The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Law and Order, I heard some black goofus professor say that's racist, stupid libtart...
Promises to Keep
The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running.
February 13, 2017
Michael Cutler

During his campaign for the presidency Donald Trump frequently disdainfully scowled when he spoke about how most politicians were “All talk and no action.”

Candidate Trump promised that immigration would be a primary focus of his administration.

President Trump has indeed focused on multiple aspects of the immigration crisis that go well beyond building a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.

His selection of Senator Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General was the best possible choice for this important position.

Sessions had chaired the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

When the Obama administration conducted meetings for “Stakeholders” on the immigration issue corporate leaders were invited to attend as were immigration lawyers representing illegal aliens and special interest groups that advocate for illegal aliens.

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”

Even the union leaders representing the Border Patrol, ICE agents and the adjudications officers were barred from participating in those meetings.

On February 9, 2017 President Trump held a news conference in the Oval Office to conduct a public swearing in ceremony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Immediately after Vice President Pence swore in Jeff Sessions, President Trump signed three executive orders:

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

Presidential Executive Order on Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers

Presidential Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety

President Trump promised to be the “Law and Order” President and he has certainly hit the ground running.


In the years since the terror attacks of 9/11 more terror attacks were carried out in the United States while other attacks, for one reason or another, failed. Most of those attacks involved aliens who committed visa fraud and/or immigration fraud.

Trump’s executive orders address our immigration vulnerabilities and Attorney General Sessions will provide the legal horsepower.

All Americans should be thrilled that this President is keeping his promises.

Promises to Keep
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Yep, the dishonest one is gone. Don't see that happen enough in government. Bet it really chaps you.
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Law and Order, I heard some black goofus professor say that's racist, stupid libtart...
Promises to Keep
The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running.
February 13, 2017
Michael Cutler

During his campaign for the presidency Donald Trump frequently disdainfully scowled when he spoke about how most politicians were “All talk and no action.”

Candidate Trump promised that immigration would be a primary focus of his administration.

President Trump has indeed focused on multiple aspects of the immigration crisis that go well beyond building a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.

His selection of Senator Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General was the best possible choice for this important position.

Sessions had chaired the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

When the Obama administration conducted meetings for “Stakeholders” on the immigration issue corporate leaders were invited to attend as were immigration lawyers representing illegal aliens and special interest groups that advocate for illegal aliens.

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”

Even the union leaders representing the Border Patrol, ICE agents and the adjudications officers were barred from participating in those meetings.

On February 9, 2017 President Trump held a news conference in the Oval Office to conduct a public swearing in ceremony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Immediately after Vice President Pence swore in Jeff Sessions, President Trump signed three executive orders:

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

Presidential Executive Order on Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers

Presidential Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety

President Trump promised to be the “Law and Order” President and he has certainly hit the ground running.


In the years since the terror attacks of 9/11 more terror attacks were carried out in the United States while other attacks, for one reason or another, failed. Most of those attacks involved aliens who committed visa fraud and/or immigration fraud.

Trump’s executive orders address our immigration vulnerabilities and Attorney General Sessions will provide the legal horsepower.

All Americans should be thrilled that this President is keeping his promises.

Promises to Keep

I can't wait to will have some time to get numbers back on the effect these policies have.
Two things from your post:

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”


Who voted for Trump? Mostly average Republicans. They like to think they are "average Americans", but they are average enough, they will be excluded.

First, when you say "high skilled" you leave out almost all of Trump's base.

When you say average, that leaves out the rest.

The jobs those people hope for don't exist. They've been automated. The unvarnished truth. Period!
Two things from your post:

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”


Who voted for Trump? Mostly average Republicans. They like to think they are "average Americans", but they are average enough, they will be excluded.

First, when you say "high skilled" you leave out almost all of Trump's base.

When you say average, that leaves out the rest.

The jobs those people hope for don't exist. They've been automated. The unvarnished truth. Period!

Every thing you just said was hateful nonsense.
Two things from your post:

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”


Who voted for Trump? Mostly average Republicans. They like to think they are "average Americans", but they are average enough, they will be excluded.

First, when you say "high skilled" you leave out almost all of Trump's base.

When you say average, that leaves out the rest.

The jobs those people hope for don't exist. They've been automated. The unvarnished truth. Period!


I consider a brick layer, stonemason, carpenter, metalworker, welder, electrician, etc, etc, etc,... all more highly skilled than a burger flipper or welfare recipient.

But then a progressive educated in subjects like creative writing, community organizer, or philosophical fallacies, consider themselves extremely well educated and highly skilled even though they probably can't even flip a burger.


American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."
Opinion | Footing the Bill for Trumps

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

I thought Trump was going to be the Law and Order President?

