The left Marxist are beating us !

They have the Schools
They have Hollywood
They have the useless youth
They have the MEDIA. !!!
They have the illegals

They may have the nation in 4 months
We have zero FBI and zero police

But we have the guns!!! And we will fight to the death if they come to us !!

March through the institutions

The lefties and fake centrist support everything marxist socialist
Thier latest is blm .....but they're only supporting them cause wacism and police reform .....pfffffftttttt

Wanna buy a bridge
You know women couldn't vote in the USA until 37 years after Marx's death.

Marx was mostly a philosopher who hated politics. but fought for workers rights at a time when slavery was fresh in our minds....burning witches not long before.
They have the Schools
They have Hollywood
They have the useless youth
They have the MEDIA. !!!
They have the illegals

They may have the nation in 4 months
We have zero FBI and zero police

But we have the guns!!! And we will fight to the death if they come to us !!

they have the schools, the professors, the media. They may end up winning by attrition. If they win this next presidential election though, I don't think the Republicans will ever get another one. The DEmocrats/ marxist party will never allow another mistake like Trump. They will do away with the electoral college and large cities will rule the rest of the country.
I wish the USA would split into several nations
I hated this nation during the Odemon era of corruption snd fascism
When trump won ..I finally felt American again
The left wing fascist will obliterate the second amend so that only a .22 riffle will be allowed
Dems are the true Nazis of our time

I had enough of Muslim extremist.. that Is so 2006
The Dems are far more sinister, cunning and ruthless than the USSR
Are you sure the Republican party is so great ?
Imagine if Donald Trump had been elected as a Democrat against say Jeb Bush , don't you think this coup against him would have still happened ?
GOP is the party of nothing
Self serving, power hungry , rapacious and spineless
I am not calling for any violence !!!
I am only saying that eventually they are going to face real resistance as they smash and burn the nation
Issac Newton said it
“ ...every reaction has an equal and opposite one “
Now Isak Newtan ee wuz a lime
Now'd abat gwavaty an abat time
Yu guyz wid gunz cweateu a big farze
Gona git dat barwel stufed wite up yure ass

Every step you take
Every move you make

On August 19, 1966 - students launched a fight for social justice to fight for the rights of the oppressed in China. The patriarch system in China had been created by the 1% and held down women, minorities, and the working class. The students cried out for a revolution and change. They launched the Cultural Revolution. Students put a red band around their arm to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and called for a change on old ideas that they called the FOUR OLDS. The Four Olds were: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas.

The movement was supported by the Chinese media.
Mass demonstrations and looting by the students ensued.
Statues were torn down.
Chinese architecture was destroyed.
Classical literature and Chinese paintings were torn apart and burned.
Temples were desecrated.
The Cemetery of Confucius was attacked.
The corpse of the 76th-generation Duke Yansheng was removed from its grave and hung naked from a tree.
Wealthy homes were attacked and destroyed.
Many families' long-kept genealogy books were burned to ashes.
Public leaders who were considered to be oppressive were tried by angry mobs and vigilantes
Three days later, August 22, 1966, a central directive was issued to stop police intervention. The police were disbanded in the city and the students formed a community solution called the RED GUARD. The RED GUARDS policed the communities and punished anyone who did not agree with their ideas. Even people that supported the movement, but had bad thoughts could be punished.
Though many Christians supported the movement in the beginning, they quickly became the number one target of the RED GUARDS and public trials were held to condemn them to death.
Many of those that were on board with the cause of the rebellion in the beginning saw that it was not really what they had signed up for, but by then it was too late. The power that the Red Guard wanted had already been given.
More people died during the cultural revolution in China than any war, famine, or natural disaster in the history of man.
They have the Schools
They have Hollywood
They have the useless youth
They have the MEDIA. !!!
They have the illegals

They may have the nation in 4 months
We have zero FBI and zero police

But we have the guns!!! And we will fight to the death if they come to us !!

they have the schools, the professors, the media. They may end up winning by attrition. If they win this next presidential election though, I don't think the Republicans will ever get another one. The DEmocrats/ marxist party will never allow another mistake like Trump. They will do away with the electoral college and large cities will rule the rest of the country.

Good analysis by OP.

1. Just read that the majority of children being born are no longer Euro-American.

2. Just read that within 25 years this will be a non-Euro-American nation.

3. The chaos and violence this year has woken up people to the fact that -- like it or not -- the United States of America is actually a-changing. (Just read the House of Reps wants to rename Washington, D.C. in honor of Mr. Frederick Douglass.)

Wake up and smell the coffee. 2020 marks the beginning of the end of the United States of America as we have all known it.

Two certain ethnicities will soon be running everything. If any American feels uncomfortable about this dramatic turn of events, s/he will simply have to adjust to this new environment or -- emigrate. Where to? I know not.
They have the Schools
They have Hollywood
They have the useless youth
They have the MEDIA. !!!
They have the illegals

They may have the nation in 4 months
We have zero FBI and zero police

But we have the guns!!! And we will fight to the death if they come to us !!
What makes them actual Marxist?
Quasar44, the Marxists aren't beating us. Keep this in mind, When Fidel Castro struggled to bring Communism into Cuba, he actually had the public believing he had a huge popular following....he didn't, but because he was able to con not only the government, but also the people, they caved in.
The same was true in Russia. The Bolsheviks were really just a small group that conned the people as well as the military, that the following was huge, which it wasn't. But they conned the right people into going along with them, promising that Communism was going to be a utopia, freeing the people of oppression and once in power, killed millions that realized that they were duped, oppressing the remainder and only the very top tier had actual privilege's and true power.
North Korea is another example of Communism. All of its people, suffer, with the exception of the upper elite. freedom there. Follow the Communist policies without complaint, or be arrested, imprisoned quite possibly, disappear.
Yeah, they just walked into the room and convinced everyone in their nation that communism was where it was at and everyone fell in line. There were no wars, no revolutions no loss of life they just took control easy as pie....
You are aware that the US killed a couple of million natives to found the US?
I am not calling for any violence !!!
I am only saying that eventually they are going to face real resistance as they smash and burn the nation
Issac Newton said it
“ ...every reaction has an equal and opposite one “
Yeah, the way those left Marxists smashed and burned the nation while Obama was President? And by the way, Newton actually said: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Get it right, moron. Action/Reaction. Get it?
I am not calling for any violence !!!
I am only saying that eventually they are going to face real resistance as they smash and burn the nation
Issac Newton said it
“ ...every reaction has an equal and opposite one “
Yeah, the way those left Marxists smashed and burned the nation while Obama was President? And by the way, Newton actually said: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Get it right, moron. Action/Reaction. Get it?
Is that the only word you people know is Marxist?
The communist in China and Russia were not Marxist, you people have no idea what the hell it is. You use it to try and induce fear when you look silly redundantly reiterating a word doesn't make it any scarier.
The Dems are far more sinister, cunning and ruthless than the USSR
Are you sure the Republican party is so great ?
Imagine if Donald Trump had been elected as a Democrat against say Jeb Bush , don't you think this coup against him would have still happened ?
No, but Democrats/Marxists gotta go, and then we'll clean out that Republican party, too.

No more Romneys. Tbh, the US may have been blessed by that charlatan never being president.

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