The Left Canibalizes Itself Some More...Martina Navratilova Is the Target Now

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Martina Navratilova dropped by LGBT group Athlete Ally over trans athletes row
Famous gay tennis champion Martina Navratilova has been disowned and disavowed by a New York LBGTQ
group, Athlete Ally, for daring to state that transgendered female athletes are "cheating" and their formerly male bodies give them an unnatural athletic advantage over actual naturally born females.
That seems like an obvious truth on it's face but trans advocates do not care about that.

She has been labeled "transphobic" by the group and made an outcast for daring to state fact and as we all know when the truth doesn't conform to political ideology the truth must be declared a lie by trans activists.
Who knew the pioneering gay tennis champion Martina Navratilova was such a bigot!
I heard about this and her points are very valid, yet ignored.
Sadly, I have to look to the U.K. to find an article without the word transphobic in it-
LGBT group cuts ties with Martina Navratilova in row over transgender women in sport
In an article for The Sunday Times, Navratilova wrote: "A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organisation is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires."

She added: "It's insane and it's cheating. I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair."
I don’t understand how Republicans think they can be on the side of gays? After all didn’t they just do a trans ban in the military?
I don’t understand how Republicans think they can be on the side of gays? After all didn’t they just do a trans ban in the military?
Trans ban in the military is due to mental health issues prevalent in trans persons. You know that, you were in those threads where proof through numerous studies were presented of such.

And anyone thinking a male trans (or posing as such) playing female sports doesn’t have a physical edge usually, is fooling themselves.
Take the word of a gay woman, Navratilova.

What lgbt’s do does not bother me, until they try to use their sexuality as an advantage against others, or when others fake their lgbt to gain an advantage over heterosexual females or males.
I don’t understand how Republicans think they can be on the side of gays? After all didn’t they just do a trans ban in the military?

Simple question Rderp, whose side are you on in this matter, Navratilova or the trans activists?
Navratilova was a great player in her time. But does anybody think she would beat a Borg, McEnroe, Connors, Lendl, or any of the top men of that same time frame? Steffi Graf was one of the strongest female players I ever saw, but even she couldn't compete long term with men. Men are just physically superior at that level. Ealy on a match may be competitive, but as it wears on, the male will just be too much physically. Do people with daughters competing really want to see their chances ended by a man who claims he's female?
A man who transitions into a female can take all the testosterone blockers she wants...that ersatz woman will still have
many physical advantages simply not available to a naturally born woman.
Navratilova is once more taking a principled stand and I doubt she will back down because of some extremist organization of transgendered zealots. She is exactly right on in what she says.
I don’t understand how Republicans think they can be on the side of gays? After all didn’t they just do a trans ban in the military?
Trannies are not gays. At least they claim they aren't.

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