The Just shall live by Faith

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

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John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.
John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia
John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime these preachers say God told me, its time to run.
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John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia
John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Right , most of them are just in it for the money and to sell books. Sometimes they are really crazy as they find God or Jesus due to a traumatic stress incident and they actually believe God is talking to them, its really scary when they start acting on these delusions and go around and prophesize the end of the world is at hand, or worst yet when Abraham did when he set about to sacrifice Isaac.
When someone claims to have a direct line with God, there is no knowing what he might say, or what he might encourage others to do. There have been mass suicides caused by so-called "prophets."
When someone claims to have a direct line with God, there is no knowing what he might say, or what he might encourage others to do. There have been mass suicides caused by so-called "prophets."

yes---thousands of girls have tied bombs to their asses all because the rapist pig of mecca told them to do it
John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Right , most of them are just in it for the money and to sell books. Sometimes they are really crazy as they find God or Jesus due to a traumatic stress incident and they actually believe God is talking to them, its really scary when they start acting on these delusions and go around and prophesize the end of the world is at hand, or worst yet when Abraham did when he set about to sacrifice Isaac.

I, certainly, hope that they do not let you near patients. I can just picture it---Penelope ranting at a post op patient who is in the throes of a toxic delirium "BITCH---YOU ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY----YOU MUST BE A JOOOOO"

Oh well-----it is typical of the mindset of stinking whores----
everyone ELSE is in it for the MONEEEEEEEEE----but she does it out of human kindness
When someone claims to have a direct line with God, there is no knowing what he might say, or what he might encourage others to do. There have been mass suicides caused by so-called "prophets."
I know that is definitely true in my case. :bye1: Not the mass suicide thing though.
When someone claims to have a direct line with God, there is no knowing what he might say, or what he might encourage others to do. There have been mass suicides caused by so-called "prophets."

To Blackrook and Penelope, you've been deceived.

It is written:

Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.
Acts 10:33

This is New Testament Christianity, Blackrook. Note that the early church had nothing to do with Organized / Man Controlled Religion, Rituals, Lavish Garments and head gear, massive wealth, gold, jewels, treasures, cars, dynasties,man made doctrines and Paganism - they didn't imprison or put to death those who disagreed with them (as Galileo was for disagreeing with the Pope),the Christians didn't hunt down the Jews to forcibly convert them or put them to death, they didn't have any part in the affairs of this world, they were not seeking after wealth, power or fame.

They sought after and received something much better. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The early church believers knew the LORD's voice and were led by The Holy Spirit. They believed the teachings of Jesus Christ and received the Word of the LORD freely from the Disciples and Apostles who - yes! Also heard from God!

Jesus spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus. Are you calling Paul dangerous? A liar? Are you calling Peter dangerous? A liar? The LORD spoke to him directly and gave him a vision to teach him a lesson he needed to learn. If you accuse Peter, Paul, John, and the rest of God's servants of being liars - of being dangerous? Then you are also accusing the authorized King James Bible of being dangerous and a lie. (and again you are wrong)

The LORD spoke to Cornelius to receive Paul -the Bible is full of accounts of God speaking to His people in both the Old Testament and the New Testament!

Who do you think Abraham was speaking to? Moses? Samuel? King David? Malachi? Isaiah? Ezekiel? Jonah? Elijah? Elisha? You are claiming that those who follow the LORD are dangerous! I cannot find a single account of any servant of God in the Bible who didn't hear from the LORD! So once again I must tell you that you are wrong. (and so is the Catholic church that teaches such heresy)

This is the "normal Christian experience" to know the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. How could anyone be led by the Holy Spirit if they didn't know Him? If they did not know His still small voice?

The LORD can speak audibly to His own people if He so desires - Is there anything too difficult for God? No.

He can speak to them through His Word, He can speak to them through His Holy Spirit, He can speak through others who He has spoken to, He can speak to His servants audibly if He desires to do so. He is God.

And here is how we know it is a message from the Lord Jesus Christ. It will line up 100% with Scripture. Just as John Mulinde gives the Scriptures the LORD gave him for each and every word he was told. It lines up with Scripture 100%. John Mulinde heard from the Lord Jesus Christ. What he was told lines up 100% with the Scriptures of the Authorized King James Bible.

This is how we know it is of the LORD.

We must study the Scriptures for ourselves and check every word according to Scripture just as the Bereans did when they heard the Apostle Paul. What was Paul's response? He commended them for it!

You see the true Gospel of Jesus Christ has nothing to hide! We are encouraged to study the Scriptures and make sure what we hear lines up with it 100%. We are commanded to point out any false teaching and warn others - this is not of the LORD. We are to expose false doctrine and defend the Faith! Amen? Amen!

In closing I want you to consider why it is that you have believed men over the Word of God? Why do you believe that apparitions of a demon disguised as Mary the mother of Jesus has appeared and spoken to children and adults - teachings and prophecies that are not in alignment with Scripture?

No where in the Bible does it teach that you should be listening to demons and bowing down to worship them (not even if they appear as an angel from heaven!)

No where in the Bible does it teach you to listen to anyone who preaches a different Gospel than that which Paul preached. I am telling you the truth.

It is written:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:8
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John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Maybe not, but it certainly a symptom of abject delusional stupidity..!!
John Mulinde is the founder of World Trumpet Missions. He comes from Uganda and is a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this video he is a guest speaker to a church in America called International House of Prayer. John Mulinde had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the LORD told him, The day of the Lord is at hand and I am about to shake the nations. This is his testimony and this is what the LORD told him.

In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Maybe not, but it certainly a symptom of abject delusional stupidity..!!

