The Latest Buttigieg Lie


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Rush Limbaugh was quoted last week saying, in essence, that "America" wasn't ready for a Presidential candidate who kisses his husband on stage after the debates.

Note first what this is NOT. It is NOT Rush Limbaugh casting aspersions on homosexuality or this particular homosexual. It is NOT a moral judgment. The personal opinion that is expressed is not an opinion about morality, ethics, or religion or "Family Values." It is an opinion about POLITICS, specifically whether Mayor Pete's manifest homosexuality will be an impediment to his being elected. Limbaugh believes that it will.

And yet...

Buttigieg says he "won't take lectures on family values from Rush Limbaugh."

When did Rush Limbaugh lecture PG on Family Values? Never? Never!

And let's be clear: if Mayor Pete were conventionally married with a wife and two kids, he WOULD NOT BE A CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. Period. He has ZERO qualifications. His candidacy is "taken seriously" by a small cabal of Leftists (who happen to dominate the Democrat Base) because he checks two priceless "boxes" on his CV: He is queer and he is a Veteran. That's it.

And politically, the question is this: Will the number of people who vote FOR him BECAUSE he is queer outnumber the number of people who will vote AGAINST him because he is queer?

It is analogous to 2016 when the question was about those who voted FOR HRC merely because she was a woman vs. the number of people who voted AGAINST her for the same reason.

It is HUGELY IRONIC that traditional Republicans in the Age of Trump have had to adjust their thinking to accept someone whose personal traits are "questionable" if that person does all the right things as President. Now Mayor Pete says to "normal Americans," "I want you to ignore how you might feel about my sinful lifestyle because I will be a great President."

You’re correct about one thing- Being gay is why Buttigieg is a strong contender. Of that there is no doubt.
Rush is playing the “Homosexuals are yucky “ card
Rush is playing the “Homosexuals are yucky “ card
Buttplug is playing the vote for new because I'm gay card.

If Buttplug wasn't gay people would be talking about his father's communism. He's hiding his agenda behind his boyfriend's ass.
Rush is playing the “Homosexuals are yucky “ card
Buttplug is playing the vote for new because I'm gay card.

If Buttplug wasn't gay people would be talking about his father's communism. He's hiding his agenda behind his boyfriend's ass.
Well, I believe it's his husband.



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