The Kodiak Kickback: the quiet payoff for an Alaska senator in the Senate health bill

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
In any place other than Washington, this would be called a bribe.

Buried in Senate Republicans’ new health care bill is a provision to throw about $1 billion at states where premiums run 75 percent higher than the national average.

Curiously, there’s just one state that meets this seemingly arbitrary designation: Alaska.

That state also just so happens to be represented by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a crucial Republican swing vote who has spent months threatening to torpedo the entire Obamacare repeal effort over her concerns about Medicaid cuts.

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Isn't she one of those "moderates" who don't really have any principles they're willing to fight for?

I keep forgetting why I'm support to support political whores like that, rather than divisive but principled republicrats like Ted Cruz...
It isn't quiet up here. She's the been bought and paid for by very specific special interests in Alaska since before she inherited her office from her father. When she lost her first actual primary run to her opponent, she managed to sponsor a "write-in" campaign that included passing out wristbands with her name imprinted to her favorite constituency. Even then, her campaign fought to have anything that even included "M" on the write-in counted as a vote. Despite widespread distribution of her name on cards, bands, etc, her constituency is so illiterate and dependent on government handouts (particularly federal handouts) that they couldn't even spell her name. People who actually work and pay federal taxes in Alaska know better and understand she's a political whore who sells herself to the highest bidder.
Anyone else honest enough to admit this about their congressional representatives?
Any bill that gets passed with dealmaking is not worth the paper its printed on...
It isn't quiet up here. She's the been bought and paid for by very specific special interests in Alaska since before she inherited her office from her father. When she lost her first actual primary run to her opponent, she managed to sponsor a "write-in" campaign that included passing out wristbands with her name imprinted to her favorite constituency. Even then, her campaign fought to have anything that even included "M" on the write-in counted as a vote. Despite widespread distribution of her name on cards, bands, etc, her constituency is so illiterate and dependent on government handouts (particularly federal handouts) that they couldn't even spell her name. People who actually work and pay federal taxes in Alaska know better and understand she's a political whore who sells herself to the highest bidder.
Anyone else honest enough to admit this about their congressional representatives?

I saw the dog and pony show she put on in that walking interview she did and have to admit, I believed her.

At least Rand Paul is honest enough to admit the bill doesn't hurt enough working class. What's up with Susan Collins? How long before we hear what she flipped for?

My state's R senator is one of the worthless slimy rats who scurry out to the photo ops wth the big rat, McConnell.

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