Believing the Word of God is a symptom of abject delusional stupidity? Who told you that, Frank?
"Two men were walking along a crowded city sidewalk. Suddenly, one of the men remarked: "Listen to the lovely sound of that cricket." But the other man could not hear the sound of the cricket at all. He asked his friend: "How can you hear the sound of a cricket ... amid the roar of the traffic and the sounds of the city." The first man, who was a zoologist, had trained himself to hear the sounds of nature.

He didn’t explain to his friend how he could hear the sound of the cricket, ..... instead, he reached into his pocket, ....pulled out a half-dollar coin,.... dropped it onto the sidewalk, .........And watched intently as a dozen people began to look for the coin as they heard it clanking amid the sounds of the traffic and the sounds of the city.

He turned to his friend and said, ..... "We hear ....what we listen for."

My Sheep Will Hear My Voice sermon My Sheep Will Hear My Voice sermon by J Jeffrey Smead John John Matthew Romans Hebrews 2 Timothy Romans -
In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia
Maybe not, but it certainly a symptom of abject delusional stupidity..!!
Believing the Word of God is a symptom of abject delusional stupidity? Who told you that, Frank?

Hearing voices is delusional. Having a feeling inside , thinking to oneself is not. Abraham said "Here I am" such as he heard a voice outside of himself, also told to bring his son to sacrifice him on the mountain. Today if you read this woman sacrificed her son because God spoke to her and told her to do it, would you believe her or think she was in need of psychological help? If you believe her then you must find her innocent.
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In his schizophrenic mind, how can you listen to this nonsense. He needs antipsychotic meds.

It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Right , most of them are just in it for the money and to sell books. Sometimes they are really crazy as they find God or Jesus due to a traumatic stress incident and they actually believe God is talking to them, its really scary when they start acting on these delusions and go around and prophesize the end of the world is at hand, or worst yet when Abraham did when he set about to sacrifice Isaac.

I, certainly, hope that they do not let you near patients. I can just picture it---Penelope ranting at a post op patient who is in the throes of a toxic delirium "BITCH---YOU ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY----YOU MUST BE A JOOOOO"

Oh well-----it is typical of the mindset of stinking whores----
everyone ELSE is in it for the MONEEEEEEEEE----but she does it out of human kindness

If you don't think some of these TV preachers are in it for the money, you are a gullible person. Those are the ones who really lay it on thick, some of them are just crazy.
"Two men were walking along a crowded city sidewalk. Suddenly, one of the men remarked: "Listen to the lovely sound of that cricket." But the other man could not hear the sound of the cricket at all. He asked his friend: "How can you hear the sound of a cricket ... amid the roar of the traffic and the sounds of the city." The first man, who was a zoologist, had trained himself to hear the sounds of nature.

He didn’t explain to his friend how he could hear the sound of the cricket, ..... instead, he reached into his pocket, ....pulled out a half-dollar coin,.... dropped it onto the sidewalk, .........And watched intently as a dozen people began to look for the coin as they heard it clanking amid the sounds of the traffic and the sounds of the city.

He turned to his friend and said, ..... "We hear ....what we listen for."

My Sheep Will Hear My Voice sermon My Sheep Will Hear My Voice sermon by J Jeffrey Smead John John Matthew Romans Hebrews 2 Timothy Romans -

Basing your life and action and following people who hear voices is not mentally healthy
  1. Voice hearing is often seen as a prime symptom of psychosis (American Psychiatric Association 1994). Hearing voices (auditory hallucinations) is considered a first rank symptom of the specific psychosis of schizophrenia (Schneider, 1959). There are three main psychiatric categories of patients that hear voices; schizophrenia (around 50%); affective psychosis (around 25%) and dissociative disorders (around 80%) (Honig et al., 1998).
Intervoice Essential Facts about Hearing Voices
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It is important to ignore the filth of Penelope----she bills herself a health care worker ----and PUBLICALLY
issues a gross misdiagnosis of "schizophrenia".
A very disgusting display of a gross ethical violation.
The man exhibits no sign of schizophrenia

Hearing voices is classic symptom of schizophrenia. What would you call it, normal? I would not be encouraging anyone to think this is normal such as your doing. Anytime this preachers say God told me, its time to run.

don't quit your job scrubbing toilets. A report of "god told me" does not make a diagnosis of schizophrenia
Maybe not, but it certainly a symptom of abject delusional stupidity..!!
Believing the Word of God is a symptom of abject delusional stupidity? Who told you that, Frank?

Hearing voices is delusional. Having a feeling inside , thinking to oneself is not. Abraham said "Here I am" such as he heard a voice outside of himself, also told to bring his son to sacrifice him on the mountain. Today if you read this woman sacrificed her son because God spoke to her and told her to do it, would you believe her or think she was in need of psychological help? If you believe her then you must find her innocent.

Of course not, Penelope. Abraham didn't sacrifice Isaac on an altar! Abraham took his son,Isaac, to worship God. What did Abraham say to his servants before he took Isaac with him to worship God?

It is written:
And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide here with the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.
Genesis 22:5

There is no precedent for God requiring human sacrifice. There is not a single example of it in the Bible. You are thinking of Satan and his book. Not God's.

There has only been one example of One who was sacrificed for the sins of mankind. That was God Himself. Jesus Christ is God. He chose to go to the cross in order to redeem us. Jesus never taught anyone that they should commit murder in order to please God. He told you what you must do. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9,10.

Did you ever stop to consider, Penelope, that the reason you have not never heard the LORD speak to you is because you refuse to obey Him?
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