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws

President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has allegedly told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.
Law and Order, I heard some black goofus professor say that's racist, stupid libtart...
Promises to Keep
The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running.
February 13, 2017
Michael Cutler

During his campaign for the presidency Donald Trump frequently disdainfully scowled when he spoke about how most politicians were “All talk and no action.”

Candidate Trump promised that immigration would be a primary focus of his administration.

President Trump has indeed focused on multiple aspects of the immigration crisis that go well beyond building a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.

His selection of Senator Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General was the best possible choice for this important position.

Sessions had chaired the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

When the Obama administration conducted meetings for “Stakeholders” on the immigration issue corporate leaders were invited to attend as were immigration lawyers representing illegal aliens and special interest groups that advocate for illegal aliens.

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”

Even the union leaders representing the Border Patrol, ICE agents and the adjudications officers were barred from participating in those meetings.

On February 9, 2017 President Trump held a news conference in the Oval Office to conduct a public swearing in ceremony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Immediately after Vice President Pence swore in Jeff Sessions, President Trump signed three executive orders:

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

Presidential Executive Order on Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers

Presidential Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety

President Trump promised to be the “Law and Order” President and he has certainly hit the ground running.


In the years since the terror attacks of 9/11 more terror attacks were carried out in the United States while other attacks, for one reason or another, failed. Most of those attacks involved aliens who committed visa fraud and/or immigration fraud.

Trump’s executive orders address our immigration vulnerabilities and Attorney General Sessions will provide the legal horsepower.

All Americans should be thrilled that this President is keeping his promises.

Promises to Keep
If I had to guess I’d say it’s been a good 40 years since Trump actually hit the ground running
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."
Opinion | Footing the Bill for Trumps

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

I thought Trump was going to be the Law and Order President?

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws

President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has allegedly told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.

He is realizing that unlike democrats, that his supporters actually want results on his promises.

Better late then never I guess. If he had started putting up the Wall day one, like he should have, he would not have to scramble to give himself political coverage now.
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."
Opinion | Footing the Bill for Trumps

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

I thought Trump was going to be the Law and Order President?

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws

President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has allegedly told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.

He is realizing that unlike democrats, that his supporters actually want results on his promises.

Better late then never I guess. If he had started putting up the Wall day one, like he should have, he would not have to scramble to give himself political coverage now.
I hope you’re ok with the next democrat doing everything in her power to stop global warming. Even instructing scientists to break the law and she will pardon them.

Trumps embarrassed because not one nice of new wall has been constructed. He’s spending a lot of political capital I’ll tell you
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."
Opinion | Footing the Bill for Trumps

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

I thought Trump was going to be the Law and Order President?

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws

President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has allegedly told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.

He is realizing that unlike democrats, that his supporters actually want results on his promises.

Better late then never I guess. If he had started putting up the Wall day one, like he should have, he would not have to scramble to give himself political coverage now.
I hope you’re ok with the next democrat doing everything in her power to stop global warming. Even instructing scientists to break the law and she will pardon them.

Trumps embarrassed because not one nice of new wall has been constructed. He’s spending a lot of political capital I’ll tell you

"New Wall" is a qualifier that hides some actual Wall building.

Don't get me wrong. This shit is small potatoes, very lately delivered.

We should have HUNDREDS of miles of Wall to be discussing the impact of, except he seemed to think that he didn't have to do it.

I am NOT happy with Trump on this issue.

Your pretense that Dems need permission to abuse their power, is noted and laughed at.

Or is it "with"? Were you being funny on purpose?

If so, GOOD ONE.
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."
Opinion | Footing the Bill for Trumps

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

I thought Trump was going to be the Law and Order President?

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws

President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has allegedly told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.

He is realizing that unlike democrats, that his supporters actually want results on his promises.

Better late then never I guess. If he had started putting up the Wall day one, like he should have, he would not have to scramble to give himself political coverage now.
I hope you’re ok with the next democrat doing everything in her power to stop global warming. Even instructing scientists to break the law and she will pardon them.

Trumps embarrassed because not one nice of new wall has been constructed. He’s spending a lot of political capital I’ll tell you

"New Wall" is a qualifier that hides some actual Wall building.

Don't get me wrong. This shit is small potatoes, very lately delivered.

We should have HUNDREDS of miles of Wall to be discussing the impact of, except he seemed to think that he didn't have to do it.

I am NOT happy with Trump on this issue.

Your pretense that Dems need permission to abuse their power, is noted and laughed at.

Or is it "with"? Were you being funny on purpose?

