The laws of nature existed before space and time


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
The same laws of nature which describe the creation of space and time also describe the evolution of space and time. Therefore, the laws of nature existed before space and time.

The same laws of nature which describe the creation of space and time also describe the evolution of space and time. Therefore, the laws of nature existed before space and time.

If the big bang, or inflation as he mentioned, is proven by the red shift of the distant galaxies, why aren't the galaxies becoming redder as they move at near light speed away from us? Doppler effect is neat for cars but as the car gets further away, the effect of the sound becoming bent increases. Big bang is really a one sided nature of stubborn physicists who have been stuck since the discovery of red shift galaxies. The economy behind this science and others is jaw dropping, inappropriate, unethical.
The economy behind this science and others is jaw dropping, inappropriate, unethical.

You didn't like the t shirt? :p

Economies are self regulating. Technologies that aren't useful, disappear.

How many people still own clothespins, even in this age of automatic dryers?
The same laws of nature which describe the creation of space and time also describe the evolution of space and time. Therefore, the laws of nature existed before space and time.

God’s laws, aka the God of Jews and Christians

You didn't like the t shirt? :p

Economies are self regulating. Technologies that aren't useful, disappear.

How many people still own clothespins, even in this age of automatic dryers?
What is the current student loan debt?

Americans owe $1.74 trillion in student loan debt. The Biden administration has repeatedly attempted to forgive student loan debt, but a federal appeals court on Aug. 9, 2024, extended an order blocking it from moving ahead with its Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) relief plan.

that's a big number. they are anti aether, pro electron. what if we simplified education down to intelligent video games and online instruction of those games? reduce a college education from 90,000 to a few hundred? but do we have intelligent people running the system? this is where like minded individuals need to unite. we need to stick together.

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