The last deep coal mine in Great Britian closed down

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
End of an era ....

Last standing underground coal mine in the UK to close next month |

Britain’s last standing coal miners, UK Coal Holdings, is shutting down its remaining underground operation next month, marking the end of a 300-year industry that once employed over a million workers.

“We are the last of the dinosaurs,” Chris Jamieson, one of the miners that will lose his job in a few weeks’ time,told The New York Times.

While open cast coal extraction will continue in the country, the closure of Kellingley Colliery in northern England marks the end of underground mining, an industry that helped make Britain an industrial power and top exporter.

Over 20% of the nation’s energy needs are still met by coal, which is mostly imported.
And the same will happen here within a generation. And a generation after that, no coal will be mined, period. We no longer need to destroy our environment to power our industries.
The OP is lovely, but misses out a few points.
The industry could have lasted a lot longer of Scargill and his idiot Marxist mates hadn't tried to remove the elected government and install a pro commie bunch of bastards.
Luckily for the UK, we had the great Maggie who, with balls of steel and a brain to back up her bravery, beat the merry shit of of the Marxists and led Britain to a long period of prosperity, with only a few left wing idiots, as pointless as they were toothless, to try to spoil what she created.

As for why the mines shut down, it was the idiot unions' demands for more and more cash for less and less work that finished them off.
It was cheaper to import coal than mine it in the UK because wages were so high, it just wasn't worth it.

This is a warning for the greedy burger flippers, accept you're just uneducated nothings, stick to the low wages your lack of any special skills and lazy attitudes mean you deserve, and you'll keep your jobs.

If not, you'll end up like the highly paid, but now unemployed miners.

To hell with the political left and their stupid ideas of equality; work hard, be creative, be an asset to your employer, and deserve a pay rise, not just demand it because you're too fucking lazy to get off your arse and do something to make you worth it.

Fuck the unions, they destroyed the coal mining industry, and tried to destroy Britain with it.

Long live Maggie and her ideals.

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