The Left using children as their tools for political activism. The war on children


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
To date, we have seen children cut class to protest guns, climate change, and now Zionism. However, we all know that these events were prompted by the faculty that taught those children, as it was all coordinated nationwide at the same time. Is this not child abuse? After all, what do children know about much of anything? As it is, the US has a sitting Congresswoman who thinks the moon is a planet and is made of gas, even though she has sat on a committee for NASA of all things. Yes, these are the people making decisions on how children are educated, or I should say, indoctrinated. In fact, I'm sure the same woman who thinks the moon is made of gas also thinks the dirty Jews of Israel should all be irradicated or sent to the new planet of Moon. She then told school children that the Moon really is a planet.


But none of us will ever forget Gretta.

Here is a little girl who is obviously on the spectrum of some type who skips class to travel the world telling world leaders that her life is over and that she should be in school enjoying her life instead of pleading to them to save her and the planet. She really believes she has no real future and that the world will end in 10 years or so. This is child abuse as they tell children all over the world the same thing, they have no future and the world is ending.

But it is no different than telling children in grade and high schools to go protest guns, as they hold mock emergent gun attacks to prepare the students for a coming gun assault at their local schools. Mind you, they then take these children out of class time when they should be being educated to hold signs up telling the world that everyone should disavow owning a gun. So, you add the trauma of assuming someone will soon shoot the school up with class time being cut so they will not be as well educated, and what you wind up with is more child abuse.

And now the college level, we are seeing more of the same from the Left. Even though these kids are considered to be adults, they know virtually nothing about the topic they are protesting about. Just ask any of them and what you will get is a serious of regurgitated talking inaccurate points about how Israel is a genocidal state, and apartheid state, and that Gaza is an open-air prison. They have no knowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization that is a mere proxy of Iran and has sworn to destroy the Zionist state at any cost, nor do they seem to care. Again, they are taken away from their studies and class time to do this, in addition to preventing Jewish students from doing the same. What they are instead learning is, hating Jews is Ok and mistreating them is justified. But as we see at these rallies, the faculty is completely behind these kids and present to demonstrate, which tells me they are simply fueling these protests.

But the Left is all about child abuse as they openly advocate children undergoing sex changes, sex changes that many children today are lamenting.

And they also advocate abortion on demand, a true genocide targeting humans based upon their stage of human development to the tune of some 60 million plus dead. But these same kids say that Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza, even though the population levels of Gaza has steadily gone up year after year, as where a true genocide is 6 million Jews simply gone like we saw in Nazi Germany.

When will the world rise up and begin to defend children, instead of canceling their classes for a virus none of them had much of a risk for, putting them behind in their education and altering their social maturity by making them wear masks that basically did nothing.

It is then no wonder that the mental health of kids all over the country is in the toilet.

But that is the way of the world, I'm afraid, which is abuse the powerless. Those who are the weakest, those who are the poorest, those are the people that will be abused to their fullest.
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Imagine if you will, a school protest about any conservative issue, such as overspending in government which will put generation after generation into financial chaos. Or how about protesting being forced out of schools due to a virus that posed very little threat to their person, but when in school having to wear a mask that does virtually nothing, other than stunt their social development.

We all know that these protests would never be permitted, because we all inherently know that academia is completely owned by the Left, as evident of how children protest in these institutions. They are more indoctrination centers than centers for education.

It reminds me of how Bernie Sanders proudly referred to how Cuba had a reading program for children. What he failed to mention was, the reason they were taught to read was so they could read Marxist propaganda.

But groups like Hamas take the prize. Imagine Mickey Mouse telling you to murder the dirty Jew.

There is nothing comparable to this anywhere else in the world. A whole generation of innocent children being taught to hate Jews for the rest of their lives, and now they are teaching American children the same at these colleges.



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Conservatives try to stand in front of children and shield them.

Democrats throw their children out into the fray to make them fight their battles. They are also willing to personally harm children by letting them get surgeries and drugs to be trannies and a lot of them parade around their tranny kids, they promote aborting children, and them get hurt in shootings and crime because they will not do anything to get rid of the dopeheads, criminals and crazy people that intentionally try to hurt others.
luiza said:
The Nazi .. .

Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

More from the horrific Luiza on WW2, IT wrote:
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant.... .(Mar 6, 2023).
Conservatives try to stand in front of children and shield them.

