The left sure respect the beliefs of others and religious freedom don't they?

It's what the left does... they appease. The sad truth is the Muzzie raiders will come for the gays and the freaks first.
Why respect bigots? That's being an accomplice to bigotry.
Would you consider someone who throws homosexuals off a roof to their death a "bigot"? Would you consider someone who won't allow a woman to drive a car or go out in public without a burka "a bigot"? You would? Then you have no respect for Islamics; just exactly like I thought.

Who on this forum is advocating killing homosexuals? Name the names and link to the quotes.

The Muzzies sure are.
How does baking a cake violate someone's religion ? Is it made of pork?

The 1st amendment means people don't have to answer you, or government when it comes to their beliefs unless there is a compelling government interest, and if there is government can only act in the least restrictive method it can figure out.

The least restrictive 'method' is bake the cake, or choose another occupation that doesn't conflict with your crackpot religious beliefs.

Se.. there's the intolerance. If you don't believe what I believe, then your beliefs are "crackpot".

Fucking hypocritical, lying sacks of shit.

Or put up a Christmas tree on public property or carry a Bible on school property.
How does baking a cake violate someone's religion ? Is it made of pork?

The 1st amendment means people don't have to answer you, or government when it comes to their beliefs unless there is a compelling government interest, and if there is government can only act in the least restrictive method it can figure out.

The least restrictive 'method' is bake the cake, or choose another occupation that doesn't conflict with your crackpot religious beliefs.

No, the least restrictive method is make the baker display a sign about their policy and have them list other bakers in the area who are willing to serve said customers.

Whites only?


Why not? More than likely they would be out of business in a fortnight.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

Full disclosure - I'm a catholic and lean Right. I agree with religious rights, etc. BUT...

I never really agreed that people should be able to refuse service such as baking a cake. What if I owned a hardware store in a small town and a same-sex couple walked in to buy supplies for their house? What if I owned the only gas station in town? Could I refuse service to same sex couples? I understand a cake isn't a necessity and most likely there are other bakers. The issue is where do you draw the line? Who decides what is a necessity and what's fair? See where I'm going with this? If anyone could refuse service based on religious reasons then I could refuse to sell someone food even if I'm the only store in town open at the time.

Honestly, as a Christian I don't get how baking is against MY religious beliefs. I'm not the one walking down the aisle, nor am I practicing same sex marriage. I'm merely not denying someone a request that I would grant to anyone else. For lack of a better way to explain this... If God doesn't want same sex couples to marry then God will deal with it in the afterlife.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

Full disclosure - I'm a catholic and lean Right. I agree with religious rights, etc. BUT...

I never really agreed that people should be able to refuse service such as baking a cake. What if I owned a hardware store in a small town and a same-sex couple walked in to buy supplies for their house? What if I owned the only gas station in town? Could I refuse service to same sex couples? I understand a cake isn't a necessity and most likely there are other bakers. The issue is where do you draw the line? Who decides what is a necessity and what's fair? See where I'm going with this? If anyone could refuse service based on religious reasons then I could refuse to sell someone food even if I'm the only store in town open at the time.

Honestly, as a Christian I don't get how baking is against MY religious beliefs. I'm not the one walking down the aisle, nor am I practicing same sex marriage. I'm merely not denying someone a request that I would grant to anyone else. For lack of a better way to explain this... If God doesn't want same sex couples to marry then God will deal with it in the afterlife.

It's a question of balance. Is the proper response to not baking a cake really the destruction of one's livelihood? Is it actually work $145,000 of "harm"? The idea that Religious liberty ends at the doors of your church or your house, or when you try to sell something as absolute concepts is something so ludicrous that I sometimes have difficulty understanding the hatred the government force proponents have for people who simply think differently than they do.
"The left sure respect the beliefs of others and religious freedom don't they?"

Yes, they do - unlike many on the right; too many.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

I am unaware of any religion that considers cake baking to be a religious rite

Who said it is up to government or yourself to decide a person's religious beliefs, or how the exercise it, in the absence of harm to others?

"in the absence of harm to others"

So, not getting person A to bake a cake and having to get person B to do it is harm?

Fucking sissies. Jesus.. you leftwingers are fucking fruity.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

I am unaware of any religion that considers cake baking to be a religious rite

Who said it is up to government or yourself to decide a person's religious beliefs, or how the exercise it, in the absence of harm to others?

"in the absence of harm to others"

How is having your feelings hurt and having to find another baker harm?
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

I am unaware of any religion that considers cake baking to be a religious rite

You're unaware of a great many things... but then, you're a leftwing whackaloon.

It's not about cakes.... it;s about being forced to participate in something that is morally repugnant to oneself.

Bigotry, hidden behind still bigotry

And is allowed in a free society, as long as government remains 100% neutral and ambivalent.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

I really do not care if you bake a cake or not, but do not tell me if I can or can not bake a cake for that couple.

You want to be a close minded bigot and use your religion to support your view, well how ISIL of you!
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

I am unaware of any religion that considers cake baking to be a religious rite

You're unaware of a great many things... but then, you're a leftwing whackaloon.

It's not about cakes.... it;s about being forced to participate in something that is morally repugnant to oneself.

Bigotry, hidden behind still bigotry

I don't need a morality lecture from a infanticide proponent. You leftwingers have the moral compass of a degenerate.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.

I am unaware of any religion that considers cake baking to be a religious rite

Who said it is up to government or yourself to decide a person's religious beliefs, or how the exercise it, in the absence of harm to others?

"in the absence of harm to others"

How is having your feelings hurt and having to find another baker harm?

Not to mention, who would want to do business with someone that doesn't want to do business with you?

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