The last space shuttle flight: Yeah..I am furious.

This thread seems to put the lie to the left's ridiculous notion that the right is anti-science.

Most of the people in this thread who oppose the space program are on the left. Most who support it are on the right.

What's more science-y than man in space?

This really isn't a "left right" issue.

This is a human issue.

Do we want to give up on space?

Or do we want to "boldly go"..

I'm in the boldly go column.

And I hope you are with me.
The budget for NASA really isn't that big. Conservatives complain about it as much as anyone, though.

I am sad to see this happen. NASA is good for everyone - think of the technology that has come from space exploration that we enjoy. Think of the military-NASA partnership. I'm not convinced the private sector can do it all, but *sigh*.

Oh, well. Only the Russians are willing to take us up to space as tourists, anyway. Anyone have 30m? :D
This thread seems to put the lie to the left's ridiculous notion that the right is anti-science.

Most of the people in this thread who oppose the space program are on the left. Most who support it are on the right.

What's more science-y than man in space?

What's more science fiction-y than this?

This thread seems to put the lie to the left's ridiculous notion that the right is anti-science.

Most of the people in this thread who oppose the space program are on the left. Most who support it are on the right.

What's more science-y than man in space?

This really isn't a "left right" issue.
Tell that to rdean.
This is a human issue.

Do we want to give up on space?

Or do we want to "boldly go"..

I'm in the boldly go column.

And I hope you are with me.
I can be packed in 10 minutes.
This thread seems to put the lie to the left's ridiculous notion that the right is anti-science.

Most of the people in this thread who oppose the space program are on the left. Most who support it are on the right.

What's more science-y than man in space?

This really isn't a "left right" issue.

This is a human issue.

Do we want to give up on space?

Or do we want to "boldly go"..

I'm in the boldly go column.

And I hope you are with me.

If you really wanted to 'boldly go', you would not support the progressive agenda.
What the fuck happened?

Perhaps a realization that the human animal is too fragile and has too short a life span to make space exploration feasible. We’ve learned more with Hubble and probes than with manned flights.

The moon project was about Cold War politics, not science. And the science of space is too insignificant to justify the spending of taxpayers’ money.

But there never was any real ‘space exploration,’ nor will there ever be.

There was a caveman who once said "we can't cross that mountain, its impossible"

There was some European that said "Don't go West, theres nothing but water and death"

There were people that laughed at the idea of man powered flight

There were people that ridiculed the concept of orbital flight, and making it to the moon

Anything is possible until proven impossible, and proving something impossible is rather difficult.

There are still the physics of time and distance to contend with as long as the biological limitations of man

Distance is measured in light years, the distance light can travel in a year. No matter how fast you think man may eventually be able to travel, it will take years to get there and return. The limitations of man mean you have to provide oxygen, food and water as well as safety

Much of space is best explored by telescope. Why not send a telescope to the end of the galaxy and see what you discover? It is easier and safer to send R2D2 into space than a human being. R2D2 doesn't need room to move around or food or oxygen if he gets destroyed, nobody cares. R2D2 can survive for hundreds of years and still send back data
This thread seems to put the lie to the left's ridiculous notion that the right is anti-science.

Most of the people in this thread who oppose the space program are on the left. Most who support it are on the right.

What's more science-y than man in space?

This really isn't a "left right" issue.

This is a human issue.

Do we want to give up on space?

Or do we want to "boldly go"..

I'm in the boldly go column.

And I hope you are with me.

If you really wanted to 'boldly go', you would not support the progressive agenda.

The irony on this post is off the meter.

No, he's cognizant of the fact that we're one asteroid away from following the dinosaurs. Over a hundred billion wasted on AGW crap research could have funded a nice bit of the space program that would give us definite benefits, the climatologists have been able to tell us that for the mere expense of 76 trillion dollars over the next ten years we MAY
lower the temperature of the globe by one degree in 100 years.

A more ridiculous idea has NEVER been uttered.

Oh yes...we have so much more to fear from a rouge asteroid than the FACT that we are fucking up our own planet

Scientists are just dorks you used to beat up in High School right?

No, I AM a scientist! A geologist to be exact. And yes we should fear a asteroid. IT CAN destroy civilisation. Global warming can't. End of story. Just take a stroll through history some day. Whenever it has been warm it has been nice. The only time that life has been bad on this planet is when it has been cold. 90% of the planets history has been much warmer then it is today...much warmer.

Actually both can. I read one scenario where the phytoplankton dies off causing a collapse in the food chain. That..might actually be happening now as there are vast areas in the seas and oceans which have no life.

And the asteroid event is perhaps the only reason humankind should maintain a nuclear arsenal.
I think the military should take over NASA, and it shouldn't be muslim friendly. It would be nice to head into virgin territory without a suicide bomber or mad gunman tagging along killing everyone.
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I think the military should take over NASA, and it shouldn't be muslim friendly. It would be nice to head into virgin territory without a suicide bomber or mad gunman tagging along killing everyone.

Come on Righties.......

What is the matter with private industry taking the leading role? Do you need Government to do everything for you?
I think the military should take over NASA, and it shouldn't be muslim friendly. It would be nice to head into virgin territory without a suicide bomber or mad gunman tagging along killing everyone.

Come on Righties.......

What is the matter with private industry taking the leading role? Do you need Government to do everything for you?

I think space has definite military value. But I said nothing against private industry. Let them do their thing, whatever.
I think the military should take over NASA, and it shouldn't be muslim friendly. It would be nice to head into virgin territory without a suicide bomber or mad gunman tagging along killing everyone.

Come on Righties.......

What is the matter with private industry taking the leading role? Do you need Government to do everything for you?

I was talking to my girlfriend about this..she's chinese.

I said if China..who are now ramping up their space program, got a base on the moon and claimed the moon for China..America would go into overdrive again with space exploration.

It took sputnik to wake up this country.
I remember a baseball quote: No ONE person lost this game, we all had a part in it, it was a real team effort.

Space exploration faces apathy from both sides of the aisle. Progressives see it as money better spent on social programs. Conservatives usually support space exploration, but distrust NASA over its link to AGW science, and some see private industry as a better way to go. Add in a general disinterest from the public, and we get where we are now.

Both sides have seen it as a bludgeon to use against the incubmbent administrations recently. Remember all the grief GWB got over his proposals for the Constellation projects? Well that is coming home to roost. Obama has supported the current Orion system, but that support came too late (not his fault actually) to bridge the gap between the end of the shuttle and the launching of the new system.

One thing I do fault Obama (or at least his advisors on) is this whole privatization thing. It was, to me, purely a talking point, made to make conservatives look bad by making them look like supporters of "big government" when they were opposed to it, and supporters of continued funding of NASA's manned missions.

Think of all the unemployed once gainfully employed who will now receive the social programs.. Not to mention we have to pay Russia 50 Billion dollars each time we want one of our astronauts to go to OUR space station. lieberals are killing us.
What if we were to invest the US scientific might into energy exploration vs space exploration?

What are the potential economic benefits of exploring new energy frontiers vs new space frontiers?
What if we were to invest the US scientific might into energy exploration vs space exploration?

What are the potential economic benefits of exploring new energy frontiers vs new space frontiers?

There's no reason we can't do both. None.

We really have to get out of the war making business. It's disgusting.

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