Democrats throw their children out into the fray to make them fight their battles. They are also willing to personally harm children by letting them get surgeries and drugs to be trannies and a lot of them parade around their tranny kids, they promote aborting children, and them get hurt in shootings and crime because they will not do anything to get rid of the dopeheads, criminals and crazy people that intentionally try to hurt others.
You've gone full psycho.
Conservatives try to stand in front of children and shield them.

Democrats throw their children out into the fray to make them fight their battles. They are also willing to personally harm children by letting them get surgeries and drugs to be trannies and a lot of them parade around their tranny kids, they promote aborting children, and them get hurt in shootings and crime because they will not do anything to get rid of the dopeheads, criminals and crazy people that intentionally try to hurt others.
Leftards are horrible human beings.
View attachment 940955

Imagine if you will, a school protest about any conservative issue, such as overspending in government which will put generation after generation into financial chaos. Or how about protesting being forced out of schools due to a virus that posed very little threat to their person, but when in school having to wear a mask that does virtually nothing, other than stunt their social development.

We all know that these protests would never be permitted, because we all inherently know that academia is completely owned by the Left, as evident of how children protest in these institutions. They are more indoctrination centers than centers for education.

It reminds me of how Bernie Sanders proudly referred to how Cuba had a reading program for children. What he failed to mention was, the reason they were taught to read was so they could read Marxist propaganda.

But groups like Hamas take the prize. Imagine Mickey Mouse telling you to murder the dirty Jew.

There is nothing comparable to this anywhere else in the world. A whole generation of innocent children being taught to hate Jews for the rest of their lives, and now they are teaching American children the same at these colleges.


The right uses children too. How many people has Greta Thunberg killed?

Their support for abortion is the gateway to evil. All the rest follows.
To date, we have seen children cut class to protest guns, climate change, and now Zionism. However, we all know that these events were prompted by the faculty that taught those children, as it was all coordinated nationwide at the same time. Is this not child abuse? After all, what do children know about much of anything? As it is, the US has a sitting Congresswoman who thinks the moon is a planet and is made of gas, even though she has sat on a committee for NASA of all things. Yes, these are the people making decisions on how children are educated, or I should say, indoctrinated. In fact, I'm sure the same woman who thinks the moon is made of gas also thinks the dirty Jews of Israel should all be irradicated or sent to the new planet of Moon. She then told school children that the Moon really is a planet.


But none of us will ever forget Gretta.

Here is a little girl who is obviously on the spectrum of some type who skips class to travel the world telling world leaders that her life is over and that she should be in school enjoying her life instead of pleading to them to save her and the planet. She really believes she has no real future and that the world will end in 10 years or so. This is child abuse as they tell children all over the world the same thing, they have no future and the world is ending.

But it is no different than telling children in grade and high schools to go protest guns, as they hold mock emergent gun attacks to prepare the students for a coming gun assault at their local schools. Mind you, they then take these children out of class time when they should be being educated to hold signs up telling the world that everyone should disavow owning a gun. So, you add the trauma of assuming someone will soon shoot the school up with class time being cut so they will not be as well educated, and what you wind up with is more child abuse.

And now the college level, we are seeing more of the same from the Left. Even though these kids are considered to be adults, they know virtually nothing about the topic they are protesting about. Just ask any of them and what you will get is a serious of regurgitated talking inaccurate points about how Israel is a genocidal state, and apartheid state, and that Gaza is an open-air prison. They have no knowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization that is a mere proxy of Iran and has sworn to destroy the Zionist state at any cost, nor do they seem to care. Again, they are taken away from their studies and class time to do this, in addition to preventing Jewish students from doing the same. What they are instead learning is, hating Jews is Ok and mistreating them is justified. But as we see at these rallies, the faculty is completely behind these kids and present to demonstrate, which tells me they are simply fueling these protests.

But the Left is all about child abuse as they openly advocate children undergoing sex changes, sex changes that many children today are lamenting.

And they also advocate abortion on demand, a true genocide targeting humans based upon their stage of human development to the tune of some 60 million plus dead. But these same kids say that Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza, even though the population levels of Gaza has steadily gone up year after year, as where a true genocide is 6 million Jews simply gone like we saw in Nazi Germany.

When will the world rise up and begin to defend children, instead of canceling their classes for a virus none of them had much of a risk for, putting them behind in their education and altering their social maturity by making them wear masks that basically did nothing.

It is then no wonder that the mental health of kids all over the country is in the toilet.

But that is the way of the world, I'm afraid, which is abuse the powerless. Those who are the weakest, those who are the poorest, those are the people that will be abused to their fullest.

Yer halo is tarnished.

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