The left has become a cult of violence


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Shhh... don't tell anyone the left's narrative that only conservatives are hateful isn't true. They might threaten you with physical violence.

This couldn't be more further from the truth, abd there are multple videso proving their violence. Don't thik the loons on here aren't out there doing the same thing. You can tell by their ignornace and their ignorant comments who is capable of acting these same ways.
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Democrats are responsible for most murders, from FDR, Truman, LBJ, and then into Black, and Hispanic Democrat thugs.
However Republicans are catching up rapidly with H.W Bush, W. Bush, Timothy Mcveigh, Dylan Roof, and James Fields etc. etc.

It's called the new world order, it's a big club and we ain't in it.
Democrats are responsible for most murders, from FDR, Truman, LBJ, and then into Black, and Hispanic Democrat thugs.
However Republicans are catching up rapidly with H.W Bush, W. Bush, Timothy Mcveigh, Dylan Roof, and James Fields etc. etc.

It's called the new world order, it's a big club and we ain't in it.

Oh yeah? More like the U.S.A is the New World Order, and creates fake parties like Democrats, and Republicans to keep the masses ignorant, and rooting for the wrong team everytime.

Shhh... don't tell anyone the left's narrative that only conservatives are hateful isn't true. They might threaten you with physical violence.

This couldn't be more further from the truth, abd there are multple videso proving their violence. Don't thik the loons on here aren't out there doing the same thing. You can tell by their ignornace and their ignorant comments who is capable of acting these same ways.

Not me; I offer free full body massage with happy ending for right wing women willing to vote blue, next election.
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Democrats are responsible for most murders, from FDR, Truman, LBJ, and then into Black, and Hispanic Democrat thugs.
However Republicans are catching up rapidly with H.W Bush, W. Bush, Timothy Mcveigh, Dylan Roof, and James Fields etc. etc.

It's called the new world order, it's a big club and we ain't in it.

Oh yeah? More like the U.S.A is the New World Order, and creates fake parties like Democrats, and Republicans to keep the masses ignorant, and rooting for the wrong team everytime.

All anyone has to do is actually read something like this and the live version taks place, it's already taking place yet people deny what was written long ago. Now is the time to let it blow wide open. The proof is already in front of us . The weak minds fall victim to it all.

Racisim, the white priv. bs, Trump hate they have no idea what he's doing that is saving us from full blown NWO, they can't stand he is saving us as much as he can..


What occured shortly after 1999 911 did once 911 took place it was used to strip us of our rights, and freedom, liberties why becaue people feared it would happen again, peopel were terrified of the big cave dwellers capable of setting up an attack on US soil all by themselves.

Anyone wiht a brain can piece together how our privacy was being stripped right after that event......

The thing the left has going for it is that there is no outrage in the mainstream media regarding violence and threats of violence. I'd make a wager that there has never been such an outbreak of political violence or threats of political violence in the history of the great Republic directed at an administration as much as we have seen in the last two years. We remember Gabby Giffords who was shot by a maniac a couple of years ago because the media portrayed the shooter as some sort of right winger when in fact he was a schizophrenic left winger. Almost nobody remembers the name of the republican congressman who was shot by a genuine left wing democrat activist just last year. That's the way the system works. It seems that the Vegas shooter may have been motivated by the same sort of left wing hatred but amazingly the media managed to keep a lid on the entire affair.
The left has become a cult of violence

In my view, the Left have ALWAYS been a cult of violence! All that's changed is that they've worked their way into controlling the Democratic Party now and under Obama felt comfortable coming fully out into the open. They said: HERE WE ARE! And now the Democrats have been losing one big election after another ever since.

Shhh... don't tell anyone the left's narrative that only conservatives are hateful isn't true. They might threaten you with physical violence.

This couldn't be more further from the truth, abd there are multple videso proving their violence. Don't thik the loons on here aren't out there doing the same thing. You can tell by their ignornace and their ignorant comments who is capable of acting these same ways.

Four White Supremacists Slapped With Federal Charges Over Charlottesville Unite The Right Weekend
Federal charges came more than a year after violence surrounding the August 2017 rally.

Four men were slapped with federal conspiracy charges related to the rallies on Aug. 11 and 12: Cole Evan White, Benjamin Drake Daley, Michael Paul Miselis and Thomas Walter Gillen, each identified as marchers in either the torch rally on campus or the deadly gathering at the park the next day.

The charges were not directly related to the death of Heather Heyer, who died when a car driven by white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. slammed into a crowd of protesters demonstrating against racism. Federal authorities announced charges against Fields back in June.

Unite the Right — an effort to show unity among disparate factions of neo-Nazis, fascists and other racists in their support for President Donald Trump — was the largest American white supremacist rally in over a decade.

The night before the rally, white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia campus carrying Tiki torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” and the Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil!” They then surrounded and attacked a much smaller group of student activists on the campus.

The next day at the rally, HuffPost witnessed the white supremacists blatantly attack anti-racist protesters just outside Market Street Park, which was then called Emancipation Park. One white supremacist fired a gun at counterprotesters.

Later, white supremacists viciously beat DeAndre Harris, who is black, inside a parking garage. The violence reached its climax when Fields, a neo-Nazi, allegedly drove his car into a crowd of anti-racist protesters, killing Heyer and injuring 19 others.
Which is exactly what I expected. Liberals are behaving exactly like the Islam violence cult to which they've been selling out this country for years! Like their muslim cousin-inbred retards, these pond-life throw murderous, America-hating public temper tantrums when they don't get their way, including assaults/threats against people's small children. These maggot-slime can't be reasoned with or cajoled, they're an exercise in mindless violence. That's why I want them hanged for treason; to me it's no different than putting down a dog with rabies. These things have already shown there is nothing human about their reasoning or behavior, they're simply a force of mindless destruction.
Which is exactly what I expected. Liberals are behaving exactly like the Islam violence cult to which they've been selling out this country for years! Like their muslim cousin-inbred retards, these pond-life throw murderous, America-hating public temper tantrums when they don't get their way, including assaults/threats against people's small children. These maggot-slime can't be reasoned with or cajoled, they're an exercise in mindless violence. That's why I want them hanged for treason; to me it's no different than putting down a dog with rabies. These things have already shown there is nothing human about their reasoning or behavior, they're simply a force of mindless destruction.

Well look at how Republicans act

Authorities said multiple people were injured after truck crashed into protesters in Flint, Michigan



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