The left bows to Islam


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
I have a monument to marx in my back yard. Its a tree stump we piss on while drinking beer and bbq'ing.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Sorry Jerky/Quean the left already owns commie/socialist/progressive/liberal/etc, etc...
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?

The left bows to communism, ANTIFA's don't even know wtf Communism is nor being facist yet they destroy cities over it all and for all the wrong reasons. They learned bs leftist ideology from a liberal leftard professor who taught them they very same wrong bs of information. That's what brainwashing does to those who follow the sheep herd.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Sorry Jerky/Quean the left already owns commie/socialist/progressive/liberal/etc, etc...
I'm going to save your post for the moment that investigator Mueller puts the finger on your boy Trump and his colleagues for conspiring with the Russians to mix the kool-aid that you stupid punks drank. Yes, you swallowed it... every drop. All of you kommunist konservatives might dream of being conservatives but you are nothing more than populist shills following a Putin surrogate. You'll do anything he wants.
He'll have you singing the Volga Boat Song while the Russians are taking over the capitol without a shot being fired.
But hey, that's probably your plan anyway. To Reclaim what you see as an erosion of white power around the world, Putin is the perfect agent for helping your ilk to attain those ends. Joining hands with the ruthless white Russians to put all the dark folks back in their place would be your ideal. That's the new world order hegemonic Maniacs like you have been dreaming of for years and you believe Trump is a demagogue that will help you reach your goal. That's why you ignore all of his bungling and shortcomings. That's what you want but don't think we haven't taken notice.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?

The left bows to communism, ANTIFA's don't even know wtf Communism is nor being facist yet they destroy cities over it all and for all the wrong reasons. They learned bs leftist ideology from a liberal leftard professor who taught them they very same wrong bs of information. That's what brainwashing does to those who follow the sheep herd.
You don't even know who "the left" is!
I have a monument to marx in my back yard. Its a tree stump we piss on while drinking beer and bbq'ing.
Not surprising.

Not surprising that you support the glorification of those who overtly called for mass terror perpetrated by the "dictatorship of the proletariat," upon their own civilian population. Anyone who supports Marx and Engles is no different from a Nazi.
Not surprising that you support the glorification of those who overtly called for mass terror perpetrated by the "dictatorship of the proletariat," upon their own civilian population. Anyone who supports Marx and Engles is no different from a Nazi.

Wooooh there!!!

"People" who support marx/engles are far worse than nazis. Most nazis had no clue what was going to happen, they were kept in the dark when it did, and they were held accountable for their failure to resist.

A bed wetter is far worse than some kraut in 1930 with no real information available. These parasites are deliberately ignorant and promote a regressive political agenda that views human beings as a labor resource for the state.

Hitler was a fucking boy scout compared to Stalin. We should have helped destroy the Soviets in WW2. Instead we helped support the greatest enemy to western civilization since mohamed descended to hell.

We could have scrubbed the Nazis off the map soon afterwards and the world would be a better place.

Last edited:
I have a monument to marx in my back yard. Its a tree stump we piss on while drinking beer and bbq'ing.
Not surprising.

Not surprising that you support the glorification of those who overtly called for mass terror perpetrated by the "dictatorship of the proletariat," upon their own civilian population. Anyone who supports Marx and Engles is no different from a Nazi.
Why are you disparaging Putin like that? He is Trump's best komrade.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Nice lie, how about stopping it?
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Nice lie, how about stopping it?
Ask investigator Mueller if HE thinks I'm lying.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Nice lie, how about stopping it?
Ask investigator Mueller if HE thinks I'm lying.
I'm sorry to tear down your delusion, but Mueller says he's never met you.
The left always glorifies crap...

The left bows to Islam.
July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


The statue comes to Manchester courtesy of Phil Collins. That’s not the singer who crooned, “You’ll Be In My Heart”, but the British artist who introduced East German instructors of Marxism-Leninism to Manchester with Marxism Today. Like the more famous Phil, he has his share of love songs, but it’s Marx and Engels, who are in his heart.

Manchester had no statues of Engels. Now thanks to Collins, it will.

Phil Collins lives in Berlin. The Engels statue comes from the Ukraine. And he would like to bring the unemployed instructors of Marxism-Leninism from East Germany to Manchester “to teach Marxism in schools there.” It failed in the Ukraine. It failed in East Germany. But it’s bound to work in Manchester.


Labour meetings in Manchester have been known to be segregated by gender. The police spend more time hunting Islamophobes than fighting Islamic terror. The specter isn’t of Communism, but of Sharia.

Muslims in Manchester know what the true world redeeming faith is. And it wasn’t preached by Engels. It was the left, not Islam that failed. The left turned over its mission to Third World radicals who were more Islamic than Socialist, but who had the courage to bomb and kill that the European left no longer did. And then when the Socialism vanished and there was only Islam, the Socialists bowed their heads.

Forget Engels. Mohammed is in Manchester now.

Marx and Mohammed in Manchester
So what? The right bows to Communism. So who do you bow to?
Nice lie, how about stopping it?
Ask investigator Mueller if HE thinks I'm lying.
I'm sorry to tear down your delusion, but Mueller says he's never met you.
He doesn't have to meet me to know that my words, which I posted for all to see, support his investigation. If he were to Grace the hallowed Halls of usmb with his presence, I'm sure he would find some parallels in my premise to his ongoing inquiry into Trump and crew.

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