If so, GOOD ONE.
I’m serious. We’re going to pull this shit and you’ll have nothing to say. Just remember when you defend anything even a lawless president who tells his people to break laws and he will pardon them. Remember
American_Jihad you're not a Russian operative are you? All these threads to deflect the news, one dishonest person in a dishonest presidency is already gone. And your savior even lost a constitutional battle, hard to say whether the right in America are all fools or they like being played as fools. Hope you are enjoying supporting draft dodger Donnie's enterprises and family, he has you emotional partisan followers just where he wants you. Cheer him on.

The man has the right, the conservatives, and the republicans where he wants them, paying for his lifestyle, supporting his enterprises, and even apologizing for their presidential choice and his idiotic administration. A man who pay no taxes yet.

"Last month, taxpayers forked over nearly $100,000 to protect Eric Trump while he was on a business trip to Uruguay. And the Defense Department is looking to rent space in Trump Tower — which goes for as much as $1.5 million a year per floor — so they can bring the nuclear launch codes along when the president comes to visit his wife in New York.

The mere idea of Donald Trump and the nuclear codes is way more disturbing than the money. But still, critics claim that Melania Trump’s decision not to move into the White House is costing the country more in security than the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts."
Opinion | Footing the Bill for Trumps

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

I thought Trump was going to be the Law and Order President?

Trump Offers Pardons To Aides Who Will Fast-Track Wall Before Election Day: Report
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to “worry” about flouting any laws

President Donald Trump reportedly told officials in his administration that he would pardon them if they had to break any laws to get hundreds of miles of his border wall built before the next presidential election

“Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” the president has allegedly told aides worried about his instructions to seize private land through eminent domain, flout environmental rules or push through billion-dollar contracts.

He is realizing that unlike democrats, that his supporters actually want results on his promises.

Better late then never I guess. If he had started putting up the Wall day one, like he should have, he would not have to scramble to give himself political coverage now.
I hope you’re ok with the next democrat doing everything in her power to stop global warming. Even instructing scientists to break the law and she will pardon them.

Trumps embarrassed because not one nice of new wall has been constructed. He’s spending a lot of political capital I’ll tell you

"New Wall" is a qualifier that hides some actual Wall building.

Don't get me wrong. This shit is small potatoes, very lately delivered.

We should have HUNDREDS of miles of Wall to be discussing the impact of, except he seemed to think that he didn't have to do it.

I am NOT happy with Trump on this issue.

Your pretense that Dems need permission to abuse their power, is noted and laughed at.

Or is it "with"? Were you being funny on purpose?

If so, GOOD ONE.
I’m serious. We’re going to pull this shit and you’ll have nothing to say. Just remember when you defend anything even a lawless president who tells his people to break laws and he will pardon them. Remember

I'm serious too. YOur side doesn't wait for us to do something, before you cross the line.

The type of concern is for people that like to feel bad about themselves, to pretend everything is something they brought on themselves.

It is bullshit.
Law and Order, I heard some black goofus professor say that's racist, stupid libtart...
Promises to Keep
The “Law and Order” president hits the ground running.
February 13, 2017
Michael Cutler

During his campaign for the presidency Donald Trump frequently disdainfully scowled when he spoke about how most politicians were “All talk and no action.”

Candidate Trump promised that immigration would be a primary focus of his administration.

President Trump has indeed focused on multiple aspects of the immigration crisis that go well beyond building a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.

His selection of Senator Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General was the best possible choice for this important position.

Sessions had chaired the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.

Consider that on February 25, 2016 that subcommittee conducted a hearing on the topic, “The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers.”

When the Obama administration conducted meetings for “Stakeholders” on the immigration issue corporate leaders were invited to attend as were immigration lawyers representing illegal aliens and special interest groups that advocate for illegal aliens.

However, no one in attendance represented the “average American.”

Even the union leaders representing the Border Patrol, ICE agents and the adjudications officers were barred from participating in those meetings.

On February 9, 2017 President Trump held a news conference in the Oval Office to conduct a public swearing in ceremony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Immediately after Vice President Pence swore in Jeff Sessions, President Trump signed three executive orders:

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

Presidential Executive Order on Preventing Violence Against Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement Officers

Presidential Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety

President Trump promised to be the “Law and Order” President and he has certainly hit the ground running.


In the years since the terror attacks of 9/11 more terror attacks were carried out in the United States while other attacks, for one reason or another, failed. Most of those attacks involved aliens who committed visa fraud and/or immigration fraud.

Trump’s executive orders address our immigration vulnerabilities and Attorney General Sessions will provide the legal horsepower.

All Americans should be thrilled that this President is keeping his promises.

Promises to Keep

So the Law and Order President is indicted on more than 30 counts.

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