The Left Killed Rock and Roll

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Crusty old men have been calling the young kids' music crap since there were crusty old men... we will all do it, one day...
The Left Killed Rock and Roll

Soooooooooooooooo ................. you're saying the Beatles killed rock 'n' roll because half of them were lefthanded?

That's as close as I can get to making any fuckin' sense out of the title of this thread. :dunno:
Like art, they killed it with their brainwashing that taking a crap on a canvas is art worth 6 figures, they killed it with insane rap crap that anyone can do.

Think I’m wrong? Who’s the Elvis, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Elton John, Pink Floyd etc of the last 20 years?

No one.

The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' Returns to Top 3 on Billboard 200 Chart After Nearly 50 Years

Who’s the Elvis, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Elton John, Pink Floyd etc of the last 20 years?

Who cares?

They were the reason I stopped listening to music in the first place
The Left Killed Rock and Roll

Soooooooooooooooo ................. you're saying the Beatles killed rock 'n' roll because half of them were lefthanded?

That's as close as I can get to making any fuckin' sense out of the title of this thread. :dunno:
Put it through the bitter old man filter on the AARP app, turn it upside down...take some DMT, and then re-read. It will be OBVIOUS
Like art, they killed it with their brainwashing that taking a crap on a canvas is art worth 6 figures, they killed it with insane rap crap that anyone can do.

Think I’m wrong? Who’s the Elvis, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Elton John, Pink Floyd etc of the last 20 years?

No one.

The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' Returns to Top 3 on Billboard 200 Chart After Nearly 50 Years
You're an old fuck who doesn't get it anymore. Go listen to Jimmy Buffet.

You trying to kill him?
Like art, they killed it with their brainwashing that taking a crap on a canvas is art worth 6 figures, they killed it with insane rap crap that anyone can do.

Think I’m wrong? Who’s the Elvis, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Elton John, Pink Floyd etc of the last 20 years?

No one.

The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' Returns to Top 3 on Billboard 200 Chart After Nearly 50 Years
rock and roll might be dwindling but i dont think the left had anything to do with it....the kids of today have grown up listening to the shit that they call music today...
Like art, they killed it with their brainwashing that taking a crap on a canvas is art worth 6 figures, they killed it with insane rap crap that anyone can do.

Think I’m wrong? Who’s the Elvis, Beatles, Chuck Berry, Elton John, Pink Floyd etc of the last 20 years?

No one.

The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' Returns to Top 3 on Billboard 200 Chart After Nearly 50 Years
if you don't like rap, just don't listen to it.

good god the searching people will do to find something to bitch about.
The lifestyle ruined their skills and talents mentally and physically. Society and civilization followed them. Then people thought disco and punk were the answer and they were wrong (for the most part but not entirely as there were good songs there). Then the public started to embrace what they thought was safe with so called country music while others became more extreme with rap. Then MTV was bought by Viacom in 1991 and things went downhill from there. Plus there was the issue of A.I.D.S. on top of everything from the early 1980's. Then on top of all of that people (including the recording artists themselves) not only do not understand or value freedom and capitalism but had no idea that they were in a business so when everything was stolen off of the internet they were out of the job.

It was said that live music was the future but that's equivalent to saying bread is the new sandwich as if that is something new. It means you go without and the rest of you are wondering what in the hell happened to all of what made sandwiches sandwiches like a bunch of baboon idiots. Then when everyone were lost and confused they turned to David Geffen's (who continues to hide on his city sized yacht all over Earth) monster Obama and thought it was a good idea to surrender our wars, their freedom, their children's, their communities, everything everywhere for a piece of candy. Hell, they didn't even get that. But that's all o.k. because they will do it again. Just pay attention to your beer and football.
You people have no clue how it works. Music industry is like Deep State. If it says X is what we want to market, X and only X gets marketed.
You people have no clue how it works. Music industry is like Deep State. If it says X is what we want to market, X and only X gets marketed.

That isn't because of the "left", that is because of "shareholder value".
there's plenty of good music out there. You just to have to go looking.

Yes, but most of us don't have 23 hours a day to go browsing through YouTube every day, and besides that mp3's suck badly, even if it's good enough for Taylor Swift and rap crap, and the amount of music put out in high end file formats isn't that large, and in fact it's hard to find any decent audiophile equipment any more without ordering stuff off the net and hoping it doesn't suck. Stores no longer carry anything but the 'home entertainment', Bluetooth type rubbish, no place to try out new gear. You can get decent set of high impedance headphones at a guitar store, but little else.
And, rock n roll was always aimed at getting 12 year old girls to part with their allowances, it was never 'great music' to begin with, and always commercial stuff. What sells today is aimed at the same market demographics it was aimed at in 1955, and always has been.
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