugees from the ACLU issue edicts outlawing private property, due process, free speech and honest elections.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ordered a nice Idaho couple to halt work on their home because it was allegedly on a protected wetland (in the middle of a subdivision with many other homes). That was environmentalist wackos at the EPA.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who ruired universities to deny basic due process rights to students accused of rape. That was feminist loons at the Department of Education.
— It wasn’t elected members of Congress who directed Obama’s IRS to target groups with “tea party” or “patriots” in their names. That was liberal ideologue Lois Lerner and other civil service functionaries.
The lunatics at these agencies look like Reason Personified compared to the DOJ’s voting rights attorneys.
In 2013, author Charlotte Allen described one fair-minded DOJ staffer, whose job it was to rewrite state voting laws:
“On the morning of January 21, [2013] just before President Obama’s second inauguration, Rep. Paul Ryan … was roundly booed by the gathered crowd as he left the Capitol to attend the ceremonies …. Within minutes Daniel J. Freeman, a young career trial lawyer with the Voting Section of the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division … took credit in a Facebook post for instigating the anti-Ryan derision.”
1. Paul Ryan? Pencil-necked, open borders, Never-Trump Paul Ryan? That’s the guy who got Freeman so riled up?
2. The obnoxious Freeman is no longer a young career trial lawyer at the DOJ. Now he’s a senior career trial lawyer at the DOJ.
Among the innovations dreamed up by fanatics like Freeman, Arizona was informed it could not ask for identification from people delivering more than 10 early ballots. Nothing fishy about that!
Arizona’s voting laws were subject to federal oversight because of its well-known history as a slave state and avid practitioner of Jim Crow. (I may have to check my notes on that.)
Actually, Arizona was bossed around by liberal activists at the DOJ for 40 years because back in 1972, it didn’t have bilingual ballots. Those weren’t instituted until 1974. They may as well have donned white hoods and burned crosses!
Oddly, Mississippi’s election laws were also subject to approval by the DOJ — despite the fact that blacks already voted at far higher rates than whites in that state. By contrast, Massachusetts did not require oversight of its voting laws, although in that fancy liberal state, black people voted at far lower rates than whites.
It’s almost as if only red states have their voting laws nitpicked by left-wing lawyers in Washington. I wonder if that would help Democrats win presidential elections?
Ironically, meaning totally predictably, the original 1965 Voting Rights Act was necessary because Democrats were trying to prevent black people from voting. Today, Democrats are using these new “voting rights” bills to ensure that 110% of black people vote, even if they are convicted felons, don’t live in the state, didn’t actually fill out a ballot or are dead.

The thread premise is a lie; unreliable source.
you are an unreliable bad TRUTH hurts you
Yes, Getting as many Americans to the polls will ensure Democrats stay in power.

Republican nightmare
Well doesn't the Lewis Bill actually "reinvigorate" the voting rights federal laws applicable to just the Southern States?
You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
demonRATS? That's a very childish non word. As for "bullshit" you've stunk up this message board with all kinds of shit in the limited time you've posted.

BTW, all of your posts meet the three conditions for establishing an idiot-gram:

A phrase or one sentence post which.
  1. lacks substance
  2. is not thoughtful
  3. is not thought provoking
CrusaderFrank must be jealous of you.
Yes, Getting as many Americans to the polls will ensure Democrats stay in power.

Republican nightmare
Knowing that we are being destroyed and fools can not see it, is a real nightmare. A totalitarian state is one of several potential nasty endgames.
You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
demonRATS? That's a very childish non word. As for "bullshit" you've stunk up this message board with all kinds of shit in the limited time you've posted.

BTW, all of your posts meet the three conditions for establishing an idiot-gram:

A phrase or one sentence post which.
  1. lacks substance
  2. is not thoughtful
  3. is not thought provoking
CrusaderFrank must be jealous of you.
so happy it got your attention....must of hit a nerve...BOO-HOO
and you forgot the word SCUM before demonRATS
You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
The country doesn't seem to agree with your evaluation.
So allowing legal voters to actually vote would ensure a Dem government?

You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
If that's true, then why does the GOP lose elections?
You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
If that's true, then why does the GOP lose elections?
they don't....scum demonRATS lie, cheat, and steal.....TRUTH---something you are to far gone to see
You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
The country doesn't seem to agree with your evaluation.
not in a delusional head like yours
You could be right. If everybody is given a fair chance to vote, there is no way the right will ever elect another into their ranks. The country just doesn't like the crap the GOP is trying to do.
The country just doesn't need the bullshit lunatics like you and the scum demonRATS are trying to do.
demonRATS? That's a very childish non word. As for "bullshit" you've stunk up this message board with all kinds of shit in the limited time you've posted.

BTW, all of your posts meet the three conditions for establishing an idiot-gram:

A phrase or one sentence post which.
  1. lacks substance
  2. is not thoughtful
  3. is not thought provoking
CrusaderFrank must be jealous of you.
1-TRUTH denier-you
2-no brain to think-you
nobody is jealous of you

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